Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Treasure Chest, Plainfield, Wisconsin

This case report comes from Wisconsin Paranormal

  • Location: Plainfield, WI
  • Date: 01.31.09
  • Time: 9:00pm - 3:15am
  • Weather: 32.9/Clear (Outdoors) & 44.6-61.5 (Indoors)
  • Investigation Type: Indoor/Business/Residential
  • Investigators: Jay, Katie, Allen, Paul, Maddie, Laura, Perry, Amy, Ashley & Jackie
  • Classification: Public

Details: WPI was contacted via website email by the client requesting help with unexplainable activity. Client claims included, but are not limited to: footsteps, knocking on doors, pounding, doors opening/closing, sound of a woman’s voice, an apparition and lights turning on by themselves. The client wanted validity in their claims and do not necessarily feel threatened.

Findings: The first experience WPI had occurred during set-up when the cash register, which was off, printed the date on the receipt and turned back off. There is a possibility that this was caused by lead investigator Allen who was examining possible live wires in the basement. We also captured unexplainable shadow formations on two photographs taken in the basement of adjacent property. Both photographs share the same shadow on the right side, where the other also includes a shadow on the left side. Please visit the Photo & Video Evidence page and see photograph exhibits: Plainfield Bldg. B Basement Photo 01 - 1 shadow and Plainfield Bldg. B Basement Photo 02 - 2 shadows.

Upon trying to recreate the anomalies, we could not find a way to recreate these same shadows by any means with the same equipment.

Allen and Ashley, while investigating the apartment of the Treasure Chest, captured an EVP. Allen asks a question in regards to the man having died in the room and there is a faint “Yeah” in response to his question. Please visit the EVP page to hear EVP exhibit Treasure Chest Bedroom EVP 01.

Allen found EMF readings in excess of 15.0 coming from a coax-cable in the ceiling above Lona’s bed. A situation such as this may cause headaches, uneasiness, feelings of being watched, mild hallucinations; et al. WPI believes the cable in question requires better grounding to reduce these EMF levels. Otherwise temperatures appeared normal and did not fluctuate within rooms. We did find the basement of the adjacent property was home to several bats; however there have been no claims pertaining to this property.

We also noted the vast amount of religious artifacts and materials spread about the apartment of the tenants residing in the adjacent property. This may be due to their cultural and religious beliefs and not due to possible paranormal activity.

Conclusion: WPI believes there could be something paranormal based upon some of the claims where we were not able to find natural, reasonable explanations for these claims. The only exception would be with the high EMF readings explained above, which would not only cause the noted side effects, but could also lead to Electrical Hypersensitivity (EH). Despite the EVP and photographs we cannot say that the Treasure Chest and adjacent property are haunted, as the evidence overall is inconclusive.

The Treasure Chest ~ Plainfield, WI 01.31.09

Investigators: Jay, Katie, Allen, Paul, Maddie, Laura, Ashley, Perry, Amy & Jackie

The following are unexplainable shadow formations on two photographs taken in the basement of adjacent property. Both photographs share the same shadow on the right side, where the second also includes a shadow on the left side. Upon trying to recreate the anomalies, we could not find a way to recreate these same shadows by any means with the same equipment.

Treasure Chest Plainfield 1

Treasure Chest Plainfield 2

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