Saturday, July 31, 2010

At First, It Seemed Like Just A Pleasant Home

This story comes from the Milwaukee Journal.

Oct. 25, 1985

Haunted Heartland

5th in a series of 12.

The Hollywood film "Poltergeist" popularized the idea that the wrath of the dead might be vistied upon the living if a burial ground is disturbed. The unwitting family in the movie lived in a house built on a graveyard. A series of catastrophic events -- including the kidnapping of their young daughter by spirits and a nightmarish march of ghosts down their staircase -- eventually drove the family from the house.

The movie was fiction, of course. But, is it possible thyat a haunting as in the film "Poltergeist" can actually happen? Yes -- events like those described in the movie did occur in Wausau, Wisconsin during the early 1970's!

The split-level home in the Wausau subdivision looked ideal to Harry & Jackie Fischer when they first saw it in 1972. The house was no different in appearance from the other dwellings in the neighborhood, but the couple felt fortunate to find a place they could decorate and complete to their own tastes. The last thing on their minds, and they would have laughed at the idea, was that the pleasant house could be haunted.

For Jackie Fischer, a hint of evil in the house came shortly after they moved in. Pots and pans rattled in kitchen cupboards, soda bottles on the counter swayed -- and some-times moved -- and a ringing, like that of a tiny bell, floated through various rooms.

The couple dismissed the events as coincidences, or vibrations from passing cars, until Jackie's father had a peculiar encounter with his radio. He was spending a few days with them, and had settled down one evening with his radio. He just finished tuning in a station when a high pitched whine erupted frolm the speakers. At almost the same instant, a lighted candle sitting on the coffee table in front of him rose straight into the air and flipped onto its side so that it pointed directly at his heart, then settled back on the table!

He reported the incident to Jackie. She looked at her husband. They both shook their heads.

Soon, the couple realized that what was happening had an origon beyond comprehension. Various household items began sailing through the air, the radio periodically changed stations or emitted the same sound Jackie's father had heard. The local radio-TV repairman couldn't find anything mechanically wrong with radios.

The small hallway just inside the front door, with short flights of stairs leading up to the first floor or down into the lower level, seemed to be the center of a physical presence. The Fischers decided this after their cocker spaniel started to act particulary sensitive there. The dog often sat in the hall, stairing down the steps to the basement. Her hair stood on end as she growled her distress at whatever it was that she "saw". She refused to go down the stairs by herself.

The Fischers almost began to believe there really was a natural cause for everything that happened.....until the footsteps began.

That was in the second year, 1973. The soft treading began at night, in the basement, and proceeded up the stairs, across the landing and up to the first floor. Then nothing more until the next night when the episode would be repeated. But not every night, making the occurrences even more disturbing.

Accompanying the footsteps was a gradual increase in ghostly activity. A warm bath suddenly turned icy.....lights flickered in the middle of the night and doors opened and closed of their own will. Like the gradually-increasing beat of a tribal drum, the house began to vibrate with the hauntings.

Jackie Fischer remembered a particularly unnerving eveing in 1975. She was in the bathroom preparing to shave her legs when the safety razor floated straight up and shot past her head. It missed her by only a few inches. Never before had the family been physically threatened. The Fischer now felt the entity haunting their house had turned against them.

In that same year, the footsteps mulitplied in frequency. On one occasion, Harry Fischer grew so irritated at the incessant stomping that interrupted his sleep that he got out of bed and crept from his room into the hallway. He threw on the lights, hoping to catch a glimpse of their unseen visitor. Instead, the lights flickered off, almost as if they had been a candle blown out by an unfelt wind. But the lights worked again the next morning.

Then there was a second, potentially serious, incident. A fire broke out in the Fischer's basement. Fortunately, it was discovered early and the fire department was able to extinguish it. The fire fighters determined the blaze had been caused by a faulty battery charger. The Fischers disagree -- the charger wasn't even plugged in.

In desperation, the couple turned to their pastor. His blessing, they hoped, would rid the house of its evil.

It didn't work. On the afternoon after the minister's visit, Jackie was washing clothes in the downstairs utility room. She heard a thump-thump-thump from the storeroom a few feet away6. The timid cocker spaniel sat at her feet, growling at the noise.

Jackie walked over and pushed against the door. It struck somethying solid -- an object that shouldn't have been there. Jackie scooped up her dog and flew up the stairs.

A later inspection of the room, found no reason for the door to have hit anything. Indeed, it always swung open easily before and after that day.

The experiences proved to be too much for the Fischers. They decided to sell, and were fortunate to find a couple they knew, Jim & Mary Strasser, willing to buy the house. The Strassers knew of the problems they Fischers had encountered, but thought there was a reasonable explanation.

Whatever haunted the house, however, would not let Jackie Fischer escape without one last jolt. A few days before they were to leave, Jackie awakened before dawn to let the dog outside. As she entered the kitchen and turned on the light, a gray mist evaporated in a far corner. Jackie was convinced it was the "residue" of whatever shared the house with her and Harry.

The Strassers lived peacefully in the house for a time, but then they, too, became targets for the resident ghost.

As with the Fischers, the episodes began infrequently and then grew in number and intensity. First, a loud humming, almost like a song, according to Jim Strasser, was heard in the house. Strasser said it seemed melodic, although it was never loud enough to be heard distinctly. Possibly an Indian chant, he speculated.

The Strasser's 3-year-old daughter, Lorrie, complained that someone squeezed her toes while she slept. When she changed bedrooms, the pinching stopped. But the footsteps, floating objects and evaporating mists continued.

The entity in the house went one step farther with the Strassers -- it made an appearance in Jim Strasser's sleep. In the nightmare, Jim saw himself as an old Indian, wrapped in a blanket, choking to death. He awoke trying to catch his breath.

There was never any physical harm done to either family. But both couples knew there was something in the house.

What was it?

A local historian's research showed that the house had been built over an ancient Indian burial ground. Perhaps the restless spirits of the ancient dead were showing their anger at having their graves desecrated. The Fischers recalled that the hauntings were paticulary noticable between the end of October and Thanksgiving, the usual time for Indians to gather in large numbers to celebrate harvest.

To date, neither the Fischers nor the Strassers have come up with a better explanation.

1985, by Beth Scott and Michael Norman. Reprinted from Haunted Heartland.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Personal Update

I am in the hospital, but I have internet connection, so I should be able to continue posting things to the blog.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Personal Experience

This experience happened this afternoon.

Paranormal event: my mom heard voices this afternoon, singing "our house is a very very very fine house."

The tv was off, radio was off, no phones ringing, and no one, that I could hear anyway was singing.

Radio Event Tonight

PAST (Paranormal Activity Surveillance Team)


be sure to tune into PASTs own Jeff & Nancy on their "One Foot Out Of The Grave" TV Show on the PTN. Special guests tonight Brandon & Patrick from PAST.

Show start times: 9pm est/ 8pm cst/ 7pm mst / 6pm pst.

Link to show on the web is:

New Radio Event

Ron Fabiani - Chicago Paranormal Detectives

Location: Para Explorers Radio

Time: 6:00PM Friday, July 30th

New Television Event

Ghost Adventures (GAC) special will air September 10th.

Season Premiere for the new shows will be on September 17th.

These events will be added to the blog calendar

Monday, July 26, 2010

The HPI Paranormal Connection to Wisconsin

This story comes from

The HPI Paranormal Connection to Wisconsin

By Paul Roberts, published on March 29, 2009 at 5:10PM

Storyline: Paul Dale Roberts: Chronicles of a Ghostwriter/Ghosthunter

I knew March 28, 2009, Saturday would not be an ordinary day. Shannon ‘Ms. Macabre’ McCabe and I, were contacted by Carol Mack LeFave of the Fort Atkinson Wisconsin Paranormal Society

Carol has been following the adventures of HPI via my articles and now is in California to meet the Demon Warrior aka Paul Dale Roberts. To assist me in giving Carol a haunted tour of Sacramento is no other than paranormal investigator Chantal Apodaca. Carol has caught me at a good time, because I have to conduct an interview in Old Sacramento.

Let me jump ahead of myself. Chantal and I took Carol to the following haunted locations in which I give her a brief history lesson on each site: Fulton’s Underground Restaurant; Vegas; Fanny Anns; Evangelines; Delta King; California State Railroad Museum; 22nd and H Street aka the Martinez House; Doreathea Puente’s F Street Boarding House; Sandra Dee’s; Sacramento Theater Company, private residence in Elk Grove and Sutter’s Fort.

Note: In a recent report, there has been a shadow person seen with trenchcoat and brim hat at California State Railroad Museum. Sandra Dee’s is the bar in which serial killer Doreathea Puente would find her victims.

