Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Paranormal News

Top 10 Most Haunted Schools in Illinois

Posted: 5/23/2011

At the Legends and Lore of Illinois, we know adolescence can be a particularly hard time in a person’s life, and that most of that time is spent in school. At some Illinois schools, however, homework, grades, and bullies aren’t the only thing students have to worry about. Some locker-lined hallways are stalked by the unseen. Which one will prove to be the most haunted?

To read the full article go Here.

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Problems in the paranormal community

by: Amy Hansford

Recently I have become aware of many groups bashing other groups and individuals within the paranormal community. I find this behavior childish and rude. We have enough problems with outsiders, so why must we pick on our own? We are all free to have our opinions, that is what makes our country great. We can express those opinions in ways that will not make others feel bad or immediately be defensive. We should not have to be defending our evidence or ourselves.

Our team puts evidence out there only because we have exhausted all other options and deem it to be paranormal. We are open to other peoples comments in hopes that they could or might see something we did not. We are like this with others evidence as well. We are not better than anyone else in this field and we do not feel that anyone else is better than us. We are all here for the same reasons so why are there fighting, name calling, and evidence bashing?

I can clearly remember the Golden Rule, "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you". What does this mean? In my opinion it means treat everyone how YOU would want to be treated. I know that I have written a similar article in the past, but I feel it is needed again. We, in the paranormal community must band together and stick up for each other. Sharing evidence and ideas is how we learn.

I feel like I am reprimanding a bunch of 5 year olds. You all know who you are. You are not superior to the rest of us. We are all equal in this field. So I guess what I am saying is, if you can't say anything nice do not say anything at all!

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THE FOLLOWING IS FROM paranormaldailynews.com

Neve Campbell (remember her?) says that her house is haunted

Scream actress Neve Campbell said her former house in Los Angeles was haunted and she used to see the woman that was murdered in the home throughout the house!

The 37-year-old told British Live magazine: ‘I know that ghosts exist because I’ve seen one. A few years ago I moved into a haunted house in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles, with some friends. It turned out that it was inhabited by the ghost of a woman who had been murdered there in 1991.’

She added: ‘Doors would repeatedly slam, windows would open and ashtrays would fly off dressers. Then there were times when the ghost would actually walk into the room. After a while it just felt normal. I would pass her in the hallway and casually wish her good morning.’

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Demi Lovato — I’ve Seen a Ghost!!!

(TMZ.com) GHOSTS ARE REAL … so says Demi Lovato … who claims she can remember the exact time and place she saw paranormal activity WITH HER OWN EYES!

Demi dropped the bone-chilling news last night outside of the Nine Zero One Salon in L.A.

Watch her speak about it on video, HERE.

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Interest in London Bridge Paranormal Activity Heats Up

If Lake Havasu City’s London Bridge – the signature attraction relocated there stone by stone in 1971 – isn’t haunted, then nothing is. How do we know the bridge is haunted? Apparently, EVP’s (electronic voice phenomena) and abnormalities in photos and videos have been captured for years. EVPs are believed by paranormal researchers to be voice recordings of spirits. There is also evidence of so-called residual energy in slate and iron nails.

Ghost Tours Resume May 13 on Most Haunted Bridge in the World, Celebrating its 40th Anniversary in Lake Havasu, Ariz.

One man has studied paranormal activity on the bridge for eight years. Professional photographer and paranormal investigator Gary Asberry, 53, is about to resurrect his popular London Bridge Ghost Tours in time for the 40th anniversary of the bridge dedication planned in fall 2011. Tours begin Friday the 13th of May, 2011.

For years, amateur photos and videos of the bridge show strange orbs of light, where none existed to the naked eye. Asberry has a file of thousands of these himself, all unexplainable, all emanating from what his 2,000 hours of study leads him to believe is the most haunted bridge in the world.

Over 100,000 people are said to have committed suicide on the bridge when it spanned the River Thames since its completion in 1831, not to mention the bodies of executed criminals and pirates that were displayed on the span. Asberry believes corpses were stored inside and famed serial murderer Jack the Ripper even used the bridge as his escape route.

“Thousands of people have talked to me over the years from all over the world about their experiences with ghosts and paranormal activity on the bridge,” said Asberry who recorded his first EVP in a deserted graveyard when he was 17 years old.

Asberry says every tour results in something interesting. From guests who capture spirit energy in the form of “orbs” or “ecto” on their cameras, to others who feel spirits rushing by, he says many skeptics have turned believer by the end of his tour, especially when they know that the orbs appearing on their own digital images couldn’t possibly have been Photoshopped.

Interest in paranormal activity is expected to increase as Lake Havasu City organizers plan an elaborate celebration in October 2011 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of what has become the city’s signature attraction, considered the “world’s largest antique” by Guinness World Records. (For more information: golakehavasu.com)

About Lake Havasu City

Lake Havasu City, three hours driving time from Phoenix, 2-1/4 hours south of Las Vegas and four to five from the Los Angeles region, attracts 750,000 visitors a year thanks to its dry, desert weather, more than 300 sunny days a year, a range of restaurants and lodging, and a boatload of special events.

For more information on Lake Havasu City, Arizona’s only waterfront resort destination, including a 2011 calendar of events, log onto golakehavasu.com or call 928 453 3444. Also find Lake Havasu on-line at facebook.com/lakehavasucityarizona and twitter.com/golakehavasu.

Classifications of Hauntings

by C. Bailey-Lloyd

This article was found @ www.ghosthaunts.com

In the paranormal field you will deal with many different forms of hauntings and many different claims of hauntings. It is important in the interest of appearing professional that you are knowledgeable in the different types of hauntings. Firstly lets define what a haunting is.

A haunting is the act of a person or thing that haunts; visitation.

Now that definition is a bit vague so to further refine our definition lets look at the definition of the term Haunt.

Haunt: To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.

Now we could clearly see that in the definitions listed above a "Haunting" is a ghost or supernatural being that visits, appears or inhabits a location. These of course are the paranormal definitions of a haunting and a haunt, as we all know a song can haunt you as well as a thought or even an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend so remember that this definition is only for the paranormal field.

With the definition of a haunting fresh in our minds lets take a look at some of the theoretical causes of an alleged haunting. There are many "causes" to hauntings believed by many investigators worldwide. While these theories seem to have basis and plausibility the truth is that it is simply unknown what truly causes a haunting. It is important to remember that the following few statements are theories only.

One theory is, and is the most widely believed, that the "ghost" has unfinished business with this world and that it has anchored the spirit to this semi conscious life. This theory while commendable in its assumptions cannot be proved. This is why it is still considered theory. Though this is probably the more accurate of the theories.

Theory Two:

The spirit of a dearly departed will return to earth as a guardian spirit sent by God. A truly comforting theory to say the least but it doesn't answer the fact that these spirits sometimes will play pranks or interact with you or even cry for help themselves.

The third and final theory that will be covered today is:

These are demons and angels that pose as our loved ones to corrupt us or inspire us. Interesting to say the least but yet not completely perfect. Perhaps all three may combine into an ultimate answer or maybe it is just left to the unknown. The answer to What causes a Haunting may never be truly answered.

What we do know is that natural causes explain over eighty percent of all claims.

  • Old Paint

  • Mold

  • High EMF

  • Mind Altering Narcotics

  • Gas Leaks

  • Mental Illness

  • Matrixing

These are all natural causes that could explain our sudden claims of ghosts. Though this list is not exhaustive and again this is theoretically some natural causes. However these things listed above have been clinically proved to be harmful to your health.

Lets look at the different classifications of hauntings now. There are several different types of classifications of hauntings. These classifications help identify the extent of the activity and even could determine the validity of a claim. It is important to remember that these are the guidelines that paranormal investigators use while interviewing clients to determine the type of activity that could be anticipated during an investigation. These classifications are the most commonly used by paranormal investigators and are but one way of thinking about hauntings. However these classifications are proving to be pretty definitive when corresponding to collected evidence.

