Sunday, March 3, 2013

(EVP) Electronic Voice Phenomena

Article from CPS Paranormal

EVP Is the term traditionally used to describe anomalous, intelligible speech recorded in or produced by electronic devices, and for which no currently understood physical explanations can account. EVP initially involved audio tape recorders, but in later years, virtually any recording medium became a vehicle for phenomena, and today, digital voice recorders are the device of choice for traditional EVP experimentation.

The popular A-B-C classification system developed by Sarah Estep, Founder of the American Association—Electronic Voice Phenomena has proven to be somewhat dated in classifying Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) for paranormal research and understanding. The recently re-worded AA-EVP system distinguishes EVP based simply on the quality and clarity of the EVP recording. Furthermore, broad subjectivity when classifying EVP is an inherent challenge of this system. As a reminder, the AA-EVP system is:

  • Class A: EVP is a message that can be heard without headphones and that people can generally agree on its content.
  • Class B: EVP requires a headphone to distinguish message content and not everyone will agree on the message.
  • Class C: EVP requires headphone, often needs amplification and filtering and will seldom even be heard by others.

While the quality of the EVP recording is important, it is the potential message contained within it that is of the utmost value in discovering more about life after death. Therefore, the EVP naming conventions below approach the classification of EVP primarily from the standpoint of how meaningful they are in helping humans to understand the spirit realm and spirit psychology, rather than simply how intelligible the EVP may be (although this is included). Please note that EVP by definition are voices and/or sounds captured on recorded media and not voices and/or sounds heard audibly. The goal of the following conventions is to make the classifying of EVP as objective as possible in order to minimize researcher subjectivity.


  1. Spirit voice is a direct response to a human statement / question / action / activity, or spirit voices respond to each other.
  2. Most or all of the words are clear and intelligible, with or without headphones.
  3. Spirit voice communicates comprehensible and existentially meaningful expressions of thoughts / feelings / emotions / opinions / actions / intentions.

Class 2 (Non-Interactive):

  1. Voice is a general statement and not a direct response to a statement/question/action/activity by humans.
  2. Most or all of the words are generally clear and understandable, with or without headphones.
  3. Spirit voice communicates comprehensible and existentially meaningful expressions of thoughts / feelings / emotions / opinions / actions / intentions.

Class 3 (Non-Speech):

Spirit voice is a sound other than the spoken word

  1. Growls, screams, humming, etc.
  2. Musical instruments, TV, radio, concerts, footsteps, rapping, banging, etc.

Null EVP (Valueless)

>The EVP contains nothing of value in understanding the spirit realm or spirit psychology.

  1. Words are unintelligible, with or without headphones.
  2. Spirit voice does not communicate comprehensible and existentially meaningful expressions of thoughts / feelings / emotions / opinions / actions / intentions, although the word(s) may be intelligible.

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