Now to that interview in Old Sacramento’s Fanny Ann’s. The interview is with empath Angie (Angelita) Bushey Reyes. Angie recently was contacted by the entity known as Angie of Fanny Ann’s. In fact Shannon McCabe portrayed Angie in a Channel 10 news segment. The story goes that Angie who was a saloon girl at Fanny Ann’s was flirting with one of the patrons, when Wild Billy Michaels (her possible fiancée/lover) caught her and shot her dead at the bar stool. Angie’s spirit still lingers in Fanny Ann’s. My interview with the exotic looking Angie Bushey Reyes was filled with warmth and passion. What Angie relates to me comes across as sincere. Angie has had visions of Angie, she describes her as being 5’ 6”, dark hair, wore period clothing, corset and was simply gorgeous. I wonder if perhaps that Angie Reyes and the entity Angie are somehow kindred spirits, somehow bonded through a distant timeline that connects the 1800s to the present time. Could there be a cosmic chessboard of events that bonds the living Angie with the deceased Angie? Do both Angies have a spiritual bonding that connects the living and the dead? Angie sends out a distant timeline message to the living Angie, but what is the message? Angie Reyes is drawn to Fanny Ann’s and has her baby shower at Fanny Ann’s. In fact when I am interviewing Angie Reyes the baby shower proceeds along smoothly as a cheeseburger, salad and Coke are given to me, Chantal and Carol. The entity known as Angie communicates with Angie Reyes by causing Angie Reyes to feel a heaviness on her chest. Angie Reyes may have seen Angie’s apparition go across Fanny Ann’s mirror. Angie Reye’s daughter’s boyfriend is named Billy and she wonders if there is also a connection with Wild Billy Michaels and the Billy in her daughter’s life. Angie Reyes visualizes the past and sees Billy and Angie were about to get married. When Billy killed his fiancée Angie, he killed himself later by hanging himself. His depression of killing his fiancée was overwhelming and the only way out was through death. Angie Reyes now sees Billy and Angie in spiritual unison. Angie has indicated to Angie Reyes that she is not ready to go into the light and their communication still continues. One day the message will be clear for Angie Reyes and when that message is clear, I will be one of the first ones to know what the message is.

When I finished my interview with Angie Reyes, I interviewed a person close to her. That person is Angela Harris. Angela vouches for Angie Reyes and says that Angie Reyes described a young Mexican boy with red hair that was run over by a train. A person that Angela Harris knew well. A person that Angie Reyes did not know, but described with uncanny accuracy. Angie Reyes even knew the exact date of his death.

Angie Reyes with her flowing black hair and big brown eyes looked at me and said that I can do a follow up to this story and more, after the birth of her child. With a soft smile of assurance, Angie says…”I will see you soon.”

As Chantal, Carol and I, left Old Sacramento, we gave Carol the grand tour of haunted places and allowed her to conduct solo investigations. After everything is said and done, Chantal and I took Carol back to Citrus Heights, to her sister’s home. I learned on my way to Citrus Heights, that Carol’s group has investigated the Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Louisville, Kentucky and obtained many EVPs. Her group also investigated Villisca, Iowa, in which 4 adults and 2 children were axed to death. They had some great K2 meter readings and an EVP of a little girl saying she was unhappy. All in all, Carol enjoyed her adventure with HPI.

As I was ready to call this a day, Chantal says she wants to go dancing and before I knew it, she was on the phone with HPI paranormal investigative scout Gina De La Rosa. Gina was ready to dance the night away too. I merely said…”oh nooooo!” HPI ghosthunters work hard and they like to party hard. I can see this is going to be a loooong night! Chantal and I picked up Gina in my vehicle the Ghost Tracker and head up to Cache Casino/Club 88 to see the band called Atomika bellowing out songs like Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival to Kalifornia by Mos Def. The crowd loved the band and there was a dancing frenzy going on this night. My night completely ended at 5:30am. What a crazy weekend….wow!

To see pictures of HPI in collaboration with Lionsgate movie night at Natomas Regal Theater – Premiere of The Haunting in Connecticut, along with more pictures of the Historic National Hotel and pictures of this investigation, click on the link below:
Click here to view the pictures

For more follow-up reports on Herald & Jamestown Investigation, information Peltier Bridge and The Haunting in Connecticut movie reviews by Rita Reyes & Brian Colbert, click here:

Note: When Chantal, Carol and I were at Fanny Anns, HPI paranormal investigators Rita Reyes and Mark Reyes were there too and what was really kind of surprising is when I was going down 16th Street, Mark Reyes and Rita Reyes on Mark’s motorcycle pull up next to me and Mark yells…”pull over” and I look up and to my surprise it was Mark. Mark driving the motorcycle, with Rita riding on the back was just cruising around and happened upon us. Talk about being startled, I thought Mark was a motorcycle cop.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator &

Shannon McCabe's HPI

Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International

Most Haunted House in Stockton Videos Part 1 and Part 2:

Paul on Wikipedia, click here

Staff Writer - Alien Seeker News -

WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor

Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright © 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright © 2009
all rights reserved.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Searching for Evidence Of Paranormal

From the "What's Up" section of the Stevens Point Buyers Guide.

Searching For Evidence Of Paranormal

By Kris Rued-Clark

Even though they have invested thousands of dollars in equipment, Vicki Love & Ann Troullier are not in it for the money. In fact they don't charge for their services. Ann & Vicki want to satisfy their own curiosity and reassure others as they gather evidence of paranormal activity.

They have been friends for over 20 years, but they don't see eye to eye on ghosts. Vicki is skeptic, and Ann is a believer. Vicki admits, "Until a ghost stands in front of me and says "Hey I'm a ghost," I'm not going to believe in them."

As Ann explains, "We try to show people who are scared that there are usually reasonable explanations for what they are seeing and hearing and put them at ease." Vicki adds, "We don't get rid of ghosts. We just want to gather evidence."

For the past six years, they have been slowly acquiring equipment. They have been searching for evidence of the paranormal in homes and businesses. Ann "We give suggestions for how to take control." Vicki: "You empower yourself and the spirit should leave you alone."

Whenh investigating, they set up five video cameras, set to "night vision" with extra infrared lights. They also have a KII Meter and EMF detectors, which measure electromagnetic fields. "Ghosts are mostly energy", explains Vicki. "If a ghost is near, the readings will change."

They also use digital thermometers and a digital voice recorder. So far, the most evidence has been gathered with the digital voice recorder. Ann: "We have caught many voices on that." Generally, they set up their equipment and remain in the home or other site from 10pm until 4am.

Once they complete their on-site observations, they sift through hours of data. With five cameras and the digital recorder, they may end up with 30 or more hours of evidence from just one night's investigation.

Describing an electronic voice phenomena (EVP) session, Ann explains, "We set the digital recorder out and ask questions. An intelligent haunting will sometimes replay to us." Vicki adds, "Very seldom will we hear anything with our own ears, but we do hear them on our recorder." Ann: "When you catch evidence like that, it's exciting."

Because they approach their investigations with different beliefs, they approach evidence differently. Ann explains: "Vicki doesn't believe, so she's always trying to disprove what we find. I, on the other hand, look at the evidence and ask 'Could this be paranormal?'."

Vicki admits, "There are some odd things out there that I can't explain." Ann adds, "You can't explain away a voice, when it's clear for everyone to hear it." One client felt his brother was still with him, even though he had passed away 20 years ago. "We caught his brother
saying his name on all our equipment, though we never heard it when we were there," says Ann. "The client said "Wow, that's my brother's voice."."

At one investgation, Vicki smelled perfume. "I said out loud, "I wonder whose perfume that could be," and I heard someone say "Mine," right next to me. When you're alone and there's no recorded evidence, it's awful to be the only one to hear something."

Sometimes callers will say they're on the verge of moving out of their homes. Ann says, "People want some validation so they can say 'Look, I'm not crazy.' If we find something, we take all the evidence and put it on a DVD for them. We go back to show them what we've found and try to give them some suggestions."

Often, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. Ann explains, "Sometimes it can be the room itself. If we find a high EMF reading, that can actually be dangerous. It can make you paranoid, see things, cause skin rashes or have odd feelings. Even the feeling that you're being stared at all the time could come from an excessive electromagnetic field."

A high EMF reading may result from old or faulty wiring. Vicki: "Many alarm clocks found in hotel rooms are terrible. We always unplug them when we're doing base readings."

On one occasion, when they drove through the gate, Vicki immediately became so uncomfortable she wanted to leave. After investigating, they left the location, and Vicki instantly felt fine.

Once she encountered a terrible feeoling in a hotel basement. "We had a tour during the day, but when we went there at night, I would not go in there. Later I was so mad at myself. I don't know what I was afraid of."