Intelligent Haunting:

An intelligent haunting is a haunting in which the afflicting spirit can and will interact and often communicate with the client and or investigators. This type of haunting occurs sometimes, this is not the most common form of haunting but will be encountered more than most other forms.

Signs of an intelligent haunting:

  • Responsive and interactive activity

  • Objects being moved or influenced

  • Random acts of paranormal activity

Residual Haunting:

This type of haunting is by far the most common form of haunting. However the definition of a residual haunting is noticeably different than an intelligent class haunting.

In this classification there isn't any form of interaction at all. It is believed to be a series of past events played over and over in an endless loop. These events can have a set day and time known as an " Anniversary Imprint". They may be just as random as the previous form but cant respond or interact. It is believed that the spirit might also have no idea that it is dead and a ghost.

Signs of a Residual Haunting:

  • Activity only noticed on certain days or times

  • Spirit is unable to communicate or unresponsive/unable to interact

Now to look at the less common classifications of hauntings. These forms though may occur and may be encountered it is important to realize that less than one percent of all actual hauntings consist of the next two classes. These are the classifications that Hollywood likes to prey upon and distort and make popular. The next two classifications we will look at are:

  • Poltergeist

  • Non-Human


German for noisy ghost; an entity or energy that displays sensational interaction with the physical environment, and manifests only when a specific individual or individuals are present

Or a ghost that manifests itself by noises, trappings or creating disorder. This particular haunting can be "life disrupting". This means that it will cause such a disturbance that normal everyday life will become impossible. It is necessary to remember that this form of haunting is extremely rare.

Stated before this haunting will more than often be associated with a specific individual and in most cases this individual is a CHILD!

Lets look at some theoretical causes of a poltergeist:

Theoretical Cause

A poltergeist is initiated by pent-up stress on a subconscious level, often explained as uncontrolled psycho kinetic activity or 'Recurrent Spontaneous Psycho kinesis' (RSPK). This RSPK can theoretically be channeled and focused by high deposits of Lime stone and quartz. This theory supports all skeptics everywhere, it suggests that pent up stress on your mind may cause delirium resulting in hallucinations that are perceived as a less than welcome Ghost.

This is probably the more accurate theory and is a valid psychoanalysis of a alleged poltergeist haunting.

NOTE: Jumping to this conclusion prematurely can bring question to ones professionalism.

A Second Theory:

A spirit of a human or doppelganger that is exhibiting malicious and violent tendencies. This spirit is often believed to be a person who once lived at the location that is unhappy with the current inhabitants or died at the location in a horrible and or violent way. Interestingly enough this theory has some basis to it. Though it can possibly be plausible this theory in itself is flawed. A spirit that has had a violent death more often than not will cry out for help rather than lash out in a violent way.

With this said it can be concluded that a violent or malicious "Poltergeist" could be classified as our next designation "Non-Human".

Characteristics of a Poltergeist:

  • Movement and hurling around of inanimate, often extremely heavy, objects.

  • The opening and closing of doors and windows by no visible means.

  • Unexplained noises such as voices, moans, screams, explosions, crashes, raps, thumps, scratches and knocks on floors, doors and walls, heavy footsteps, bed-shaking.

  • The breaking of household objects such as crockery.

  • The destruction of garments, the throwing of stones, rocks and dirt, bad smells, mysterious fires.

the appearance of pools of water on floors, the malfunctioning of electrical equipment, telephone ringing, the unexplained appearance of objects ('apports'), apparitions and even physical assault.

The next and final classification of haunting we will look at is "Non-Human". This classification is normally known as Demonic... For purposes of fairness and length this term has combined all Non-Human spirits together. Angels, Demons and Deities are covered briefly in this section. It is noted that this section is concurrent to peoples personal religious beliefs, it should also be noted that as a paranormal investigator one should be impartial and open minded to the clients beliefs even if they don't reflect their own. This section will be briefly touched on as there is really no way that any of the following could be proved scientifically.

Non-Human classification can be broken down into three separate categories

  • Angels

  • Demons

  • Deities

Angels are probably not a class we would consider a haunting and are definitely the most welcome of the spiritual visitors. Think of your guardian angel if you believe in such a being.

Deities or gods are again not a class we would consider a haunting and again are probably welcome spirits. Ancient Greeks were often visited by what they believed were their "Gods", such as the many infidelities of Zeus.

These classes however do need characteristics to be mentioned as the next class can impersonate these classes to obtain what they desire.

Demons are the final classification of haunting that we may encounter in the "Non-Human" category. Even if you do not believe in some form of religion most people believe in some form of evil creatures that plague our world. Though these creatures are extremely rare we may encounter demonic hauntings. These hauntings are never easy to deal with. These are malicious and violent and pose just as much danger to the client as they do us.

Characteristics of Demonic hauntings:

  • Violent and harmful spiritual attacks.

  • Spirits doppelganging as other human spirits to gain the trust of the living.

  • Sudden changes in the attitude of the residents and or children.

  • Markings and scratches on the body of residents.

It is important to note that these hauntings may require the help of religious leaders and other trained demonologists. Do not provoke or invoke demons and certainly never invite.

Finally lets look at some ways you may be able determine the classification of a haunting for yourself or for your own investigations, as these articles are to foremost educate others in the paranormal field as well as help those who need clarification to better understand what they may be experiencing.

Here are some of the methods used by paranormal investigation groups worldwide:

  • Ask the client questions

Based on the client's answers we could determine the characteristics and classify the alleged haunting.

  • Use personal experiences at the location (If Any)
  • \

Personal experiences can allude to the type of haunting we are dealing with and help determine "hot spots" to investigate.

  • Use the evidence collected at a location.

Some hauntings aren't clear or can be multiple types at once and could be confusing in this case we use the collected evidence to determine the type and or classification.

  • Research the characteristics/ claims prior to the investigation.

This runs hand in hand with asking the client questions.

All of these methods are common to Paranormal Investigators and again are not the "only" method of determination. As you become more experienced your own instincts will determine the proper method for you to use. Only time and patience will decide your niche within this field. Understanding takes a while and while you may be experiencing these phenomena it is important to realize that though many of what was mentioned in this article is widely believed and used by the pros, these are still only theories and as such are not one hundred percent conclusive. Only further research may shed a little more light on the unknown world of the paranormal.

Bruce Linn

Founder of Paranormal Investigations of Staten Island

Can We Have Communication With the Dead?

This article was found @ www.ghosthaunts.com

(Original publication - early 1900's)

A True Human Instinct

It is perfectly natural to want to talk with our loved ones who have died. It adds to our grief that we cannot.

It's a true human instinct to miss them, and long intensely for them, and to feel lonely in their absence. All this may be kept out of sight, pretty much, under a strong good self-control. But anything else is not natural.

Death is always a shock, even when expected. It makes a bad break in one's life. I know a young man who wrote to his mother every day, even if only a few lines, when his work took him quite away from her. And when she slipped from his grasp it took the longest time and some strange feelings to break that daily writing habit.

He had prayed daily for her. And it seemed so queer not to. It seemed like not being true to her, as though it were disloyal not to be naming her in the daily prayer.. Then he learned to put praise in the place of the old-time prayer, that, she was safe past troublous things, up in the Master's own presence. But what a wrench that change of habit did make !

I have a dear friend whose husband suddenly snapped the life-cord, and was gone. They had lived an ideal life together for long years. She always leaned upon his counsel and fellowship in family matters. And it seemed as if she could not get used to doing without him. A bit of her very self had gone.

Grief, tense, deep, overwhelming, is the natural thing. Its emotional sweep and suction is tremendous, quite beyond words. It takes a fine strong self-control to hold steady and keep the true poise. Many don't. They fail. They are swamped. The vision blurs. The judgment wavers. Action comes under the sway of blurred vision, and twisted judgment.

