Thanks to the event held by the W.I.P.S. Team who own The First Ward School House, I had the chance to meet the Booth Brothers, and have now had the chance to become friends via Facebook, with Ben Hansen from SYFY Channel's TV Show "Fact Or Faked".
During our Investigation on 9-14-2012, the Booth Brothers were at the School House, filming. They are making another one of their famous and popular DVD's about the School. :-( sadly I did not get in any of the film, at least not that I am aware of. But I was there at the exact time they were there filming, so that's good enough for me :-)
An interview with Christopher Booth will be airing on Storytime on October 6th, on SEPIA RVP Radio, and an interview with Ben will be airing in December 2012 or Janurary 2013.
The W.I.P.S. Team invite other paranormal teams to come investigate the School House. For a fee of $50.00 per person, you can spend from dusk till dawn investigating every floor of the school house.
Please note that money collected from the fund raiser and from the investigation fees, go towards repairing the School House; as Justin (Lead Investigator of W.I.P.S.) and his wife & Children live in the School house. And when they bought it, it was in very very rough shape.
If your team is interested in seeing what you can find at the School, call them @ 1-(847)-867-6037 or email them @ (Please in your email put in the subject line "Requesting investigation of School House).
I can tell you from personal experience that Justin and his entire family are wonderful people, who are very kind & generous.