Remodeling a building can stir up paranormal activity. "Ghosts can attach themselves to people, objects, or places," says Vicki. "If the homeowner feels afraid or threatened, we advise them to forcefully state 'It's my home now. I'm in charge. You're fine to stay here, but leave me alone.' That seems to work most of them time."

They are both careful to explain that most of the time the presences or hauntings are not hostile. "We're just trying to let people know they don't need to be afraid," says Ann.

Vicki and Ann have named their investigative team WISPERS, which stands for Wisconsin Paranormal Explorers. Although based in Wisconsin Rapids, they are willing to travel throughout the state for investigations. For more information, call 715-323-7061. All information is kept confidential.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Event This Saturday

Milwauke Ghosts of Wisconsin, is having an event this Friday & Saturday.

NOTE:Saturday's (7/24) Third Ward haunted history walking tour is SOLD OUT!

Only 5 spots left for Friday (7/23). Call 414-807-7862 to reserve your spot. Thanks!

Event in August

Paranormal Tickets to the Battleship NC event are reaching a minimum! Come out August 20th and meet Donna LaCroix, Brandy Green, Paul Bradford, and Ashley Godwin from Ghost Hunters/Ghost Hunters International. Specials guests Research: Paranormal and Paul Browning!

2nd New Event

Jason Marquis: Don't miss this show we have four guests and an hour and a half of paranormal discusion so it is packed full with information. Join us live on Friday night at 9PM ET at" Guests from Paravizionz

Location: guests from paravizionz

Time: 9:00PM Friday, July 23rd

Event Tonight!

Beckah Boyd-Psychic Medium: Tonight we have a wonderful edition of the Psychic Switch Radio 8pm ET dedicated to the practice of psychometry we will be talking about it's history and uses! But check out this website where a man created an awesome psychometry experiment and find out what the results were!

New Event In August

Brandy Green: Be sure to b

uy your 2 Day passes and tickets for Tiffany's Psychic Gallery readings!


Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Time: 10:00PM Thursday, August 5th

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

2nd New Event

Research: Paranormal For people who are still trying to buy tickets to the August 20th event with Ghost Hunters/Ghost Hunters International event, all you have to do is go to and purchase your ticket online. There are a few tickets left and there will be NO TICKETS SOLD at the door.

New Event

Brandon Kreitzer, TMWPRT The MidWest Paranormal Research Team: PAST UPDATE: Myself & Pat: Sat will be joining our our family members TMWPRT in Dixon IL for 3 investigations 1)Indian Burial Grounds 2)1700s-1800s Cemetery 3)TMWPRT FAN DAY Overnight Investigation of an Old Abandoned Farm) Julie: Sat. will be representing PAST at our other family members PISRS FAN DAY in Aurora IL. More on the 2 FAN DAYS go to: TMWPRT: TMWPRT Facebook

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Event

Full Event Tickets for the Ghost Hunt with GAC At Mansfield Reformatory has been Sold Out!! However there are still tickets available for the Meet & Greet Only!! This is your chance to Meet your Favorite Paranormal Stars, Nick, Zak & Aaron along with Other Special Celebrity Guest's!!! Chip Coffey, Jeff Belanger, Mark & Debby Constantino & Robert Murch. Don't Miss your chance to meet your Favorite Paranormal Stars!!.....Sept 9th thru the 12th at the Mansfield Ohio Reformatory.

New Event

For all you guys up event coming your way with Donna Lacroix, Andy Andrews, Ce Ce The Huntress, and Research: Paranormal's own Mike Roberts. THE TENNEY GATE HOUSE in METHUEN, MASSACHUSETTS!!!

This event will be put on the blog calendar.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Paranormal Investigations - part 2

This article is from the

May 22, 10:40 AM by Kathie Kessler

So now that you've found a paranormal group, what can you expect and what will be expected of you?

First of all, the groups coordinator will call and speak to you about what your situation is, the activity you are experiencing and find a mutually convenient date to set up the investigation. Please remember, the people who belong to these groups do it on their own time, with their own money and do have day jobs. So it's a good chance you will be asked to do it on a Friday or Saturday evening.

Before the investigation night, it's a good idea to start keeping a log of when things happen, note what happened, the time, location and who witnessed it.

Some groups have a person who is available to do property record searches regarding the history of the building/land, but if you are available to do this or have this information already, it is always a great help, especially if you are not in the same local area as the group is.

On the day of the investigation, the team will arrive and most likely sit down with you and talk some more about what's been happening, probably with a voice recorder on.

You WILL be asked to leave the premises, and remove any pets or at least have them secured in one area. This is so that when the team is running audio and video equipment, they can identify any unusual noises, talking etc, because they know what team members were present and who was where. We have had people who thought this was a big event and had other people over to “watch”. Please, don't do this. It is a waste of the groups time as well as yours. There will be too much contamination of recorded evidence to make any reasonable conclusions of anything found on tape.

Commonly used equipment:

  • Standard Digital or 35mm Cameras
  • EMF Detectors – There are several kinds, but they all read the electromagnetic field in the area. Fluctuations in the field can be signs of activity
  • How many members are in the group and how many will be coming to your location
  • Voice Recorders – Probably the best piece of equipment in my arsenal. I have 3, along with each member of my group having their own. Most evidence we capture are EVP's or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The human ear typically hears between 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Spirit voices are often come in lower than the human ear can hear, but the digital or magnetic voice recorders will pick them up and will be audible upon playback. To hear a few of the Evp's that Kathie has captured click HERE Paranormal's page also has a section to reader submitted evps (one of mine is there as well).. but you can listen to those by clicking here
  • Night Vision Video Cameras – These are standard video cameras that can shoot in O lux (or no night), or can be night vision DVR cameras hooked up to a computer. These are used to monitor areas of activity.

Other groups may use newer experimental equipment, such as an item known as “Franks Box” or a “Spirit Box”. What this is, is a digital radio that has been modified to continuously scan the radio band without stopping. It's thought that the white noise gives the spirits a medium in which to use to communicate.

There are other high end devices such as FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared Cameras), that show heat signatures, but they run in the thousands of dollars and unless you're well financed, most groups don't have these.

These are the basic tools of a paranormal investigator. But the most important tool of all is his common sense, to look for the normal before jumping to the conclusion of something being paranormal. Often times people will have some sort of activity happen, and then be convinced that EVERY noise, or item that goes missing is because of the “ghost”. This is often not the case, and one must be very careful not to fall into that trap.

If you like my articles, please subscribe. If you'd like more information on investigations, or have a story to tell, contact Kathie by Emailing her

RELATED POSTS: See part 1 of this story by clicking HERE

Event Tonight!

Come join us tonight for Ghost Quest Radio at 5pm ET Hosted by Beckah Boyd-Psychic Medium and Katie Boyd! Tonight we are talking with some of the women from CPPI (California Paranormal Private Investigations) Going to be a blast!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Event

Meet Chip Coffey, Chris Fleming and more at the Awakenings event in MN this August. Tickets on sale now.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Personal Experience


I saw a shadow figure tonight. It was of a little girl, dressed like in the 1980's. Jean jacket, long hair, with part of her hair in a pony tail, which was hanging on the right side of her head.

Shadow figure stood there for about a minute or two. When I saw it I said out loud "Okay I've seen you, you can go now." But it didn't leave.

I closed my eyes and then I prayed to the Arch Angel Michael, asking Michael to make the shadow leave. When I opened my eyes the shadow was gone.

Moon Phase:

12-10-09 moon phase

Paranormal Investigations: Avoiding contaminated evidence while using digital voice recorders

This article comes from Ghost Hunting Guide

Anyone involved in paranormal research knows the importance of collecting audio evidence of electronic voice phenomena (EVP) free of contamination. Contamination is defined as any sound or noise which is man-made which provides a false positive or could be improperly deemed paranormal when in fact it is not.

In the paranormal field, there are a variety of instruments used which if not used carefully could result in contaminated evidence. In this article, we will examine the digital voice recorder and offer some tips on how to avoid contaminated evidence while using this instrument.

Digital voice recorders are one of the most commonly used tools by the paranormal investigator but using them requires extreme care to avoid false positives. First and foremost, when conducting EVP sessions it is always important to identify the who, what, when, and where of the session. Paranormal investigators should always verbally “tag” this information. This can be accomplished by simply stating this information into the voice recorder. An example might be, “EVP session, Jones residence, the date, John, Mike, and David, in the living room.” Also any man-made noise such as coughing, yawning, of footsteps should be verbally “tagged”. Simply say, “Traffic noise in the background” or “That’s John coughing.” Making these statements for the recorder will help tremendously when reviewing the recordings for EVP evidence.