Emotion should never be allowed to take the reins and drive. When it is so, whatever the emotion be, grief or joy, love or hate, there's a runaway, a break-down and smash-up ahead. The will must always hold the lines hard and steady. It should be influenced, fully by natural emotion, by knowledge, and by disciplined judgment. But the will must keep control.

Death, never lazy, has been running riot of late, with a ghoulish uncanny glee. The world's worst war has counted the dead into millions, Actual violence has been joined by strain, disease, and sheer want, in claiming occupants for the grave. The natural strain which death always puts on the living has been intensified terrifically.

An Aftermath of the War

And so it was quite the thing to be expected that there would be an intense revival of interest in the old questions about the. dead, and. especially about whether we can communicate with the dead. And it has come, with a rush.

The movement has swept these two English-speaking peoples like the wild-fire of the prairies that spreads and rages unchecked. Under various names, spiritualism, spiritism, psychic phenomena, occultism and so on, it is the old fire burning more intensely than ever, even in pulpits, as well as out of them.

There has suddenly sprung up unparalleled additions to the literature of the subject. In our own country decidedly more than a hundred new books have appeared since the Spring of 'Eighteen, with new titles being added every week. There are said to be nineteen periodicals devoted to spiritism as a cult, able to pay their own way. One book, from a British pen, is listed in the public libraries as among the five or six most in demand. One London society is said - to have a collection of three thousand volumes dealing directly with various phases of spiritism.

And the mechanical means provided to facilitate so-called communication with the dead have been in common demand and use to such an extent as to be used to point witticisms in the daily papers.

The more recent name for this contrivance is very suggestive, a "ouija" board. The name is a mongrel combination of two languages, "oui," French ; "ja," German ; that is, "yes, yes." It will assent to anything you suggest, whatever your language, and give the comfortable feeling that you are right in your hopes and yearnings.

Two prominent men in England have become leaders in the movement. One of these has made quite a remarkable visit to the United States. An able scientist in the physicist realm, with a noble presence, fine use of cultured language, and skilful publicity, he has had great crowds wherever he has gone.

It is interesting that in a recent review of the opinion of more than a hundred leading American scientists, educators and specialists in psychology, the consensus was decidedly against his stand and teaching, judged wholly from the scientific, scholarly standpoint. It has been suggested that if he had employed the same puerile methods in the physicist realm he would never have emerged from the shades of obscurity.

Yet one can be sympathetic with him to a certain degree, personally, while utterly opposed to his teaching. For as great an emotional nature as his, unsteadied by moorings, could easily be swept aside by the great personal grief that came to him through the war.

The other of these two is a gifted writer of detective stories, chiefly, which have been read wherever English is read. It is not surprising that these two Englishmen have had such a wide hearing among the unthinking.

Yet in neither case do the special training and achievement which have made these men so well and favorably known, give special qualification for sifting evidence, or of being competent judges, on this present subject. Rather it would take a specialized mental discipline to break away from their accustomed work, and acquire competence of judgment in examining a. matter so utterly removed from their special studies.

But let us get to our question about communication with the dead. And it is most striking to note that this is one of the very oldest of questions. Its beginnings run far back into the mistiest past. This present wild-fire is not only not a new thing, but one of the oldest and grayest, its edges all frayed by the wear of time.

Communication with the dead, in some phase of it, is the main underpinning of nearly all the religions of the world, both civilized and savage. The two outstanding exceptions are Judaism and Christianity. Ancestor-worship, or the cult of the dead is the staple of most religions from early Egyptian through Greek, Roman, Phoenician, up to present day Chinese and Japanese.

It is associated most in our thought today with China. With them the spirit of the dead father or other kinsman is supposed to enter the ancestral tablet and to commune with his living kin. He is supposed to do more, he favors and helps and protects his living kinsfolk. For a slavish fear really underlies their ancestor-worship, though perhaps unconsciously.

In its higher forms this ancestor-worship is an abnormal, morbid extension of proper veneration for one's parents and elders. It becomes an improper exaggeration of a perfectly proper thing. It easily degenerates into its lower form of communication with spirits, that is, into necromancy, witchcraft, and the like. Veneration degenerates into slavish fear and dread.

Three Groups

But now, let us face fairly the question: can we have communication with the dead? There are those who assert positively that we can. Their common teaching is that the spirits of the dead do come back to us, that they try to get into communication, and that the difficulty involved is because they and we are in two quite different spheres. And so, they say, there is naturally some difficulty, like in the use of two different languages until we have become learned in their use.

These people fall into three groups. At the lowest level are those who believe in ghosts. These are usually the ignorant and superstitious. Though it is surprising how common this sort of thing is among all classes. The ghosts are supposed to be spirits of human beings who have died, and who return to their former abodes. One strange feature of this belief is the terrible sense of fear that goes with it. It is as though loved ones had changed their character through death, and now would do harm.

I recall a sensible remark made by a simple man in a backward country district. A sense of terror had seized a certain group because the ghost of a recently deceased kinsman was thought to have come back. "Well," he said, "if he's in hell he can't come back ; and if he's in heaven, he doesn't want to come back." But such sensible talk is not as common as one could wish.

Then there are the professionals who make a livelihood by their art. These are commonly known today as mediums. That is the word in use now. They are supposed to supply the medium of communication between the two worlds. This is a very large class, to be found in all our cities on both sides of the water.

Sometimes they are called clairvoyants, which simply means those who can see clearly. The word is from the French, as is the other word commonly used, "séance," meaning simply a sitting or a session, used for the time spent in getting the alleged communication.

The third group is supposed to be on a higher level. These are the so-called scientific investigators. They profess to put the whole thing upon a scientific or scholarly basis. The common phrase here is psychical research. With this is associated the study of the character of hypnotism, mesmerism, magnetism, and the like.

And without any doubt there is here a wide legitimate sphere for research. Though one notes the constant tendency by some to drop to the lower levels. It is rather surprising what a degree of credulity can be shown in this re-search by some who are insistent on rigid evidence in other fields.

The British Society for Psychical Research has had on its rolls the names of many distinguished publicists and men prominent in various walks, though its activities seem controlled by a certain distinctive group with marked leanings toward the results they are eager to find. These are the three groups.

Communication with the Dead An Uncharted Realm of Mental Science

It should be noted carefully here that there is a legitimate psychical research which belongs to the realm of mental science or psychology. There are certain functions of the mind that seem never to have been fully understood, nor adequately explained and defined.

Mental science, or psychology, as convention-ally treated in all text books and schools, has ignored these functions. That's one extreme. The psychical specialists who attempt to treat the subject in a scholarly way do not as a rule, make clear analysis and distinctions. That's the other extreme. Without question there is here a field of research in mental science not yet adequately explored and charted.

There seem plainly to be mental traits or gifts or functions that properly belong to our natural stock of mental powers, but which seem to have been lost, or partially lost, through the hurt of sin. Some still have them in varying degree. But commonly we are so ignorant of just what they are that they seem uncanny to the common man.

These traits or functions are said to belong to the sub-conscious mind. That is they are working while we are unconscious of them. They are also said to belong to the subliminal mind. That is, the mind below the threshold of what we are conscious of. The thought is the same with both terms.

For instance one will have a premonition about a loved one who is at a distance, quite apart from any information that has come through the ordinary channels. He may have a similar premonition about some coming event. Without any doubt the Holy Spirit guides those in touch with him regarding such things. But distinctly in addition to this guidance, there is undoubtedly a mental trait that takes account of such things. But this is much more marked in some, and in others quite missing.

I have an intimate friend who has this sort of mental quality to rather a marked degree. For instance it comes to him that a certain one will call and will act in a certain detailed way. And so it turns out.

