Article from CPS Paranormal
Some of the Theories:
They are fallen or dark angels. Cast out of God’s realm, (Heaven).
They have tried and tested God’s power (Rebelling).
They were angels who tried to mate with humans....
- Incubus... male demon
- Succubus... female demon
- Cambion... The offspring of a demon/human consummation.
Thus they were cast out for their actions.
Some Facts:
There is a list of know demons and types.
- Fire Demon - resides in our upper atmosphere and supervise the other five demons.
- Aerial Demon - Live in the air, considered the most dangerous.
- Terrestrial Demon - Nature devil, they live in the forest.
- Aqueous Demon - Live in lakes, oceans, rivers.
- Subterranean Demon - Cave Dweller
- Heliophobic Demon - Has a fear of light, possibly where the vampire legends came from.
In order for a possession to take place, the person must submit themselves to it (give permission). A person in direct line of offspring may also submit their direct descendent. Mother or Father offering their child.
In most cases, Satanic or cult rituals were used by the person or parents/grandparents or on the property. The activity surrounds the person, not the property. It is directly feeding from them and their energy.
The ultimate goal for a demon is to gain shape or form: ie possession. Unfortunately they feed from the person’s energy and eventually use all of it up, resulting in the person’s death. They feed from pure hate, not just negative energy, pure hate.
When it comes to deciphering the difference between a malevolent spirit and a Demonic spirit the client interviews and property inspection should give an investigator a clue as to what they are dealing with before doing the investigation. If you feel that it could be a malevolent spirit or worse, don’t be afraid to ask questions and inspect the whole property. Would you jump into a body of water from 20 feet high without knowing how deep it was or if their were any objects in it?
There has been two different cases that CPS has had some involvement in.
- One was in NJ. This case involved a woman and her partner who separated after years of physical fighting and arguing. When the new partner moved in with this woman, unknown physical assaults starting taking place upon her. There was information from the woman that her and her original partner did in fact use a Ouija board on several occasions and had a pentagram painted on the floor in the home. CPS is still helping this couple and it is on going. Is it a demon? ... Could be!
- The other case came to CPS from California. A woman’s boyfriend has been being attacked and physically assaulted almost on a daily basis. At first she thought he was lying and doing it to himself for attention. Through further questioning and certain steps CPS told her to do and try, we were able to ascertain that he was NOT doing this to himself. Video evidence of him sitting in a chair watching TV actually showed live on video cut marks appearing on him and him feeling them happening during an argument with her. This was referred to a known and reputable demonologist.
Demonologist are like psychics. If you need any further explanation of that statement refer to CPS’s article on psychics either here or on our site... in the article section. If demons and possessions are RARE, how many experienced Demonologists do you think are out there?
So do you need a Demonologist with you to do an investigation? If you have a case that you feel may in fact be of a Demonic nature and you have little or NO experience in doing this type of investigation, why put yourself or others in your group in that type of situation. It is NOT worth it. DEMONS ARE NOT SPIRITS!
Most people who think they have a demon problem are actually WACK-O... Not mentally stable. You don’t want to have to deal with or get into this type of situation. Refer your case to a reputable Demonologist and ask permission for yourself or your group to take part in it to learn. CPS is fortunate to have two of the top demonologist in the country to call for such cases. John Zaffis and Adam Blai.
In order to have an exorcism performed there are a lot of stringent psychological evaluations that have to take place with the client and their family. Background checks for not just the family but also the grandparents and friends, also full blown out property inspections. It takes years and a boat load of evidence in order for the church to even look at the case. When the sanction of performing an exorcism is granted, it doesn’t happen like in the movies. Most exorcisms take a long time to do. It is repeated again and again till the demon is finally exhausted. This can actually take months or years and each time is physically and mentally exhausting for the exorcism team.
What is a demonologist?
Someone that study’s and catalogs demons.
- A Demonologist studies every kind of recorded demon through history. The demonologist must go threw endless texts and sometimes travel great distances to find literature (mostly religious material) of human intervention with demons.
- When you encounter a demon you must know as much about it for the next time you either encounter it or come across it.
- Cataloging includes origin, gender, ethnic background, what religion it exists in, what geographical area in the world it mostly exists, sketches. Cataloging is the most important job of a demonologist because it differentiates all the demons.
- A demonologist knows how to bring a demon out, he knows how to speak to the demon.
- To become an approved demonologist you must be some kind of clergy.
Exorcism is mainly the rite of driving out demons from possessed persons. Exorcism is mainly performed for demonic possession which is totally different spiritual possession. The Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant denominations such as the Pentecostals practice exorcisms. The Protestant churches refer to the practice as "deliverance ministry" where gifted people drive out demons and heal while they touch the person’s with their hands, called laying on of hands, and pray over them.