While using the digital voice recorder the paranormal investigator should consider implementing the use of an external microphone which helps to avoid picking up sound emitted from the recorder itself. It also helps to avoid picking up any “jostling” sound picked up by the recorder while the recorder is being handled in the record mode. Digital voice recorders should also be set down on a table or other object during the recording of EVPs to further help eliminate “jostling” sounds. And finally, try to avoid walking while conducting EVP sessions to avoid picking up the sound of footprints while walking.

On some occasions the paranormal investigator may choose to leave the digital voice recorder alone in a room and allow it to simply run without EVP questions being asked. This is a common technique which again requires some careful planning. When leaving a digital voice recorder in a room as a “stand alone” recorder, consider closing any doors to the area and seal it off with a piece of colored tape. By doing so, it indicates the area is sealed off and no one should enter the room if possible. Even walking close to the door can create footsteps which can be picked up by the recorder so again, caution should be taken even getting close to the room. If you have to enter the room, implement the use of verbal “tagging” to identify that you’re entering the room. When placing the recorder in the room, look for any other sources of noise such as fans, air conditioners, or anything that has timer which make turn something on in the room while the recorder is in use.

Consider limiting the number of paranormal investigators in the area or building being investigated which can significant reduce the possibility of contaminated evidence. Fewer people mean less likelihood of capturing false footprints and other man-made noise. If other investigators must be in the building, try to put as much space between them and those conducting the EVP recording session.

And finally, no article on eliminating contamination of evidence would be complete without mentioning whispering. Paranormal investigators should never whisper. Whispering is probably more to blame for false evidence more than any other noise out there and must be eliminated. Always speak in a clear, conversational tone so that it will not be confused for a false anomaly.

As you can see by taking some simple steps you can greatly reduce or hopefully eliminate contaminating your evidence. By doing so it will provide EVP session which is easier to review and possibly give greater credibility to your EVPs.

Related posts:Coming next month.

Photographic Analysis: Orbs

This article was updated on 8/4/04

Article from:

Written by Grant Wilson

Lately, my email inbox has been inundated with mail from excited investigators, both experienced and amateur, who believe they have captured a paranormal anomaly on film. While their excitement is exhilarating, more often than not, I find when I open the attachment and look at the picture, I am immediately let down. It seems that recently, we have all become a little too eager to capture evidence on film and, in our haste to substantiate, we overlook some of the most basic factors when analyzing our own images.

So, it is in this light that we decided to run a series of articles based on how to debunk your own images so that when you present them to the public you are not only providing REAL evidence, you are also maintaining your credibility.

Ok, with that said, we will start off by talking about some basic things to look for when you are looking at a picture with an orb/globule in it. There are 4 possible causes for an orb to appear in your image and they are as follows:

1. Refraction of a dust particle.

Oftentimes the tiniest particle of dust will reflect the flash of your camera or the infrared light of a digital camera producing a stunning orb that most investigators would drool over. Now, the most popular excuse for claiming that it is not dust is; "But, all the other images had no orbs in it. Only this one". Well, that is because it was only one particle of dust and it is most likely still there in the other photos but it is just not at the right position or angle to reflect the light of the camera flash again.

So, the question remains, how do we know when it is dust and when it is a true orb? Dust tends to refract in a perfect circle with little "noise" in it and no border. By this we mean that the orb does not look like a cell under a microscope. Its make-up is pretty much a solid color without a defined border to it.

2. Refraction of moisture.

This is a little bit easier to spot. An orb caused by moisture will tend to have angular sides to it and its make-up tends to fade from solid to transparent. Once again it has no border. And like the dust particle, moisture can appear in one photo and not in another that was taken immediately afterwards.

The larger the moisture the less angular it will look. A picture of rain drops will yield very little angularity at all. In fact it will produce small solid looking object that can easily be mistaken for orbs. A fine mist will produce angular sides.

3. Reflection of an object.

Ok, I must say that this is the most common mistake made and usually the easiest to spot. If you have an image with multiple orbs in it and one is more intense than the other, then, chances are, you have a reflection.

Here is why. When light reflects off of an object it produces many circular "flares" in an image. These vary in intensity and are usually located within a straight line emanating from the source, which is usually some small object in the background that is overlooked by the investigator when reviewing the image. The objects can range from a small ring on a nightstand to the varnish on a table or door.

If you have Adobe PhotoShop, you can take an image like this, run its gamma to near max and you will see that the orb will have the same gamma signature as the object from which they are emanating.

4. True paranormal energy.

Now we're talking. Once you have eliminated the above possibilities, it is time to take a good, long, close look at the orb itself. What you are looking for in "orb" activity is a solid object that emits its own light. It will usually show up on film looking like someone just threw a ping-pong ball across the screen. If the orb has signs of movement, such as a blurred trail behind it, then you've got some rather solid evidence.

The other characteristic of orb activity that we consider is the coloration of the orb. True orbs are colored in the "cool" end of the spectrum, namely white, blue, or green. Any orb activity that shows up as red, orange, or yellow, it typical of dust, light refraction, or processing error.

But remember, and orb is just a collection of energy not the manifestation of a ghost. While orbs are usually present during paranormal activity, you can have orbs show up without paranormal activity.

"Orbs" are a natural phenomenon and can be witnessed with little difficulty in parts of up-state New York as well as other regions around the globe.

So, next time you are flipping through your case pics and find a big white orb staring you down, take the time to really analyze the picture, find the orb's true origins and then present it to the world and be confident that your credibility will remain intact.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Local haunts - The Karsten Inn

This article came from

July 8, 3:34 PM Central Wisconsin Paranormal Examiner Kathie Kessler

Kewaunee, Wisconsin, a beautiful town on the shores of Lake Michigan, chosen in 1836 to be a trading post due to it's natural harbor. By 1856 the town was bustling with commerce and the lumber trade. As many as 20 ships would enter the harbor each day delivering goods, passengers and settlers.

In 1858 Charles Brandes built “The Steamboat House” to accommodate the visitors and merchants. The building changed hands several times until 1911 when it was purchased by William Karsten Sr.. Karsten was a retired Sea Captain himself, and made his fortune opening the Pabst Brewery in Kewaunee, and also served as the town mayor.

Unfortunately, a year after he purchased the property it was consumed by fire, thankfully no one was killed. Karsten immediately set to rebuilding the hotel. On Valentines day, 1913 he reopened “The Hotel Karsten”, a luxurious three story brick, 55 room hotel, complete with a dining room able to serve 90 people and a bar with it's own entrance.

William Sr. eventually retired passing the business on to his son William Karsten Jr. After the death of his wife, William Sr. spent many hours in his suites overlooking the harbor, reminiscing with guests and spending time with his favorite grandson, Billy. The two of them were inseparable, Young Billy would run down the hall to his grandfathers rooms and spend the day talking and playing.

On January 4, 1940, William Karsten Sr. died at the age of 78. Oddly, only 3 weeks later young Billy became ill and died of a respiratory illness.. he was only 5 years old.

William Karsten Jr. continued to run the hotel until his own death in 1964. The hotel closed and the building sat vacant for 2 years.

It was purchased in 1966 and the remodeling began, as did the haunting! The building went through several investors and renovations to bring it up to code. Doug and Toni Charles bought it in 1991 and restored the 1913 décor. It was sold again in 1996 to Dave and Therese Jacek.

Three spirits are said to haunt the “Karsten Inn”. A housekeeper, named Agatha who, in 1921 was raped by a drunken neighbor and became pregnant. Her parents helped her raise the child but she needed money, so she went to work at the Karsten Inn and remained there from 1925 until 1937. Its said she fell in love with Mr. Karsten who didn't return her affection and she hanged herself in 1937, but the truth is she left to care for her ailing father. But Agatha still roams the halls of the Karsten Inn!

Agatha dislikes men, so she wreaked havoc with the workmen during the renovations.. moving tools, closing doors, turning off lights. She also does not approve of women who drink. She likes to tease the staff by knocking over salt shakers and turning on the stove. Her apparition has also been seen endlessly sweeping the hallways. Her room, 310 has unexplained cold spots and occasional misty figures. The staff sometimes finds old fashioned gray hairpins on the floor.

William Sr. seems to still be in residence at the Karsten Inn as well. If he is upset he will move furniture in what was once his suite of rooms and there will be a sour, unpleasant odor in the air. On occasion his ghost has even been seen at the bar, having a beer!

Little Billy, who loved his grandfather so much in life, seems to still be with him in death, as you will often hear his little feet running down the hallway to his grandfathers room. Young children also report playing with a little boy that bears a striking resemblance to little Billy's picture.

Guests staying at the Karsten Inn, which is now called “The Kewaunee Inn” are encouraged to write in the hotels diary if they have any encounters with the resident ghosts.

So, if you find yourself in the town of Kewaunee, on the shores of Lake Michigan and fancy a room for the night, check into the Kewaunee Inn, and who knows.. maybe you'll be lucky enough to have a beer with old Mr. Karsten at the bar!