He has had the experience of driving along a country road and of seeing places and people and incidental happenings as though in his mind's eye, and only so. Then after driving maybe two or three miles he would come across exactly what his spirit vision had discerned.

He is an earnest Christian man, somewhat familiar with the dangers we are speaking of here. And he follows the settled principle of not seeking to tamper with a realm unfamiliar, but instead prayerfully to hold all his powers subject to the Holy Spirit's constant guidance.

One remarkable thing he constantly experiences is the strong impulse to pray for certain ones, indeed an intense drawing aside for such prayer, as though the one brought to mind were in peculiar need or danger or temptation. And repeatedly the knowledge has come afterwards of the sore need or danger or special temptation, and the deliverance.

If one find himself possessed of some such gift in some marked degree, he should pray quietly over it. Dedicate it, with all your powers, to the Master. Never seek to use it save as you use any better-understood power, by the Holy Spirit's gracious guidance, in practical ways. Be cautious, just because of the element of not clearly understanding the gift.

Something akin to this sort of thing, though quite distinct, is the experience of some saintly people, as they near death's door. As they draw near the veil between this and the spirit world, seems to grow thinner. As the physical powers weaken, the spirit vision seems able to see what could not be seen before.

As Stephen stood in the midst of the raging murderous mob bent on his blood, the eyes of his spirit were opened. He saw what was clearly beyond the range of physical eyesight. And what did he see? Jesus ! glorified, standing at the Father's right hand.1

I recall as though yesterday the light that came into the face of a dear saint as she was slipping out over into the King's presence. She looked quietly intently up, as though she could see some one or some thing which we could not see.

A delighted look lightened her eyes and face. Then she looked around at those surrounding her bed, as though she would say "Can't you see, too?" Then she sank into the sleep that carried her spirit into the presence of Him she loved so devotedly.

The word telepathy has been coined for something akin to this, though distinctly different. That is the communication of one person with another in close sympathy without the ordinary recognized means of communication. One mind seems to communicate with another without words, looks, gestures, or the like. Some are much more sensitive to this sort of thing than others.

Without any doubt our common ignorance of these little-understood mental traits or powers, has been skillfully made use of by professional experts who themselves are peculiarly sensitive in these directions, and have carefully cultivated that sensitiveness. There is apt to be with these professional spiritists a subtle blend of what is quite legitimate with that which is distinctly illegitimate, and is cunning trickery. And the uninformed man, perhaps under the stress of some great grief, is quite swept off his feet.

The Responses That Do Come

Now these are the people, these three groups, who answer yes to our question. They say there is a response to this attempt to communicate. And let it be said here quite plainly and positively that there are responses. There can be no question of that.

But please note keenly, the character of these responses. Without exception they are vague, indefinite, insufficient, frequently childish. They are double meaning; that is they can be turned this way, or this other opposite way. They sometimes are dovetailed with exquisite shrewdness into suggestions given or drawn out.

If indeed these responses were communications from our loved dead it would be rather disheartening. For judging from these, it would seem clear that those we loved have undergone a decided decadence in their mental powers. The commonsense with which they used to talk seems painfully missing.

Now, the intense, vital question is where do these undoubted responses come from? The spiritists or mediums say they come from the spirits of our dead talking with us. Certain psychologists, who specialize on the psychical side of things, say they come from within ourselves, from the workings of our subconscious minds.

After long careful, prayerful study I have reached the deliberate conclusion that there are five possible sources from which they may come, and only these five. These experts say they do come from our loved dead.

They may come from a subtle interplay of the inner working of two human minds, the mind of the enquirer and that of the professional. That would make it wholly mental. They may come through the cunning deception of the expert working on an overwrought emotional condition of the enquirer, or, dealing with undisciplined, untaught, credulous enquirers or observers.

They may come, are you listening quietly, for this is tremendous, yet I am saying it very deliberately, they may come from demons. Or, they may come through a subtle mixture of two or more of these, inextricably interwoven. I am quite clear that all these five things must be taken into account, and that they cover all the ground.

Our English friend, who lectured so widely in the United States, in response to the criticism that these responses are so unsatisfactory and childish, is reported to have replied in effect that the fact of a response established that there is communication with the one desired. It seems quite incredible that a man of his intelligence could have made such a reply. It is so utterly childish in its ignorance of the various possible sources of such phenomena.

Now, let me go one step further. I have come to a clear settled personal conviction about where these responses come from. This conviction has come slowly. It has come, not through ignoring any evidence, but weighing everything most carefully.

I have carefully read ghost stories and allied literature. I have talked, both here and in Great Britain and Continental Europe, with sensible people, who have had unusual experiences. I have tried to examine the Psychical Research Society, and similar, literature. And though I have never gone to a spiritistic séance, as a matter of principle and of deep conviction, yet I have talked with those who have.

And I have come to three deliberate conclusions. First, human spirits do not return to talk with us. There is never communication with them. Second, haunted houses, apparitions, and the like, can always be explained fully, either by the presence of demons, or by the working of our subtler mental processes, that is, by subjective impressions, hallucinations, and the like.

And third, the responses that come through spiritistic experts, are never messages from the dead. Some of them are from demons. And their purpose in this we shall see in a few moments. Some are the unconscious interplay of the subtler mental processes of the two in touch, the enquirer and the expert. And some are simply deliberate skilful deception by the spiritistic expert.

It is of intense interest to note the conditions - which these experts say are essential to getting what they call good results, namely, there must be a non-critical spirit. That really means with them a non-scrutinizing spirit. There should in-stead be a passive, acquiescent, sympathetic spirit. The more fully one can yield up all self-control over his faculties, and yield wholly to the influences of the expert, the better the results gotten, they say.

The Authoritative Answer

But we haven't really got our answer yet. The authoritative answer is yet to come. And it is authoritative. It leaves nothing to be said. When we get that the case is settled. It is the answer of this old Book of God. It becomes of intense interest to note that this Book recognizes this question, discusses it fully, and answers it flatly and fully and positively.

Let us look at this authoritative answer.

The Bible is an index to the moral customs and conditions of the nations surrounding the old Jewish nation. And that means practically of all the nations of that old world. For the Jewish domain lay at the center. All the nations touched that domain directly or indirectly.

Every national culture influenced its life, as in the after centuries every civilization marched its armies over that territory. The prohibitions contained in the Ten Commandments, with the numerous detailed prohibitions grouped with them, became a perfect bit of mirror reflecting common moral conditions among these surrounding nations.

From the earliest times there was in all these nations a class of experts in the cult of the dead, the foretelling of the future, the settling of doubtful questions, interpretation of dreams, and in general the magical and mysterious. Practically this was the priestly class. For this sort of thing was connected with, and made up a large part of, their religion." Such a class of professionals flourished at various times among the Jews though expressly prohibited.'

The various names by which these magical experts were known are significant. They let in a flood of light as to these forbidden practices. There's an index given in Moses' farewell talks in the Plains of Moab.

"There shall not be found with thee any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, one that useth divination, one that practices augury, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer."

These are grouped together as one class, equally abominable to God, with nine varying names according to methods used, or the pretensions made. Then the whole class is grouped up under two names, augury and diviners. One of these names deals distinctively with consulting the dead, that is, necromancer, one who consults the dead, and divines or foretells by that means.

The name used for another one of these lets in a flood of clear light on the whole class, that is, "a consulter with a familiar spirit. Familiar spirit is the old English word for devil or demon. The word underneath here is one of those used for a devil or demon.

That is to say, the pretended purpose of all these was communication with the dead. The real purpose underneath was communication with demons or evil spirits. In other words, all this was devil-craft. So the Holy Spirit reveals plainly here. Other names are sometimes used for the same general craft, astrologers, stargazers, monthly prognosticators, sooth-sayers.

