Sunday, March 3, 2013

Paranormal phenomena on the Internet

This article was found on

It was written by Kacey Stapleton

Created on: September 22, 2010 Last Updated: September 23, 2010

Perhaps when you think of reading information about the paranormal your mind turns to dark Edgar Allan Poe induced images. A long forgotten manuscript read by candlelight or book tucked away in a drafty castle might sound appealing at first, but the dim light isn’t good for the eyes, and you should avoid damp places.

Fortunately, your search doesn’t have to be so arduous. Information about terms, anecdotal stories, and methods of research into the paranormal are plentiful on the Internet.

Rowena Gilbert’s fondness for ghost stories has turned huge benefits for those with a similar interest. Gilbert is the original creator of Castle of Spirits a website anyone who loves first person accounts of spooky encounters intermixed with older legends and timeless classic stories. The site was started in 1998 and became incredibly popular quickly, even as Gilbert’s reputation as a thoughtful researcher grew. Sadly, she passed away in 2008, but the site now run by other enthusiasts carries on collecting stories from all over the world. New first person accounts are posted monthly and these stories along with those in the archive can fill many an hour. There’s also a section on the history of urban legends like Bloody Mary. You might want to have a few snacks close by before you settle in to read since time flies by fast especially on your first visit.

If you want to read up on famous ghost hunters The Atlantic Paranormal Society is the place to start, although admittedly this site is a bit on the busy side. Jammed packed with information on all sides it might take a few minutes to take it all in. There are articles on everything from the technical side of ghost hunting to the difference between ghosts and nature spirits. This is a great place for beginners to learn the terminology used by many in the field. You can also catch up on what is going on with the various members of the TAPS team you have become familiar with on SyFy’s Ghost Hunters. In fact, there’s a link to follow Jason and Grant on Twitter.

A combination of paranormal research information and good old fashion ghost stories can be found on the Prairie Ghosts American Haunting page. Links to events, books , tour information and more can be found on this website run by Troy Taylor. Happily, this is another spot where an enthusiast can get lost for an hour or more. Even the long time researcher might find a few tidbits of information on old stories like Resurrection Mary that offer a few surprises.

If you want to explore the paranormal side of Space, the best place to start is with The Mutual UFO Network has been around since 1969 in one form or another, and their site is a treasure trove of information. The site is very easy to maneuver through with everything from events to current articles at your fingertips.

We have no way to know what kind of stories Mr. Poe might have come up with if only he could have pondered forgotten lore on a laptop rather than all those dusty books. But you have the wondrous ability of your computer and who knows where the power of your imagination and the Internet will take you.

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