For more information on the Kewaunee Inn, visit their website

Harley House Investigation - May 2009

This report comes from SWPRG

Written by Cindy Heinen

Sunday, 06 September 2009


May 29, 2009
Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group
Director: Jennifer Lauer
Investigation Leads: Cindy Heinen, Eric Brant
Team Leads: Troy Hartman, Derek Arneson
Audio/EVP Specialist: Cindy Heinen:
Equipment Manager/ DEAD System Technician: Eric Brant
Technical Assistants: Dennis Dobson, Chris Carter


  • Investigation Description
  • Equipment List
  • Location and History
  • Reported Phenomena
  • Baseline Report
  • Video and Camera Analysis
  • DEAD System Report
  • EVP Analysis
  • Geology Report
  • Personal Experiences
  • Conclusion


Because of the scope of the investigation two teams of 5 investigators each were used. Each team had a lead to direct them during the investigation. In addition to these investigation teams individuals were used in specialized jobs including running the data logging system, audio, and technical support.
As is the policy of the SWPRG, the investigation teams do not know the history of the location or the reports of paranormal phenomena. This insures that any experiences that happen during the investigation or analysis of evidence done afterward would not be influenced by previously known information.
The official investigation started approximately at 9PM and ended at approximately 3AM.


  • DEAD System (Triaxial ELF magnetic field meter with PC interface, HOBO temperature datalogger, GM-10 radiation detector from Black Cat Systems, Tri-field Natural EMF meter modified to be data logged.)
  • EMF Meters (analog and digital) including MEL 8704 MAG-TEMP, 60 Hz Blocking EMF Meter, Trifield EMF Meter (AC), Trifield Natural Meter(DC/Natural), Digital 3 Axis EMF Meter
  • Ion Counter
  • TIFF7000 Digital Thermometer/Pyrometer
  • Night vision infrared cameras (4), quad processor, monitor and a variety of personally owned camcorders and still cameras.
  • Fostex FR-2 Field Memory Recorder(Stereo/24 bits/96 kHz) Mantz PMD221 Portable Cassette Recorder Audio Technic AT804 dynamic microphones (2) Schriber Acoustic SA-125 condenser microphone (1) Variety of handheld digital and cassette recorders


One acre rural parcel which included a old, dilapidated farm house, a recently built club house, large post and beam barn, 6 outbuildings including a granary, chicken coop, tool sheds, machine with a stage area. The property is on a rural road and is surrounded by farm fields.
There are high power lines near the property. The owners say they have never experienced any arching or noise problems from the lines. Paranormal experiences predate the construction of the power lines.


The property is owned by a large group of people who will be referred to in this report as the clients. The clients leased then bought the property approximately five years ago. The property was bought from a woman whose family had owned and used the property as a hobby farm in the 1960s.


Documents show the house was homesteaded in 1851. It originally was 41 acres all on one side of the road. It was used as a farm by several of the owners over the course of its history.
Although we do not know how many people have owned the property over the years, the clients leased the purchased the property bought from a woman whose family had owned and used the property as a hobby farm in the 1960s. The property had been vacant for many years and showed signed of maintenance neglect but no signs of vandalism.
Upon purchase of the property the clients were told by the seller that the property was extremely haunted and always had been. She personally had many paranormal type experiences at this location.



  • Farmer 1
  • Walks out of the door of the farm house, floats then fades away.
  • Farmer 2
  • Full body apparition. Walks through barn
  • Soldier
  • Dressed in full Confederate uniform and has been seen watching over people sleeping around fire pit. Seen by a client and the owner they bought the property from.
  • Women (Emily)
  • Partial apparition, no legs. Comes out of the kitchen of farm house and drifts in general direction of original outhouse. They think this might be Emily whose parents owned the farm. She also lived here with her husband who was an unsuccessful farmer. She is said to have died in the house of throat cancer.
  • Black Robed Figure
  • This apparition was seen carrying a red lantern. It was seen once by one of the clients while leaving the clubhouse at 11 PM. He said the figure walked out into the road in front of him. No one else saw this.


  • A client’s son (30) was alone, sitting at the bar in the farm house.
  • The napkins on the bar swirled around by themselves. There was no obvious reason the napkins should have moved.
  • A client brought a woman back to the farm house late one night.
  • Once in the farm house this woman proceeded to have a conversation with a chair in the corner. The woman was able to convey some personal information about the client and his sister who had died. He had just met this woman so he could not figure why she would know such personal information.
  • A woman visitor to the clubhouse claimed she felt something go through her when she entered the clubhouse. She described it as, “a coldness that passed right through her". She was very upset and the experience made her cry.
  • A female client of the club states she was touched twice while sitting in the club house. This happened on in January of one year at 4 AM near the bar.
  • A client came out to mow the grass. He was alone on the property.
  • He put two warm beers into the refrigerator by the bar in the farm house. He mowed the grass and after two hours came back into the farm house to retrieve his beer. He saw that one of the beers was sitting on the bar and it was ice cold. No one else had come to the property while he was mowing the grass. He was very upset and left.
  • The first time the clients came to the property one female client was looking towards the farm house and said she saw something that looked like a women's skirt go across the porch and into the old front door of the house.
  • Batteries in devices like cameras seem to drain at this location.
  • A girl was out at night taking pictures of the property and inside the barn with her father's camera.
  • Whenever she went out to take pictures the camera (Canon Rebel) would deprogram. She would bring it into the clubhouse and they would set it on the bar and it would reprogram itself. She did get a few pictures that showed orbs and mists.
  • The women they bought the property from claims she had many
    paranormal experiences here including being locked in the chicken coop.
  • Some members feel presences during the day but most activity happens at night between 1 AM and 3 AM. No specific weather conditions.
  • At least five different clients have had paranormal experiences at the location.
  • They have been visited by neighbors and farmers who have lived in the area for generations. These people reinforced the claims that the location was and still is considered haunted. The people in the area actually stay away from the property.
  • In the late 80's the curator from a museum was going to purchase the property.
  • He started to clear the property by cutting up some trees that had fallen. He found he could not stay at the property because he was overcome by feelings of remorse, neglect, dread and depression. He decided not to buy the property.


Barn baseline EMF readings averaged .2 mg with it rising to .5 Mg by an overhead light and electrical outlet.
House Outside Perimeter .2
Power cord going into house
House inside 0.2 - 0.3
0.9 Power cord in corner of living room
Shed by house
Outlet by bench 0.5
Florescent light 20.4
Ceiling light bulb 3.2
Outhouse In/out 0.2
Outside locations
Campfire pit 0.2 - 0.3
Outside clubhouse 0.2

"Old" outhouse area 0.2
Garden Shed
Wall behind turkey 8 (electric boxes, outlets)
Backside .1 - .3
Electric cord in back of room 2
Machine Shed 0
Unusual Readings
9:10 Lights flickered in clubhouse at EMF pulse 2 - 21/2 Mg
Ions count at this time was: Positive 10 - 20 / Negative ions: There was a steady increase from 20 to 80 then the reading went down again.
9:17 EM (Magnetic) Pulsing 4mG
9:24 EM pulsing 1.5mG
9:25 Flickering of lights cease.



The infrared quad system was set up during the investigation. The camera placement was as follows:

  • Outside facing the old out house area
  • Outside facing the porch entrance of the house
  • Inside the barn
  • Inside the house bar area

Two investigators at a time would watch the quad system and write down the time something unusual occurred, what the occurrence was and what camera it was seen on.
Analysis of this quad log against the videos turned up nothing that could not be explained as some something natural.


Aside from an unverified photograph taken by an investigator at the pre-investigation no unusual photographs or video were taken during the investigation.


The DEAD System for this investigation consisted of a Triaxial ELF magnetic field meter with PC interface, HOBO temperature datalogger, GM-10 radiation detector from Black Cat Systems, Tri-field Natural EMF meter modified to be data logged. The readings from the sessions are time stamped and data logged onto a computer.
The DEAD System was used during the controlled EVP sessions. Environmental data recorded during these sessions was time stamped and looked at for any unusual readings.


During the EVP session there were fluctuations in both the EMF and radiation throughout the sessions (see Audio report). A control run of the DEAD System was done after the EVP session and upon analysis of that session it was noted that there was no significant movement in the EMF or radiation during this control run.
It is of interest to note that when one particular female client would speak during the EVP session there would be fluctuation in the radiation. This fluctuation did not occur whenever anyone else spoke.


Again it was noted that when the same female client spoke during the session there was movement in the radiation.
There were no other significant readings.