It is of interest to note that the designation, "black art," and "black magic," which are commonly used for devil-craft grow out of the word necromancer. By an accidental slip of a single letter, "c" was changed to "g," and so the word read, negromancer, that is negro, a black man, negromancer, one who divined by black, or dark, or forbidden means. That term "black art" has come to be quite commonly used for all devil-craft. It is synonymous with sorcery and witch-craft.

Now the thing that stands out with unmistakable emphasis is this : all this sort of thing was forbidden by God. It was forbidden in the strongest language. It was characterized as the very worst sort of wickedness. And it was to be met with the extremist penalty. Note some of the passages. One in particular stands out as a sort of index to all. It is spoken to Israel at a time when the nation was far down the spiritual decline that at least disrupted it.

"And when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits (demons) and unto the wizards that chirp, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God,' Should they seek unto the dead on behalf of the living? To the teaching and testimony (of God's word) ! If they speak not according to this word, surely there is no morning (that is, no dawning, no hope) for them."

Pretty plain talk that. How peculiarly it fits in with common life today ! These devil crafts-men were aggressively at work. But it was a time of sore stress in the nation. There was sore need of guidance. What would they do? How wholesomely simple the answer. Go to God's Book. It has plain teaching. It will tell you, and more, if you don't, things will go bad, only bad, with you, sooner or later.

Listen to these three passages spoken, be it keenly marked, by God Himself, and simply re-cited by Moses with the great Ten Commandments : "Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live."1 "Ye shall not use enchantments, nor practice augury." "Turn ye not unto them that have familiar spirits (demons), nor unto the wizards; seek them not out, to be defiled by them. I am Jehovah your God."

"The soul that turneth unto them that have familiar spirits (demons), and unto the wizards, to play the harlot after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people."

"A man or a woman that hath a familiar spirit (demon) or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death; they shall be stoned with stones."

Could stronger language be used? These practices were defiling, befouling, morally dirty. They were classed with the worst sort of sexual impurity. They were the worst sort of enmity to God. They were to be visited with the extreme penalty, death, and death in one of its most painful drastic forms, stoning.

Another of these stinging characterizations comes from the lips of Samuel. He is talking with King Saul. And if any body in this old Book could use plain tense stinging talk it was Samuel. Listen to him, and watch Saul's face whitening under the writhing rebuke.

"Rebellion (that is, simply failure to obey Gad) is as witchcraft (devil craft), and stubbornness (being set in your own way even against God's way) is extreme iniquity and devil-worship!' In other words, these evil, occult, magical, practices were the extreme form of badness. They were devilish. That's the superlative degree.

It is striking to note that these things become the common touchstone of the worst wickedness. National reformations hit directly at them. Bad kings, revived them. It was because of such practices, and others kin to them, that the Canaanitish nations had been cast out, and that long after, Israel went to pieces.' They are repeatedly referred to in the denunciation of the prophets.

With these sharp-cut words from the Old Testament in mind it becomes of intense interest to turn to the other end of the Book. Paul in his old age, with spirit vision made sensitive by the Holy Spirit's touch, discerns that in the end of the Church period,

"Some (in the Church) shall fall away from the (true) faith, giving heed to seducing (that is misleading, "vagabond") demons, and to things taught by demons through pretended good men who really speak lies, and whose con-sciences are seared as with a hot iron."1."'

The Evil Purpose Underneath

Here then is the plain teaching of God's Word. Nothing could be plainer nor more explicit. Attempted communication with the dead is allied directly with the worst black art. It is grouped with devil-craft. It is really dealing with demons.

It is a distinctly forbidden realm, marked sharply off. The prohibition could not be more explicit and express. The prohibition is put in strongest language. Such practices are characterized as defiling, befouling, abominable. They were to be visited with the extreme penalty.

But, there's even more than this to be most carefully noted. That is the utter incompetence of such attempts to give what we desire. There simply is not, and cannot be, any such communication with our loved ones who have gone. So that pretensions of this sort area deliberate deception.

The fact that there are such pretensions, made so positively and aggressively, at once becomes significant. There is clearly a purpose back of this. It is a purpose of evil. Indeed it is a purpose of the Evil One himself. He is clearly the one behind all this sort of thing.

And his purpose is as plain as it is brazen and startling. He wants to get control of men. He can get control only through their consent; extracted under deception when not openly given. Demoniacs are extreme instances of such control. They are human beings possessed and con-trolled to such an extent as to have lost self-control completely.

They really are too much under demon control to be serviceable to the devil. It's a case where the demons are not kept in hand by their chief. They get out of his control. Demoniacs in the Gospel are instances of this sort of thing. They can be found in heathen lands today, though their families are commonly ashamed to have the fact known.

In the western world the uncontrollable cases of demon possession are mostly in the insane asylum. But these likewise are too far gone to be serviceable to the Evil One. He prefers simply enough control of a man so he can have use of him in the usual avenues of life, mingling among his fellows.

The danger of tampering with this sort of thing is terribly real. I remember a small book that came into my hands years ago in London. It was devoted to the discussion of the serious dangers attending practices of this sort. It was not written at all from a Christian stand-point; indeed just the opposite.

That makes its warnings more pointed. The writer was not concerned apparently with the question of right or wrong, but only with the danger to one's mental powers and self-control. In speaking of those who attempt communication with the spirit world, he said, quoting freely, "They open a door that by and by they cannot shut, when they earnestly want to shut it." And he went on to instance cases he knew of the deplorable disastrous results that had followed, including his own experiences. Even our well-known English author and lecturer, already referred to, warns his readers against the dangers attending spiritistic experiments. This is very significant.

I recall a man I came in touch with in Northern Germany some years ago. He was an honest, earnest, simple-hearted peasant. He had been eager for certain experiences that others of his acquaintance had. He was plainly demon-possessed, and yet against his will. The evidence was unmistakable to me. Happily through prayer and instruction he was set free.

But I was struck at the time with the unusually clear statement he made to me of how his trouble came. He said, "I was ignorant of the danger ; I opened the door ; the evil spirit came in ; and I couldn't free myself of his presence." These illustrate the terrible dangers of tampering with such things.

The Witch of Endor

But now before leaving this part of our talk where the Scripture is being quoted, I want to refer to two passages more. These come at the first flush as a distinct surprise. There are two instances in the Bible of communication with those who have died. They stand out sharply as the only two. They were plainly planned by God himself. And they stand out in such detailed contrast as must be painful in the extreme to those believing in the devil's sort of communications.

The first of these is the case of Samuel and the witch of Endor.' Look at it briefly. King Saul, who sought the witch's help, was out of touch with God. That is an outstanding feature of the story. Twice he had openly disobeyed God's explicit command. And he was the national leader. That made a bad thing so much worse. Whatever he did, the crowds would do.'

Now in an emergency (it's always an emergency that tempts one so sorely), he sought an illegitimate means of guidance. He himself had forbidden witchcraft under penalty of death. Now, disguised, he makes a secret night journey up north to Endor to consult a witch there. He succeeds in overcoming her cautious regard for her own safety in doing a prohibited thing, and asks her to bring Samuel up for consultation. Samuel had been dead some little time.

Now the striking thing to note is, that Samuel did come and talk with Saul. But it is quite clear that the witch had nothing to do with Samuel's coming. Instead she was utterly taken back, astonished and startled beyond measure by what happened. The whole thing was taken quite out of her hands.

To her intense fright a spirit actually came up before her eyes. There is instant identification of who it is. It is Samuel, No one was better known to the common people, for years the nation's great leader. Her recognition of him is immediate and unquestioning.

At once a startled cry comes from her lips. The common translation in the King James' version and in the Revisions is, "she cried with a loud voice." A more full accurate translation would be "she was greatly startled and gave out suddenly a piercing shriek of distress."

Her shrewd native cunning made her quick to sense instantly that this disguised man consulting her was the King himself. Samuel, who had put Saul on the throne, actually coming up in person in this unprecedented way, naturally suggested to her keen wits that this other was Saul. For the break between Samuel and Saul had been open talk.

