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Are ghosts real? That is likely one of the most common questions asked when I'm doing a talk or hosting a workshop or gathering research for my writing. Are ghosts real?
I think it would be prudent to define "real" for the sake of this discussion and the subsequent mumblings of the skeptics. As close to the definition as we can get, considering the topic.
If someone sees a ghost and tells another person they saw something, regardless of how much one might want to believe someone, it still comes down to hear-say and the listener is left to decide if it's to be believed.
If two people see the same apparition or entity, then we have some corroboration and can move forward with more of a solid belief in what they tell us.
People want to believe. Not only would proof positive give them a confirmation of life after death, but would cement those who have a deep faith in the power of the soul. None of us want to believe that this is all there is. That life ends with our last breath. That we are nothing more than memories from that point on. Proof of the existence of ghosts lets our human nature be at ease, knowing that we have more to come.
Peoples' concept of what is real is generally based on their own experiences. Some of us have a regular interaction with those who have died. My gift (sometimes-curse) is clairaudience. I hear the dead. I hear their sometimes near-constant talking. I have a habit now of covering my ears when I get ready to sleep, the chatter can be so loud.
Those who have had first hand experience with ghosts and the breezes, chills, touches, whispers, movement, rearranging and clattering they can cause, are sure of our experience. It's undeniable once you've had interaction with that kind of energy, although many choose to deny it until their next encounter.
Skeptics love to cling to the "science" of disbelief. They love to denounce the existence of spirits and entities, because it makes their narrow view of life acceptable to them. God forbid someone should actually believe what they see with their own eyes, hear with their own ears and experience first-hand. Suspending disbelief is a practice that comes into play when we open ourselves to new and fresh experiences.
Are ghosts real? Yes, at least in my reality.
2009 © J Scheffler
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