1st AUDIO FILES Recorded between 9:49 and 9:50 PM Barn
This set is from the beginning of the barn session. The group heard what we thought was the buzzing of insects. This audio might just be insect buzzing but the recordings do not resemble the buzzing the team heard. There are hypothesis in the EVP field that suggests that EVP is formed from back ground noise such as the sound of a fan running or any type of low volume noise containing may random audio frequencies. There have also been cases where a faint buzzing was heard but upon play back of the recorders voice were heard in place of the buzzing. It is not within the scope of this report to confirm that either of these scenarios are at play in these files. This suspected EVP, although interesting, did not pass all the conditions set by the SWPRG to be considered a verified EVP.


0 - .6 Barns seem to be very important features of this area, this location, this property. .6 – 12.3 Silence (Insect buzzing?) 12.3 – 16.3 Now there is buzzing behind me but I swear it must be some sort of insect. 16.3 – 18.6 Silence 18.6 – 20 You hear that? Yes 20 – 25 Silence 25 – 29.1 Just note that may be like June bugs or May beetles. 29.1 – 32 Silence (Possible EVP) 32 -36 Well anyhow, barns are very important...


01a F Barn 950 Complete file 01b F Barn 950 Standard hiss reduction version of suspected EVP


EMF - At 9:50 the Y axis of the EMF had a .23 MGs spike. At the same time the Z axis spiked to .68 MGs.
RADIATION - Between 9:49 and 9:50 the radiation leveled off for the only time during the session.
The possible EVP that were recorded during this session are of poor quality (what is classified as C quality). Although it is impossible to determine if this recorded audio are true EVP it is interesting to note the environmental changes that happened at the time of these recordings.
2nd AUDIO FILES Recorded 9:53 PM Barn
This is the second group of files from the barn. This is from later in the session but before Rose started talking and before the bottle snapped. It can be heard on both the cassette and digital.


.5 How large was your family ……when you lived here?
8.2 Click from DEAD system
9 –10 Possible EVP (Mumbling)
12-13 Possible EVP (Voice calling)
14:1-16:8 Did your parents also live here with you? Your mother?


02a F Barn 953 complete, Complete unedited file

02b F Barn 953 segment Standard hiss reduction segment of suspected EVP


RADIATION - From 9:53 to 9:54 the radiation dropped from 21 to 12.5
The possible EVP that were recorded during this session are of poor quality (what is classified as C quality). Although it is impossible to determine if this recorded audio contains true EVP it is interesting to note the environmental changes that happened at the time of these recordings.

3rd AUDIO FILE Recorded at 9:57 Barn
At 9:57 during the EVP session, the group heard a loud pop. One of the investigators found a plastic soda bottle that was sitting behind us. The sound could have come from the pop bottle if it had been compressed then released. Some investigators commented that the atmosphere in the barn just prior to the pop felt like it was ramping up.


03 pop 957


EMF - At 9:57 the Y axis of the EMF meter spiked at .3 MGs which was the highest it spiked throughout the entire session. At the same time (9:57) the Z axis also spiked reaching .75 MGs which also was the highest for this axis during the session.
RADIATION - During this same time the radiation also measured at the following levels:

  • 9:56 – 11.5
  • 9:57 – 14
  • 9:58 – 15
  • 9:59 – 8
  • 10:00 – 7 (This was the lowest radiation reading of the session. At this point the radiation began to rise again.)


No unusual audio was recorded during the HOUSE or CLUB HOUSE EVP


submitted by Gina Bina

Interesting information on the minerals found in the area of the investigation

  • Calcite Is Luminescent (gives off light) and appears florescent
  • Illite Barely detectable levels of radiation
  • Marcasite Very Magnetic after heating and is high photoelectric
  • Pyrite Magnetic after heating and high photoelectric properties
  • Quartz Triboluminescent and is a conductor of electricity
  • Sphalerite Luminescent and appears florescent and is also triboluminescent and has high photoelectric properties.
  • What does this all mean, well there are minerals present that will give off luminescent light. Triboluminescent means that when these minerals are crushed or broken light is given off. Also if the area was heated at some time in history as far as any quarries in the area or by industry or even when the high powered electrical lines were installed in this particular area it could have increase the magnetism in this location. The electromagnetism of the high powered lines can “heat” up these minerals to increase the magnetism and this could be a cause of the battery drain that was experienced. Photoelectric refers to the emission of electrons that will in turn produce incidental light. This was very interesting data for this investigation.


While personal experiences, if not backed up through some secondary source, are difficult to prove, the SWPRG feels they are important to the overall understanding of an investigation.
In this particular investigation is it interesting to note that different investigators reported similar experience at different times throughout the investigation. Since the investigators were not aware of the history or reported phenomena of the location we fine these types of similarity worthy of review.


A variety of unusual sounds were heard throughout the night by different investigators

  • Pop sound during EVP session in the barn. Upon investigating the location of the sound one investigator found soda bottle that probably had been compressed and made the pop when the compressed plastic pushed out. There were two unusual things just before this pop happened though. One was that the investigator conducting the EVP session felt like energy was building just before this pop. Also the data logging system indicated radiation or EMF activity at this time
  • Three investigators heard what they thought were children laughing outside of the clubhouse at 1:20 AM.
  • Several investigators commented that they heard sounds in the main room of the barn and outside of the barn. These audible sounds were described as hissing, growling, scraping, and sliding.


  • Shadow forms were seen by several investigators.
  • One investigator said they saw fluctuating and darkening masses towards the ceiling of the barn. This happened during the first data logging EVP session.
  • A lead investigator was sitting by the fire pit looking towards the house when he saw a shadow figure walk across the doorway. He inquired of the three investigators who were in the house if they had seen some one walk by this doorway. They indicated that there had been no one in the room where this doorway is located.
  • While standing by the outhouse an investigator noticed a shadow come from between the club house and chicken coop.

Equipment Experiences

  • Two separate investigators had focusing problems with their personal camcorders.
  • Five investigators experienced battery drain in their cameras or camcorders throughout the night.
  • Increasing then decreasing negative ion counts and EMF pulsing during the time lights started flickering in the club house. The clients commented that the lights had never flickered in the clubhouse before. The reading are listed below.

9:10 Lights flickered in clubhouse
EMF Pulse 2 – 2 1/2 mG
Ions Positive 10 - 20
Ions Negative 20 with a steady increase to 80 then reading
went back down then up.
9:17 EM (Magnetic) Pulsing 4mG
9:24 EM Pulsing 1.5mG
9:25 Flickering of lights cease.


This was a large investigation with many locations to be investigated.
In the end it turned out to be a solid investigation that turned up some thought provoking information.
While it is difficult to prove personal experiences without back up documentation, it is intriguing that multiple investigators had similar experiences at different times throughout the night. These personal experiences were reported by newer as well as very seasoned investigators. The sighting of shadow figures, feeling presences and the feeling of being touched were all reported.
As mentioned in the geology report, the mineral make up of the area may in some way play a part in the battery drain that was experienced throughout the night. Camera malfunctions not related to battery drain are still being investigated.

After review of the DVR quad system, personal camcorders and photographs no anomalous images were found. Our experiences in haunting investigation find this not to be unusual.
Audio phenomenon was not something that had been reported at the location. While we did record some unusual sounds, their poor quality and clarity makes it difficult to determine if they are paranormal in nature. What is very interesting though is the environmental reading fluctuations that happened during the time these sounds were recorded. It also should be noted that in the barn, where the audio was recorded, no unusual environmental readings were recorded during a control DEAD System session.

The pop from the water bottle is intriguing based on investigator's feelings right before the pop and the environmental readings before, during and after the pop. While this could be a paranormal event it may more likely be the results of Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK) which is produced by a living person. We speculate that this may be the case and suggest it may be based around the female client or a particular investigator who was present at the session.
That the female client might be the agent is suggested by the increase in unusual environmental readings, especially radiation, whenever she spoke during the sessions. Two investigators at the session also commented, before this report was written, that they felt shifting in the barn's atmosphere when the female client became involved in the sessions.

It is difficult to determine if a location is definitely haunted by only conducting one investigation. Multiple investigations are generally needed to make a solid determination. But by utilizing a large team and adhering to set protocols for the investigation it was hoped we could gain as much usable information as possible during this one investigation. Fortunately, compared to many investigations there was a fair amount of activity during the night and we had a large amount of data to look at. The activity at this location may be a mix of misinterpreted natural phenomena, residual and active haunting phenomena and RSPK.

We would suggest a follow up investigation with a small team of investigators that would use specific equipment that can measure one's ability to influence the environment, continue to explore the audio phenomena of the location and utilize a different set of infrared photography equipment in an attempt to capture some of the visual activity that was reported during the investigation.