This is the first thing to note. The witch had nothing to do with Samuel's coming. This was a new experience to her, and a distinctly unwelcome experience. Something was happening wholly out of her realm of incantation.

A second thing to notice is the contrast of the sharpest kind between this communication from Samuel and all so-called communications from the dead. The latter are characteristically vague, cryptic, or cunningly double meaning and distinctly below the known intelligence of the one supposed to be speaking. And further they seek to leave an agreeable impression.

But, here, Samuel speaks in his accustomed way. He gave definite detailed information, of a very unwelcome sort about the triple tragic happenings of the morrow. Saul would be defeated by the Philistines. He would lose the kingdom, and he would meet death, and his sons with him. And with this was a stinging rebuke that must have had a decidedly unpleasant familiarity to Saul as it cut its edge into the quick.

And now, mark keenly the influence of this incident on these impressionable Hebrew Orientals. The thing was commonly known. It could not be hid. The grapevine telegraph took it to every corner of Israel. It was the talk of the nation. And, more, it plainly gave a sharp set-back to witchery and all like practices.

There is no mention or allusion to such things for at least half a century, though they had been prevalent up to this time. An awe or fear comes over the people. They are afraid to attempt this sort of thing. God had rebuked it. This is the only thing of the sort in the whole Old Testament.

The other exceptional instance is the appearance of Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration.1 This is referred to only because it plainly is an instance of communication with the dead. But it is recognized at once that it belongs to a wholly different realm from that being discussed, and as much above it as the heavens are above the earth.

Moses had died sixteen centuries before. Now he plainly appears. He appears in company with Elijah, the fiery denouncer of all witchery and devil-craft. His identity is undoubted. Recognition of him is immediate. He talks with our Lord Jesus. He talks too, on a subject peculiarly obnoxious to the devil and to the whole tribe of the black art under whatever guise, namely, the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross.

These are the two exceptions in this Book. And plainly they do but put into a sharper prominence the terrible characterizations and prohibitions of this Book on the whole brood of practices of devil-craft and its allied arts. Plainly in these two instances God deemed it wise for some practical purpose to have these occurrences take place and be recorded. And in both cases He took the initiative.

Meeting Our Human Need

The question of praying for the dead is an intensely interesting one. It is on the other side of this subject; not seeking help from the dead, but seeking to be helpful to them. The custom of praying for the dead has been in the Church, to varying extent, since the second century. It is common in certain sections of the Church of England today, and in certain communions that recognize that Church's leadership.

There is only one passage of Scripture quoted in its support, namely II Timothy I :i8. But this is quoted on the supposition that one, Onesiphorus, was dead, which is quite possible but not at all certain. The utter silence of Scripture on the subject, apart from this doubtful passage, would seem distinctly significant.

We are not told to pray for the dead. If our loved ones are in our Lord's presence prayer seems needless. If they are not, are they past the influence of prayer? The last chapter touches on this. Meanwhile praise can well take the place of prayer as the names of our dear ones come to our lips at prayer time.

Now there remains just one word more to add. And it is a word of deepest significance. Grief is still epidemic. Hearts are still sore and bleeding. The hearthstone is still lonely. Every meal time brings up heartbreaking memories. Loneliness still eats its acid way in.

We're hungrier than ever for fellowship. We're so needing plain straight guidance in our every day affairs. We do want to know about our loved ones. Is there no close-up, warm, help for us these days when grief drips its ceaseless rain all the day and far into the night?

Well, there's an answer to these human heart cries. And it is immediate and plain and full, and has a real human heart throb in it. There's a Friend who will share your lonely corner with you, and fill it and you with warmth and fellow-ship and glad song.

He's real, this Friend. He has the human touch. He knows all about things down here, He knows what it is to lose a dear friend through unexpected . death. There isn't one experience down here that He doesn't know by the feel, except experiences that come through wrong choice.

And so He can tell you what to do in emergencies and tight corners and everywhere else. And He will do it. And more than that He is in as close touch with your loved one who's gone as with you. He is your connecting link.

What do I mean? Whom am I talking about. Listen, while I try to get past the sometimes hardened shell of familiar words to the tense throbbing realities inside them. He's the Holy Spirit. He understands by the feel, all that Jesus went through.

But there is more. He is the Spirit of the glorified enthroned Jesus. He knows all our true human feelings and He knows all the divine power. For He is truly God, as well as human. His coming to live in you is so real a thing that it couldn't be more real. He spoke in this Book of God. He speaks in it. He will talk through its pages to you to-day. He will talk directly to your inmost spirit. He will surround you with the atmosphere of His own presence.

Getting in Touch

But, you say, just how can He become real to me like you say. Listen, the answer is so simple, yet it is radical. It is this : surrender yourself to the Lord Jesus as Master as well as Savior. Make that surrender a habitual thing.

In a sane wholesome way make this the touch-stone of your daily life to please Him. Put His Word in the central place, the first place, before all other reading. Get a bit of quiet time alone with it, daily. Drink it in. Devour its contents. Breathe in its spirit. Absorb it. Brood over it.

Learn to spend the day with God. He is with you, and in you, in the person of His Holy Spirit. Thank Him for His presence. Do it daily. Sing Him a song of,, praise. Do it habitually. Talk to Him when you don't need to ask for something. Practice His presence. He is there by your side as you are reading this. Learn to spend the day with Him. All this sort of thing will discipline your judgment.

You will become keen to know the meaning of "watch and pray"., Watch is for the subtle crafty enemy, masquerading much these days in his "angel of light" costume, with unctuous voice, and reverent mien. You learn to pray with one eye open. The two must be balanced in your practice, with wholesome sanity, trained vision, and disciplined judgment.

But somebody says that this doesn't help you a bit, for you are not in, touch with God. Your mind is tormented with doubts about God, and His Word, and all this. Well, here's a bit for you if you're honest. That may be a big if. But honesty is the first essential.

Listen. My honestly skeptical friend can get a response direct from God to his own soul, if he really wants it. There's a pierced Hand on the knob at your door right now. There's someone waiting, waiting now on your door step, waiting to come in. And He will give you a response that will satisfy your deepest longings.

A mother with troubled face, spoke to John Bartholomew Gough at the close of one, of his famous temperance lectures. She had a darling boy, a man, but her boy. He called himself a skeptic. And the mother's heart was like to break. Would Mr. Gough talk with her boy. That was her request.

They met. The young man poured out his doubts. He seemed really sincere. Mr. Gough listened in his friendly way. Finally he said, "Why don't you pray? Prayer is a natural thing." But whom should he pray to? He didn't think there was a God. Mr. Gough said, "Why not pray to Love. You believe in love. You believe in your dear mother's love for you. That's a pure holy passion." That touched a sensitive spot. The young man said he would.

In his bedroom that night he knelt with closed eyes, and cried out passionately, "Oh, Love 1" Instantly, though so softly, the words seemed spoken in his inner being, "God is Love." And at once, he followed the impulse that came, and cried out, "Oh, God." Again so softly, the words he knew by heart, seemed spoken within, "God so loved the world that He gave His Only Be-gotten."

And again, yielding to the quick impulse in his spirit, his lips cried out, "Oh, Christ." And at once something came. An exquisite sense of peace stole into his spirit, as he was kneeling. The fog of doubts, where were they? A thousand questions remained unanswered, but there was that singular quiet sense of peace within. He was in touch with Him, who made peace by the blood of the Cross.

Any body who will, can get in touch. For He, the Man who was done to death for us, is now within reach. The honest heart reaching can get in touch. And that touch with Him, answers all questions and needs.

EMF Meters and Ghost Hunting

Article from The Shadowlands


By Dave Juliano (davejuliano@theshadowlands.net)

As I answer emailed questions and surf through paranormal websites, it has become apparent to me that there are many groups out there using a lot of the same equipment but without any idea of how it works or why they are using it. Hopefully, I can help with one of the more misunderstood pieces of equipment, the EMF meter.

