This article is from TAPS.Com
Article by: Michael Richie
Grant has well covered the phenomena that we at TAPS refer to as “matrixing”. In my research I have also found numerous occasions where this has led to problems within the paranormal field. However, do not think that ours is the only branch of study that has taken casualties from it. The following should help us understand the consequences of falling into the dual traps of matrixing and an over-zealous desire to prove a haunting.
During the late nineteen hundreds there was widespread speculation that there was life on Mars. Not simple single cell life, but a technologically advanced species. Telescopes at this time were not nearly as advanced as they are today, and many astronomers scurried to decipher the images that they saw of the red planet through these scopes. In 1877 an Italian astronomer named Giovanni Schiaparelli observed what appeared to be faint lines crisscrossing the surface of Mars. He named these in his notes “canalli” meaning channels. Other contemporaries of Giovanni also made similar observations and a few began mapping them, such as an Irish astronomer Charles M. Burton. Others across the globe began mapping these features with varying degrees of complexity.
One American astronomer, Percival Lowell seemed bent on proving that there was indeed advanced life on Mars. He took Schaparelli’s work to an extreme. Perhaps his first mistake was that “canalli” was misinterpreted in English to “canals” rather then “channels” as was meant. Percival pushed this idea, and did extend his findings to the public. His mapping was very in-depth; insomuch that even Schiaparelli doubted Lowell’s research. Still, Lowell was unbending in his discoveries. Not all agreed with him, however. In 1903 experiments were conducted by scientists J.E. Evans and Edward Maunder proving that the apparent lines seen on Mars were in fact a form of optical illusion mentally enhanced by those seeking to prove the life on Mars theory. It was also noted that the maps of the various canals by different astronomers did not match. By 1909 with the use of an 83 cm telescope Eugene Antonaidi helped to disprove the theory. It was finally laid to rest in 1965 when space probe Mariner four arrived at the much-debated planet.
This should show the inherent danger in both matrixing as well as the need to substantiate at whatever cost. So, by all means, keep taking those pictures. The evidence will come faster if we all keep Grant’s simple protocols in mind. We may have these astronomers to thank though. It was widely speculated that many Science fiction writers drew inspiration from this debate including H.G. Wells.
Related Post: Photographic Analysis Matrixing
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