Submitted by Cindy Heinen
July 2009
EVP Specialist/Lead Investigator
Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group

Paranormal Investigations: Avoiding contaminated evidence while using digital voice recorders

This article comes from Ghost Hunting Guide

Anyone involved in paranormal research knows the importance of collecting audio evidence of electronic voice phenomena (EVP) free of contamination. Contamination is defined as any sound or noise which is man-made which provides a false positive or could be improperly deemed paranormal when in fact it is not.

In the paranormal field, there are a variety of instruments used which if not used carefully could result in contaminated evidence. In this article, we will examine the digital voice recorder and offer some tips on how to avoid contaminated evidence while using this instrument.

Digital voice recorders are one of the most commonly used tools by the paranormal investigator but using them requires extreme care to avoid false positives. First and foremost, when conducting EVP sessions it is always important to identify the who, what, when, and where of the session. Paranormal investigators should always verbally “tag” this information. This can be accomplished by simply stating this information into the voice recorder. An example might be, “EVP session, Jones residence, the date, John, Mike, and David, in the living room.” Also any man-made noise such as coughing, yawning, of footsteps should be verbally “tagged”. Simply say, “Traffic noise in the background” or “That’s John coughing.” Making these statements for the recorder will help tremendously when reviewing the recordings for EVP evidence.

While using the digital voice recorder the paranormal investigator should consider implementing the use of an external microphone which helps to avoid picking up sound emitted from the recorder itself. It also helps to avoid picking up any “jostling” sound picked up by the recorder while the recorder is being handled in the record mode. Digital voice recorders should also be set down on a table or other object during the recording of EVPs to further help eliminate “jostling” sounds. And finally, try to avoid walking while conducting EVP sessions to avoid picking up the sound of footprints while walking.

On some occasions the paranormal investigator may choose to leave the digital voice recorder alone in a room and allow it to simply run without EVP questions being asked. This is a common technique which again requires some careful planning. When leaving a digital voice recorder in a room as a “stand alone” recorder, consider closing any doors to the area and seal it off with a piece of colored tape. By doing so, it indicates the area is sealed off and no one should enter the room if possible. Even walking close to the door can create footsteps which can be picked up by the recorder so again, caution should be taken even getting close to the room. If you have to enter the room, implement the use of verbal “tagging” to identify that you’re entering the room. When placing the recorder in the room, look for any other sources of noise such as fans, air conditioners, or anything that has timer which make turn something on in the room while the recorder is in use.

Consider limiting the number of paranormal investigators in the area or building being investigated which can significant reduce the possibility of contaminated evidence. Fewer people mean less likelihood of capturing false footprints and other man-made noise. If other investigators must be in the building, try to put as much space between them and those conducting the EVP recording session.

And finally, no article on eliminating contamination of evidence would be complete without mentioning whispering. Paranormal investigators should never whisper. Whispering is probably more to blame for false evidence more than any other noise out there and must be eliminated. Always speak in a clear, conversational tone so that it will not be confused for a false anomaly.

As you can see by taking some simple steps you can greatly reduce or hopefully eliminate contaminating your evidence. By doing so it will provide EVP session which is easier to review and possibly give greater credibility to your EVPs.

Related posts:

    coming next month.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Case Report: Grand Theater, Wausau

Grand Theater, Wausau

Here’s a case report about Wausau’s Grand Theater from WPRS. To read the case report, please click on the link.

Grand Theater Case Report

Click Here
Grand Opera House Investigation

Case Report: Annie Of UW Marathon

Annie Of UW Marathon

Here’s a case report of Annie from WPRS. To read the case report, please click on the link.

Annie Case Report


Summerwind Part 2

Article Source

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Considered the most notorious haunted house in the state of Wisconsin, Summerwind mansion is steeped in legend and mystery. Many purchasers reported an unease about the property even though even if they had never experienced any ghostly activity themselves. Now a burned-out ruin among the pines of the Northwoods, the former mansion has gained a cult following, becoming a place for those looking to experience bizarre phenomena themselves.

Built in 1916 by Robert P. Lamont for himself and his family on the shores of West Bay Lake in northeast Wisconsin, the mansion was an escape from the pressures of political life in Washington D.C. during the summer months. The original structure, a fishing lodge, was purchased by Lamont, who employed Chicago architects to remodel the property and convert it into a mansion.

During his 15 years at the mansion Lamont believed the structure was haunted. Lamont suddenly abandoned the mansion in the mid 1930s after one particularly frightening evening. He and his wife had just settled down to an evening meal in the kitchen, when the door to the basement shook itself open and a ghostly form of a man appeared. Lamont grabbed a pistol and fired two shots at the apparition as door swung shut. Holes in the basement door could still be seen many years later after the home came under new ownership.

From the 1940s to the 60s the house was owned by the Keefer family but remained largely unoccupied. When Mr. Keefer died his widow subdivided the land and sold it to purchasers but they experienced financial difficulties in keeping up payments.


When Arnold and Ginger Hinshaw and family moved to the house in the early 1970s many strange occurrences began to unfold and much of the haunting seemed to take place during this time. Shadows would be seen moving down the hallways, whispers would be heard but then stop when the Hinshaws entered the room, unexplained electrical and mechanical problems often occurred at the home, windows and doors would open and close by themselves. One window raised and lowered so often at all hours that Arnold nailed it shut. An apparition of a woman would appear near the dining room.

During this time the Hinshaws tried to renovate their historic home but had trouble keeping workers because Summerwind gained a reputation for being haunted. Workers would not show up for work, usually claiming illness, a few of them simply outright refused to work. The Hinshaws decided to do the work themselves. During the renovation, Arnold was painting a closet in one of the bedrooms and removed a shoe drawer from a closet. He discovered a hidden dark space behind it. When Arnold investigated the space he thought he saw the remains of an animal. The entrance to this space was too small for him to fit into so he sent his daughter Mary with a flashlight to investigate. Moments later Mary let out a scream and claimed discovering a human skull and strands of black hair. For some reason no report was made to the police. The body mysteriously vanished when Ginger's father and brother investigated the space many years later.

The discovery of the corpse marked a turning point for the family. Arnold began display strange behavior, staying up late at night playing their Hammond organ that they purchased before moving into the house. The music became a strange mixture of senseless melodies which grew louder during the night. Ginger pleaded for him to stop but Arnold claimed the demons in his head demanded that he continue to play. He often played the bizarre music until dawn as his frightened wife and children took refuge in one of the bedrooms. Six months after moving into the house, Arnold suffered a breakdown and Ginger attempted suicide.

Several years later Ginger's father, Raymond Von Bober, bought Summerwind and wanted to turn the house into a restaurant. The Von Bobers' attempts to renovate the house suffered the same problems as the Hinshaws' years ago. Von Bober's son Karl experienced a variety of unnerving events. While walking through a hallway he heard a voice call his name, but he was the only one in the house. Then he heard what heard what sounded like two pistol shots and ran into the kitchen to find the room filled with smoke and the smell of gunpowder, an apparent supernatural reenactment from the 1930s Lamont incident.

During Von Bober's renovations workmen also began to report uneasiness as tools began to disappear. Furnishings appeared in photographs, which had not been existence since the original owners had possession of the home. Room dimensions appeared to change in these photographs and as drafts-people tried to produce blueprints of rooms.


By the 1980s the mansion was abandoned for good. People visiting during this time reported seeing objects flying around, disappearing and reappearing, and photographs would have odd shadows in them. Some experienced seeing the mansion as it would have appeared in earlier times.


In June 1988 the mansion was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. All that survived was the house's chimney stacks, foundations, and stone staircase.

For us the house seemed to retain its sense of mystery. On our first trip to explore and photograph the house we never found it, despite being within several yards of the ruin. A few days later after further research we decided to try again. This time we found it and we felt a sense of sadness and abandonment contrasting the pleasant sunny day, as we approached the ruin. The chimneys stood like tombstones against the sky, an epitaph to its former glory. The dull buzzing sounds of the spring hatching of flies on the mansion grounds added to the eerie atmosphere. As we walked around the ruin among the weeds and wild growing trees, Anna and I photographed and talked about the house, how sad that such a grand home had become so desolate. In spite of the walls having burned down long ago, the house seemed to retain its sense of volume. The weed-covered foundation and archways that still remain hinted to a grander time. We both wondered why no one has tried since the 1980s to clear the land and rebuilt another home.


RELATED POSTS:Summerwind Part 1
Summer Wind part 3

When paranormal investigators harm each other

This article is from the

August 22, 2:14 PM by Cheri Esperon

Paranormal Unity, if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been a ghost hunter, it would have been his dream. Maybe it would have gone a little something like this:

“I have a dream that one day in the halls of Waverly the sons of TAPS fans and the sons of PRS fans will be able to hunt ghosts together…

…And when this happens, when we allow Unity to occur, when we let it ring from every cemetery and every haunted house, from every asylum and every lighthouse, we will be able to speed up that day when all of the paranormal community, ghost hunters and psychics, scientists and clergy, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Ray Parker Jr Song, "I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts!”