Here's the run down on Electromagnetic fields. As the name implies, they consist of two parts: electric and magnetic. EMF fields come from a variety of sources - electrical appliances, power lines, batteries, etc. The electric portion of the field stays fairly close to the source and it is read using the unit of measure called a nanoTesla. The magnetic portion of the field goes out much further and that is measured in a unit called a milliGauss. The frequencies that are found are ELF and VLF (extremely low frequency and very low frequency). The meters we use in this field are made to detect ELF (60 Hz).

Ghost researchers/hunters are looking for readings in the 2 to 7 milliGauss range. mG is the range that most EMF meters you will come across measure. More important than the actual mG amount is that you obtain a brief positive EMF reading that you cannot get again in that same area. If you can get the reading again, it has a natural source. If you cannot, then you have found something that should not exist, a moving or disappearing EMF field. For example, you have a stationary EMF meter sitting on a desk and it suddenly sounds its alarm for a few seconds then stops. This means that a moving EMF field entered the area that the meter was covering and left that area seconds later. Unless someone walked by with a power source of some kind (some rechargeable batteries will give false positive readings), then you just had something unexplainable happen. If the meter's alarm stayed on for minutes instead of seconds, then there are most likely natural explanations for the positive reading, such as power being turned on somewhere on the floors above or below where the meter is sitting or it is the meter's low battery warning. Walking around with an EMF meter is trickier because you are changing the area that the meter is covering as you walk - if you suddenly get a steady low reading, then you should continue to walk in a direction in which the reading is getting stronger. It will lead you right to a natural source of EMF and you can mark that area and make note that you could get false positive readings there. Remember to move the meter up and down too in case the false reading is coming from the ceiling or floor because there are power sources typically present in both. Now, if you are walking around and you get a short positive reading and you cannot get any other reading in that same area, then you have a positive EMF reading.

How does this tie into ghosts? I have stood face to face with a spirit and had an EMF meter in my hand do nothing and other times I have had it detect an EMF fluctuation. How spirits and EMF's relate is still unknown, but there are plenty of theories, each of which just as plausible as the rest. We do know that low level EMF fluctuations in the 2mg – 7mg range are often found in places reporting spirit activity. That is the significance of getting a positive EMF reading. You are recording events that are similar to other known haunted locations and are unexplainable. EMF meters, like most of the equipment we use, are simply guides to let us know there is something unusually or unexplainable going on in a location.

Ghosts that Follow

Article from The Shadowlands

by Dave Juliano

Can ghosts follow you from place to place? I am asked this question 4-5 times a week. As a general rule, human spirits normally do not follow people from location to location. Most seem to be drawn to or attached to a building or area. They will remain there regardless of who is living there. Some of the occupants will know there is a spirit present and others, who are less sensitive, will not. The location could have been the spirits home, a favorite place or the scene of it's death. There are a few exceptions to this rules and a few of them are as follows:

  1. Relatives: Deceased relatives may return to visit the living and they are not bound by location. Even an earthbound relative who has remained here for reasons that link it to a living relative may follow that person. Spirits of close friends also fall into this category.

  2. Sensitives or Psychics: People who are sensitive to spirits may have encounters in different location. Often these people assume that the first place they lived was haunted and the spirits have followed them to a new home. What may be happening is that the person is sensitive to spirits and they are now seeing new spirits in this new location. Many people are unaware that they are sensitive and just assume that these places are haunted. Spirits are everywhere, and they are drawn to people who are sensitive to them.

  3. Haunted Objects: Spirits can also be attached to objects. It could be a favorite chair, family heirloom, anything that person valued greatly in life. Antique dealers often come across items that people claim are haunted. If the spirit in your home is attached to an object and you take that object with you when you move, the spirit comes along too.

How to conduct a safe ghost hunting trip part 2

Article from The Shadowlands

What to Bring

The Basics:

  1. 35mm Camera - Nothing fancy with at least 400 speed film. 800 speed film is also good at night but you'll have to test your cameras flash strength to see which speed works best for you. Even those single use 35mm cameras have gotten good results. If you are more experienced photographer you may want to try infrared film. I have seen results from Polaroid’s but I suggest you only use these along with a 35 mm camera so you can compare the results. I have used Fuji film primarily but I have also used Kodak and a department store brands with similar results. When you develop them you don't need to go to a camera shop, the local drug store or department store is fine. Let them know you want all the pictures developed so that you get the pictures that they might think are bad ones. These "bad ones" are normally your best ectoplasm mist photos.
  2. Digital Camera - Regardless of what you've heard digital cameras are great tools for ghost researchers. Once upon a time they had their limitations and problems but that is no longer the case. Not only do they allow you to see instantly if you have a positive photo, they can also take photos in limited infrared range of light.
  3. Flashlight w/ spare batteries - a common sense item. Remember to bring spare batteries for everything. Due to spirit activity, batteries often run down very fast and you don't want to miss anything because of dead batteries. I recommend using a red lens flash light to help preserve your night vision. More info on red lenses and how to make your own here .
  4. First aid kit - just in case, it's very easy to trip in the dark and get cut.
  5. Notebook w/ pens and pencils- you need to write and log in everything that happens. If you don't then you really don't have much research information. An example of this is one investigator gets a EMF reading that's high and never writes it down. Another investigator takes a picture of the same area but is not aware of the reading and gets a anomalous image. Without that EMF reading the picture may be good evidence, but with a report noting the reading, the picture greatly increases in evidence value. Many investigators use a pocket tape recorder in stead and that is fine, just make sure you have spare batteries and tapes.
  6. Jackets or weather appropriate clothes - if you are cold you are not at your best and your observation skill could suffer, pretty common sense.
  7. Watch - so you can log in the times of events and your arrival and departure.

