Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Interview With Justin Libigs

The following is an interview with Justin Libigs, along with his Mother Judy Carl are the founders of WIPS. The team members of WIPS are Justin, Judy, and the rest of their family. It's a true family affair.

They have their own online Paranormal Television Show, Relatively Haunted which can be seen Monday nights at 7:00pm (Central) at

Q: How did you become interested in the Paranormal?

A: I became interested in the paranormal when I was about 5 years old. (back then it was called the supernatural) I was visited by my great great grandfather and he died a few years before I was born. In the 3rd grade It lead me to start reading every book I could get my hands on. When I was 12 armed with a big old Radio Shack tape recorder and a hand me down polaroid camera I went on my first investigation.

Q: How did you come to form your paranormal team?

A: Me and my mother Judy started investigating together and then my uncle joined us follow by my Aunt, daughter, cousin, and step father over time and so the team was born.

Q: Have you and or your team ever had any experiences with non human entities on a case?

A: Yes we have but do to confidentiality I can't discuss them.

Q: What was your favorite case to work on?

A: OOoooo favorite investigation...hummmm...that's a really tough one...I think I'd have to say the Walker House. Not because of the activity or anything like that but because it's an investigation we did to bring people in the paranormal community together and try and save it.

Blog Owner's Note: To help save the Walker House, please go to Walker House and make a donation.

Q: What's the best piece of paranormal evidence you have gotten?

A: The best evidence hummm...once again tough question. I really like 3 pieces. I love the please come to me EVP we got at Waverly Hills, The disembodied laugh we got at Waverly on film, and the singing doll from Episode 2 I'll never forget that one.

Q: What's the best personal paranormal experience during an investigation you and or your team have gotten?

A:My favorite experience is when I got punched in the chest at Bartonville State Hospital. It would have freaked most people out but I loved it!

Many thanks to Justin for answering my questions.

To contact Justin and his team please visit their website at

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