Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Entertainment News
This report was found on
Ivan Reitman Confirms ‘Ghostbusters III’
Jan. 22, 2010,
“Who you gonna call? Ivan Reitman! The director (and producer) of Ghost Busters and Ghostbusters II let some very important news slip to an news team on the red carpet for the National Board of Review, where his son’s movie Up in the Air — on which dad Ivan is also an exec. producer — took home the night’s top prize for Best Picture,” reports Lauren Le Vine for
“Buzz about a third installment in the franchise has been flying lately, turning from mere hearsay to legitimate possibility a few weeks ago when Harold Raimis, writer and star of the original ghost-busting film, revealed to MTV that Ghostbusters III is slated for a 2011 release,” reports Le Vine. “Ghost Busters and Ghostbusters II star Sigourney Weaver was also quick to let several hints about the upcoming third installment fly while promoting her latest film, Avatar.”
According to Le Vine, “When MTV asked Reitman what he had to say about Weaver’s claims that Bill Murray’s character, Pete Venkman, would return in the third film as a ghost and that her character’s son from Ghostbusters II would be back in III as a ghost, Reitman remained mum. ‘I’m not going to comment on what’s in the script and on what Sigourney may or may not have said. There’s some very cool things in the new draft, let’s just put it that way’.”
“Although he wouldn’t confirm or deny any major plot points (and MTV failed to ask our most pressing question: what of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?), Reitman would admit to some key facts that will allow fans of the franchise to breathe more easily until 2011. A script has been delivered, and a second draft is currently in the works,” reports Le Vine. “We are working our way through another draft… good work is being done and all of us have our fingers crossed,” Reitman told MTV.
Supposed Haunting In Nashotah, Wisconsin
This report was found on
Nashotah House Seminary
Nashotah, Wisconsin
The grounds of this Episcopal seminary have been inhabited since the 1500s, and have been inhabited by a ghost since the mid-1700s. When an acolyte to the Episcopal priesthood attended this seminary, his wife had an affair with the Dean. To accommodate this affair, the woman hanged her husband; it was ruled a suicide, however. Since committing suicide is a mortal sin, the acolyte was buried in a cornfield rather than the cemetery. On her deathbed, the cheating wife confessed to her crime. The seminary wished to rightfully bury the body, so they exhumed the casket only to find that it was empty. It is said that the acolyte still haunts the grounds trying to get justice.
Supposed Haunting In Menasha, Wisconsin
This report was found on
Menasha, Wisconsin
During the 1920s, a young boy ventured up the attic of this house to retrieve his missing pet. While there, he became tangled in a rope and was strangled to death. His mother came upstairs to find him, only to see his dreadfully dark blue skin. He was buried the next day. Supposedly, his spirit returns to the attic every September 18; the date of his death.
Supposed Haunting In Plover, Wisconsin
This report was found on
The railroad tracks off 72nd St.Plover, Wisconsin
One day, a young mother lost her two sons near these railroad tracks. After desperately attempting to locate them, she became so saddened that she laid her body on the railroad tracks and waited to be killed. A moment before the train came, the boys jumped out the bushes where they were hiding just in time to witness their mother being killed. The boys were later admitted to a mental institution and can be seen walking along the tracks every July as restless spirits.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
New Event
Tickts almost sold out 4 annual TAPS event at Fort Mifflin with Steve, Tango, Kris Williams and D Pari ticket info at
Weekly Event
Join us every Tuesday at 7 pm est on for Beyond Ghosts radio! Full details at!
This event is posted on the blog's calendar.
New Event
Battleship North Carolina Event with GH/GHI Cast Members
Location: Wilmington, NC
Time: 6:00AM
Date:Friday, August 20th, 2010
Battleship NC Event featuring Donna Lacroix, Paul Bradford, Ashley Godwin, and Angela Alderman from GH/GHI. Special Guests Paul Browning and Research: Paranormal. Tickets on sale at
This event will be added to the blog's calendar.
Monday, June 28, 2010
How To Record EVP'S
This article is from
When capturing electronic voice phenomena (EVP) - There is no need for expensive tape or digital recorders. When using a analog recorder, be sure to use a new tape (straight out of the package) every time you record to ensure there are no sounds left from previous recordings, also use only one side of the tape. Digital recorders are more popular today, mainly because of the convenience.
When to Record - Spirit voices can be recorded at anytime, day or night. There is no need to go to a cemetery or haunted house in order to capture EVPs.
Keeping a journal – A journal is another important tool used when recording EVPs. Document everything; weather conditions, moon phases, locations, etc. If you are in a group, make a note of who is there and any sounds that are made during your recording; sounds such as coughs, people talking, dogs barking etc. Always make sure that you and people you are with speak loud and clear into the recorder, no whispering, these sounds can be mistaken for spirit voices during editing and analyzing.