Advanced and Optional

  1. Video camera (optional tripod) - Video cameras are an important instrument for an investigation. Unlike still cameras they provide us with constant visual and audio surveillance for review and observation. The video cameras we use are equipped with infrared capability and this is the mode we use. With video any phenomena occurring can be documented in its entirety. This will show the length of time the phenomena occurs, what is happening, the conditions surrounding the phenomena, and possibly even the cause of the phenomena.. The Sony line of camcorders has an infrared night shot feature that enables you to video tape in complete darkness and see beyond what the human eye can see. You can use these on tripods or walk around with them. You should also invest in an infrared light extender which will help your camera see in the darkest places and make the quality of the video better.
  2. Tape recorder w/ external microphone and high grade tapes - recorders or digital voice recorders are with out a doubt one of the most important pieces of equipment that you should have in you investigators toolbox. Audio recorders are used for many different purposes throughout an investigation. Recorders are used for interviews, spontaneous thoughts, your notes and electronic voice phenomena (EVP). You have to use a external microphone when recording EVPs (ghosts voices). If you rely on the internal microphone you will also be recording the internal gears and motors and this will make your tape worthless. Any sound you hear on the tape could not be used as evidence because of this, so use the external mic, they are pretty inexpensive. The type of tape that is most often recommended is high bias tapes or metal tapes.
  3. Digital audio recorders - This recorder is small and easy to carry. You can also use the voice activation feature so there is less audio to review. I use this for my notes as well. Most units record the time of the recording as well which is very useful. When using audio recorders be sure to state the location, time of investigation, and investigators names. When recording investigators names it would be wise to have each individual present state their own names, which will make it easier for distinction amongst voices heard on the tape during review. Voice activation mode should be deactivated on tape recorders during use when electronic voice phenomena is trying to be achieved due to the fact that it usually cuts off beginnings of words, sentences, and phrases. This is not necessary with digital recorders and they actual seem to work better in voice activation mode.
  4. EMF Detector - The Electromagnetic Field Detector, also known as an EMF, is the modern day ghost researcher's tracking device, a very important piece of equipment. With this instrument it is possible to locate and track energy sources. It will detect fluctuations in electromagnetic fields and low strength moving EMF fields that have no source. It is a common theory that spirits disrupt this field in such a way that you can tell one is present by higher than normal readings with this meter. Before using the EMF as a ghost research tool on an investigation be sure to walk around the area and take initial readings around energy sources such as light poles or electrical outlets to be sure of the readings you receive while scanning the area during the investigation. Most units when purchased come with a manual describing most household and major appliances and their corresponding electromagnetic reading. When using the EMF as a tracking device look for fluctuations of 2.0 to 7.0, this usually indicates spirit presence. Anything higher or lower is normally has a natural source.
    SJGR training sheet I give all my new trainees on EMF meters
  5. Cellular phone - if you have one it can come in handy in case of an emergency.
  6. A Compass - it's a useful instrument to an investigator due to its compact size and low cost price. When used on an investigation this will indicate spirit presence when the needle cannot come to a precise heading or spins/moves erratically. This works on the same principle as a EMF meter.
  7. Candles & matches - batteries often run low during hunts so you may run out of them and still need a light source. Another good idea is a camping lantern that runs on lamp oil. Be careful using the candles around motion detectors, they will set them off.
  8. Motion Detectors - these can be used to sense movements by often unseen forces or spirits. You can get battery operated ones for about 20 dollars and they are great for inside but I have seen them used successfully outdoors as well, just watch the placement. You don't want a tree branch setting it off.
  9. Thermometer or Thermal Scanner - Thermometers are an instrument that is also very useful There are two types used regular digital thermometers and infrared non contact thermometers. When used on an investigation this will aid as a detection system for spirit presence. Rapid temperature drop of 10 degrees of more could indicate spirit presence. I recommend using the infrared non contact thermometers but cause they react in less than a second to a temperature drop and you can scan a large area quickly.
  10. Hand Held Radios - Or Walkie Talkies are very useful in a large outdoor area and a building with groups spread out in various rooms. They could be great in emergency situations or just to rotate groups. Be sure to be aware they could interfere with your EVP recording though.

Related Posts: Part 3 coming next month


Article from The Shadowlands

by Dave Juliano

The word words comes from the German tern poltern - "to knock" and geist - "spirit". This phenomenon has been researched extensively for years. It has been the subject of movies, but I don't think Carol Ann and her family were being plague by a poltergeist in the movie. There are a few different theories on what poltergeists are. I am going to discuss the one theory that I believe here and keep it simple as possible.

A typical poltergeist haunting seems to always consist of noises, such as loud knocking, and objects moving about on their own. There can also be voices, smells and apparitions in addition to the other symptoms. Usually these events are witnessed by numerous people in the home , including visitors. The events may start slowly with small noises and small objects moving and then may progress to something like furniture flying around the room and full bodied apparitions. The exact events differ from case to case as well as the progression and severity. Normally there is one person who seems more affected than others and is always present in the home when events occur. When that person is removed from the home, the events cease. This person is usually a preteen female who's hormones and the stress of that age combine and finally release subconsciously in a way that causes the poltergeist activity. The person is causing all of the phenomenon with the subconscious mind and they are not aware that they are the cause. This person can also be a teenager or into their early twenties and may be under some unusual amount of stress. When they are relived of the stress, sometimes by moving from the location, the problems stop. If the stress or causes continue, the "haunting" seems to follow them. Reliving the inner problems is the key to stopping the poltergeist activity.

Poltergeists are not often easily discernable from other types of spirit hauntings. The symptoms are often very similar. An onsite investigation and extensive research is often necessary to uncover the hidden existence of this type of phenomenon. This explains why many questions that investigators ask seem off base when they interview witnesses in a home. They are trying to rule out a poltergeist problem before they start the investigation into the possible spirit activity.

Research : A Useful Tool

Article from The Shadowlands

By William Penny (bernard@theshadowlands.net)

One of the most useful tools that a investigator can have at their disposal is the ability to do good research . Without research your investigation can become a ineffective endeavor to construct an coherent report on your findings. You will also find that you will expend most of your time following fragments of information, that you would have discovered had been researched by another investigator or researcher . So research is a fundamental tool that is useful in many circumstances . Good researched information, will give you unequivocal evident about your investigations that will be hard to contradict and as a whole will give creditability to your work .

One of the ways that you will find the use of research useful, is in the area of background history of an address, plot of land or even the history of a former resident when needed . To start the research of an address the researcher must first establish the owner of the residence, don't make the mistake of taking for granted that the owner of the residence is the person who is residing at the address . But ask questions of neighbors and anyone else of whom could be of help .

After you have established the ownership, of the resident our next step is to look for the deed or title to the property . This is done by a trip to the County Recorder to do your research . After this is completed you should have a wealth of information to work from . I should warn you at this point that you should be ready to pay for service fees and the cost of copies of the deeds or titles . The cost, for this should be somewhere between $ 25. 00 and $35.00 dollars it will depending the individual fees rendered . You now have information about the residence, you will have in most cases information about who may have a lien on the property and depending on how far back you have searched you will have knowledge on how the property was obtain and all the owners who have bought it though the years .

Now with the information you have you can find Marriages, Deaths, Births and a score of other things to help you along with your investigation . Some of the other resources that you will find useful are the Public Library, Local and State Historical Societies, Cemetery Systems and Voting Records . The list go on and on .

Remember the more cross referencing you do the stronger, your investigations will be come and the stronger the investigation is the better your creditability will become with your peers and other individuals interested in your field of research . A last moment thought ! Your research will seem to be very time consuming but in the long run you will be rewarded

Why Do Some Spirits Stay Earthbound?

Article from The Shadowlands

by Dave Juliano

An earthbound spirit is a human spirit that has not properly passed over. They have not gone onto the next level, the light, heaven, whatever you choose to call it. They remain behind, here on earth, and they account for many ghost sightings and haunted places.

The reasons for this are varied. Some are complicated and unique to that spirit and others are simple to understand and relate too. I will discuss a few of the most common reasons that a spirit remains earthbound.

Some spirits remain at or near the site of their death, especially if it was sudden and unexpected. They remain confused and don't know or accept that they have died. These spirits remain in the area and try to make contact with anyone that passes by that is sensitive to spirits. This type of spirit can be found almost anywhere a death has occurred.

Sometimes a spirit realizes that it is dead and that life continues beyond that. They do not go to the light for reasons such as the fear that their existence will end, fear of the unknown, fear of going to hell or being judged for past deeds. These spirits are bound here because of their own fears.

Other spirits stay behind to take care of unfinished business. It may be to make sure their finances and their loved ones are ok or to pass along one final message. Often these earthbound spirits do not remain here for long, once they can complete their goal, they normally pass over. If the deed that they are attempting to finish is complicated they will often contact the living to assist them. In many cases the living are unsure of what the spirit wants and it adds to the length of the time the spirit spends here. Almost anything that a spirit feels compelled to do before it goes to the light can make it remain here until it feels comfortable with how they have left things.

Guilt can also be a reason for a spirit being stuck here. They may feel like they have left the family or loved ones too soon and uncared for. This is also the main reason why suicide victims and other spirits whose death was caused by their actions (alcoholics, drug overdose, etc) remain behind. They feel guilty over taking their life or contributing to their death.

The living can also hold a spirit here. By not letting go of them, they can be bound here by our love and unable or unwilling to go on until the living can come to terms with the loss. This happens when people go beyond the normal grieving process and become obsessed with the deceased person. They feel that they left things unsaid, undone, etc. and they feel guilt over it. This keeps the spirit from going over many times simply because it does not want us to feel this way or be that upset.

There are many other reasons that a spirit cam remain earthbound, I have just touched on a few of the most commonly encountered ones here.