Technically, exorcism is placing the demon on oath or invoking a higher authority to bind the entity in order to control it and command it to act contrary to its own will. In some incidences there may be more than one demon possessing a person.
In the Christian sense this higher authority is Jesus Christ. This act is based on the belief that the demons are afraid of Christ. The belief itself is based on scripture. Coming from the sea of Galilee Christ entered the land of the Gerasenes. He was immediately met by a man from the tombs cut into the mountains of the area. The man was said to be possessed of an unclean spirit. Nothing could bind this man, not even chains. He lived in the mountains, crying, and cutting himself with stones. But, so it is told, when seeing Christ approaching, the man went to him seeking help. The unclean demon immediately recognized Christ, and Christ recognized the demon. Christ, then, summoned the spirit to leave the man, and asked his name. "My name is Legion," answered the spirit, "for we are many." Once the demons left the man, Christ sent them into a nearby heard of swine who then jumped in to the sea and drown. (Mark 5:1-13) Unlike other exorcists, it is believed, that Christ did not exorcise because He did not need to call on a higher authority since He Himself was that higher authority.
Now, not only did Christ exorcise demons, or unclean spirits, but he gave the powers to his disciples.
The Catholic Church has a procedure out-lined rite of exorcism which is set forth in The Rituale Romanum.
During the ritual usually salt, representing purity, and wine, representing the blood of Christ, is present. The victim is to hold a crucifix during the rite. The exorcist is encouraged to use holy water and relics, usually pieces of bones from Saints, and recite Biblical scriptures and other prayers.
The greatest danger to the exorcist is becoming possessed by the demon himself. This is the reason why the exorcist must feel as free of sin as possible and feel no secret need for punishment. Otherwise, the demon can easily entrap him. The priest best suited to be an exorcist as being a man of good physical health, being of middle age, routinely going about his normal pastoral duties. He usually is not brilliant or engaged in teaching or research. Although, there are exceptions. Exorcisms usually take place in a location where there is a definite connection between the demon and the victim. ie victims bedroom or residence. Exorcists rarely choose to work alone. Three other people usually assist the exorcist. One is a junior priest who has been trained in exorcism procedures. He monitors the exorcism, helping the exorcist when possible not to be distracted by the possessive demon. Others can include a medical physician and a family member. The most important thing of all is that the exorcist and his assistants be physically strong and relatively guiltless. None must have any secret sins which the demon can use against them. In some incidences the demon may shout out the sins of the exorcist or his assistants attempting to shame them and ruin the exorcism.
Although all exorcisms are different in proceeding there are similar stages they follow:
- The Presence: The exorcist and his assistants become aware of an alien feeling or entity. Attempts or actions of the evil spirit appear to be the victim’s. The exorcist’s first job is to break this Pretense and find out whom the demon really is. Gaining the entity’s name is most important.
- Breakpoint: The moment when the demon’s Pretense finally collapses. This is usually a moment of complete pandemonium. There evolves a scene of panic and confusion, accompanied by a crescendo of abuse, horrible sights, noises, and odors. The demon then turns on the victim, speaking of the person in the third person.
- The Voice: Also a sign the Breakpoint, the Voice (of the demon) becomes "inordinately disturbing and humanly distressing babble." The demon’s voices must be silenced for the exorcism to proceed.
- The Clash: As the Voices die out there is both a spiritual and physical pressure. The demon has collided with the "will of the Kingdom." The exorcist is now in direct battle with the demon, urging the entity to reveal more information about itself so it can be controlled. As previously mentioned, there is a connection between the entity and the victim’s resident. The entity wants a place to be in, or it must return to Hell. An existence out of Hell is what the demon is fighting for.
- Expulsion: In the supreme triumph of God’s will, the demon leaves in the name of Jesus. All present feel the Presence dissipates, occasionally with receding noises and voices. The victim may remember the ordeal or may not recall anything that has happened.
The ritual of exorcism is more cautiously employed by the Catholic Church at present than it once was. When reviewing the conditions for demonic possession that were once listed one can easily see many of the symptoms are those of epilepsy, hysteria, schizophrenia, and other psychological disorders. So priests are cautioned to be as certain as possible the person is truly demonically possessed before performing the ritual.
The typical Hindu exorcism practices consist of blowing cow-dung smoke, pressing rock salt between the fingers, burning pig excreta, beating or pulling the victim’s hair, reciting prayers or mantras, and offering gifts of candy and other presents to get the evil or troublesome spirits to depart from the persons.
The ritual employed in Shamanism is that the shaman enters a trace during which he attempts to discover the cause of the victim’s trouble. Frequently the cause is thought linked to a dead person. The shaman then is said to travel to the lowerworld to speak with this soul. He then knows the cure of this victim’s affliction, or may even bring back the soul to cure it.