But the sad reality is that Paranormal Unity is a long way away. Right now simple respect and human decency needs to be the call. I recently talked about how some were trespassing and destroying property in the so-called name of ghost hunting. But there is an even more disgusting trend. While many are reaching out to others in an effort to build relationships, share information, and advance the field; there are predators among them. Predators who prey on the trust and civility of others.

The stories you are about to read are true, identifying information has been omitted to protect the innocent, but they are all true, as told to me by the victims themselves:

  • One paranormal team had worked very hard to gain permission to investigate a site. Excited about the opportunity, they shared the information of their upcoming adventure. When they arrived the night of the investigation, they were shocked to discover that there was another team already there. A team claiming to be them. Impostors had shown up to essentially steal their investigation. Things got heated and the team that belonged there decided to be the better people and left. They figured it was better to give up the investigation than start a brawl on the property. (They were allowed in at a later time)
  • Paranormal Enthusiasts from around the country were excited about an upcoming convention. They pre-paid for tickets and did not bother to read the fine print that said no refunds under any circumstances. When the promoter, a paranormal enthusiast, canceled the event with no notice hundreds of people were out the ticket price. (luckily many paid for the tickets with credit cards or through PayPal and were able to file fraud claims and received their money back)
  • And the icing on the cake, recently at a paranormal convention, numerous investigators were robbed. The total of the take is unknown at this point but it is estimated to be near $20,000. Some were completely wiped out, left with no gear whatsoever. It appears the thieves knew exactly what they were looking for, so somewhere out there is a team that magically became very well equipped- and to them I say Karma is a B*tch, because you will be found out*

In addition to the blatant cases of fraud, identity-theft and robbery, hundreds of investigators find their reputations and personal happiness on the line due to cyber-bullying, or self-professed paranormal police who have made it their personal mission to air the dirty laundry of anyone they feel is unworthy. Some have been driven from the field they love because of the constant badgering. It is done for many reasons, sometimes out of jealousy, sometimes it is a misguided person who believes they are bettering the field by crushing those who they feel aren’t good enough, and some are just mean people who have nothing better to do than create drama.

But why are paranormal investigators, those who spend their lives trying to be skeptical, logical, and observant become the victims of these predators? Jason Sullivan of Midwest Haunts and Ghost Hunting 101 explains, “There is a common bond in the paranormal field, the love of the paranormal, and this bond fosters an immediate level of trust”

This creates a conundrum. We want to work together, share information and ideas, and network with each other. But how can we do this when we find ourselves in a position in which we need to protect ourselves? In part two of this series, I will discuss some tips to protect yourself from paranormal predators.

*There is an on-going police investigation and perhaps legal action pending therefore I can not divulge any other information about this situation, but if you happen to come across an eBay or Craigslist ad for paranormal gear, please forward it to me at EMAIL ME
so I may provide the information to victims who can see if it is any of their equipment.

Related Post: Coming next month


Tonight, get caught up on the first season of Reporter Chicks! We are re-airing all the previous episodes before the 2nd half of the first season begins! Tonight is the St. Augustine Lighthouse with John Zaffis and Dustin Pari! 8pm EST at

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th

4th of July Graphics provided by

Morgan "The Morgue" Manor

In 1895 George H. Wilbur, founder of Wilbur Lumber Co., which was founded in 1875, (The company operated several lumber yards in the Waukesha area and in several other locations in Wisconsin and Illinois, until going out of business in 1970.) built a new home, resting at the southeast corner of College & East Avenues, in Waukesha County.

Over the course of the next 100 years the house became part of the Carroll University campus, and has endured name changes, reflecting those families who have contributed to it’s renovation.

For some years the house served as a residence hall, which some students thought was haunted.

(First part of this story was printed in the 11-09-1895 issue of the Waukesha County Democrat Newspaper) {I could not find a copy of this article other than the little footnote I found online.}

(The second part of this story comes from the 10-31-1979 issue of the Waukesha Post Newspaper, written by Peggy Nace.)

The house is between the Mystic Drive & Tess Corners areas in Muskego.

Lydia E. Morgan, supposedly remains where she hung herself, in Morgan Manor (The home built by Wilbur.).

The former Boyeson School For Boys in Mukwonago, recently has been converted into residential house. One of the owners, tells of her husband backing into someone who wasn’t there. Of having her children tell her they saw “a man in the basement who disappeared.” Of having “foul smelling, red liquid” bleed from the fireplace, of hearing laughter when no one is about. And of having the lights go on and off without anyone touching the switch.

“When we first moved in, my 1 month old son, kept talking about Sandy. When I asked my neighbor about Sandy, it turned out that Sandy was her beloved Cocker spaniel, that had died in the very room my son kept seeing her in.”

“The only time I was afraid, was one night when I went up to my bedroom. I thought my husband had followed me up. I heard this maniac laugh, hysterical, sort of. I was about to ask my husband what was going on, when I heard the water go on in the kitchen. I knew my husband was downstairs. When I turned around, no one was behind me. That’s the only time I was scared.”

(Part three of this story comes from 10-23-1984 Milwaukee Journal, and was written by Robert M. Rlepenhoff ?)

Joe Kremkoski never really believed in ghosts. That is not until he spent a cold night, dark night, in Morgan Manor, which became known as “The Morgue”.

“I’m not going to say there are such things and I’m not going to say there aren’t.” said Kremkoski, a 1972 Carroll Graduate. “I just know what I saw.”

The incident took place 14 years ago, but he remembers it clearly. At that time Morgan Manor was being used as a residence hall for the college. Kremkoski, then a Sophomore, lived in a single room that had been built under a stairway on the first floor of Morgan Manor.

It was late at night, the door was closed. He was laying in bed, drowsy, and about to drift off to sleep. Suddenly he said “There was a figure at the foot of my bed. It appeared as though it had come through the wall.”

Kremkoski described the figure as a middle-aged man, dressed in a long over coat.

“It had a smirk on it’s face and it was reaching over to grab my foot. Not viciously or maliciously, but like it was playing a game.”

The man’s clothing seemed to be from a different era. But Kremkoski couldn’t place it. “It appeared more than transparent” he said. “Translucent, maybe.”

“It wasn’t just a smoky thing. It appeared to have substance.”

Startled, Kremkoski bolted out of bed. “I got up and turned the lights on and the figure was gone.”

In the days that followed, Kremkoski, talked with other “Morgue” residents and found that some of them also had experienced strange phenomena, including other apparent ghostly visions.

Stories about ghosts in Morgan Manor have been told on campus for years, according to Jim Van Ess, a 1964 Graduate who works as the school’s reference librarian.

“Students would see the ghosts of Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur, dressed in formal attire of the late 19th Century, coming down the stairway and walking through the walls that weren’t there when they lived in the house.” Van Ess said.

A newspaper account from that era described the three story brick & Lannon stone mansion, complete with servants quarters, as the “handsomest and most costly home in the village.”

The house got it’s name from Lydia Morgan of Oshkosh, who donated money to the college in 1927 to buy & remodel the building for use as a library.

Stories about Lydia’s ghost haunting the manor also have circulated on campus, but she never actually lived in the house, according to school officials and information from the Waukesha county Museum.

The mansion was used as a library from 1928 until 1942, when it became a residence hall for students.

In 1979, the school moved the administrative offices of it’s student services department into the building.

Carroll officials have not heard of any ghostly incidents since then.

But Susan Brever, a 1977 graduate, recalled that several stories were being circulated when she lived in “The Morgue” during 1976 – 1977.

They involved a hanging that had allegedly occurred years earlier in the attic, doors that opened by themselves, mysterious noises that would come and go, the apparition of a ghost with a noose around it’s neck, and a young male student who awoke one morning with a serious of bloody scratches covering his chest.

Kremkoski, too, said he had heard a lot of the old stories. But for him, the spine-tingling chill came back in 1970, a few weeks after he saw the vision in his bedroom.

He began looking into the history of the Manor, wrote to the Wilbur Lumber Co. and obtained a copy of a booklet published in 1950 commemorating the firm’s 75th anniversary.

When he reached a page in the booklet with a portrait of Ray J. Wilbur, George Wilbur’s son, and a former Vice President of the lumber company, Kremkoski’s stopped and stared. “The person I saw in my room that night bore a striking resemblance to Ray Wilbur” he said.

New Event

Milwaukee Ghosts - Tours and Investigations Haunted History Tour this FRIDAY (7/2) at 7 p.m. in the Bloody Third. Haunts, monsters, curses, fun! Come celebrate local folklore! We're taking the rest of the weekend off for the holiday. Happy 4th everyone! Spots will fill up fast. Call 414-807-7862 to reserve yours.