Patience is the key - It can often take days, even weeks, to capture your first Spirit voice. Then once recorded, it may be faint and hard to hear; therefore, software may be required to amplify them. (More information on this subject is contained on the Software page.)
Don't forget!!! It is essential that you have a good pair of headphones when listening to EVP, preferably the earmuff style to cover the entire ear. This will ensure that you do not miss those faint EVPs that might not be heard through speakers alone.
**All of the above steps are very important when recording** Now you're ready to begin. Once you've gotten yourself comfortable, remember to imagine your spiral or bubble around you, or even around the whole house. Ask for the highest Spirits to come through and speak with you. It is best to record no more than 5 minutes, as even 5 minutes can turn into hours of playback. If you have questions to ask, that's great! Start your recorder, allow about 10 seconds before asking your first question. Spirits use energy in our environment so they have a tendency to speak within the first 10 - 30 seconds of recording, also it is important not to move the recorder around while recording (try keeping it as still as possible). After this ask your question and allow a minute between each question to allow time for an answer. Most importantly... Remember to Thank whom ever spoke on your recorder. Always be respectful! This is rule #1.<>/P>
RELATED POSTS:Coming next month
An evening with the CPD July 17th. Order tickets through Our Website.
This event will be added to the blog's calendar.
Galloway House; Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
This article came from Haunted Houses
Galloway House and Village
336 Old Pioneer Road, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
920-922-6390 or 920-922-1166
Open daily Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day and weekends in September, 10am-5pm; gates close at 4pm. Admission.
The Galloway house is part of a historical park, maintained by the Fond du Lac Historical Society called The Galloway House and Village, found on Old Pioneer Road.
French explorers first visited the Fond du Lac area in the early 1700s and established a trading outpost on the south shore of Wisconsin’s largest body of water Lake Winnebago.
The Galloway House is a lovely 1880, 30 room mid-Victorian farm home, with many Italianate details, part of a historical park, maintained by the Fond du Lac Historical Society. This historical society had rescued this Victorian home and bought some of its farm land as well, making it a place to move other rescued historical buildings, creating a nice village, made up of a church, photographers' shop, town hall, newspaper print shop, and one-room school.
The Galloway House was the family abode for 3 generations of the Galloway family. In the beginning, the first generation Galloway’s were strictly farmers , buying land and building a regular, wooden farm home, average garden variety, when this part of Wisconsin opened up to settlers.
Edwin Galloway invested in lumber after 1854, when the native Indians gave title to their forest lands to the government, around the lakes. Edwin made his fortune. As the Galloway's prospered, new grander additions were added, finally finishing this lovely Victorian home in 1880. This Victorian became a place where the Galloway’s raised their families, entertained others, perhaps hosting events as well.
In 1926, the grandson of Edwin Galloway moved his family into a 1910 Queen Anne Victorian in Fond du Lac, because his wife wanted to live in town. Various other people lived here, but the home eventually became empty of the living.
I highly recommend taking the tour of this lovely house, where one can learn how people in the past lived, as well as see the period furniture and decorum, and the house lay-out. The Fond du Lac Historical Society did a fine job in renovating and restoring this grand old lady, though some small projects still need to be done. Thank goodness for historical societies who save old structures from the wrecking ball, or from suffering the fate of a complete remodeling job which destroys its original personality. (The General Wayne Inn)
The older part of the house is well-laid out and practical in nature, with no wasted space. The add-on, mid-Victorian additions are lovely, and well-done, a great example of a mid-Victorian home with Italianate details, and inlaid and carved wood, and other very nice artistic touches.
I found out some interesting details about the Galloway’s.
Though Mrs. Galloway had a cook and servants, she served her dinner guests herself, taking the food from the window where the food to be served was placed when ready, from the kitchen.
There is a beloved dog, a stuffed black retriever, which is laying down in the living room.
In the tower area, they kept the ornate family coffin, used for wakes in the home, when one of their own passed on. The staircase accommodated the occasional need to take the coffin down from the attic, into the parlor for viewing of the deceased.
As with every family, people eventually die, and sometimes prefer to hang around their earthly things or home, instead of passing over to the other side.
Some feel that former slaves are still hanging around, perhaps left over from the early 19th century when slaves or indentured servants still existed in the north. However, according to a historical account, slavery wasn't the way people ran farms, or had help, even in the early days. There was plenty of hired help available; mostly Frenchmen. If someone moved with slaves from the South or Missouri, the pressure was on them to release them or not treat them as slaves, but members of the family. The practice of slavery was strongly discouraged, and harsh treatment definitely wasn't tolerated by the people of Wisconsin.
It is highly unlikely that the Galloway even had slaves. No mention of the practice is in evidence in the museum or the property itself, let alone the tour.
Alleged Auditory Reports:
Sensitive people have heard dishes clattering in the kitchen.
People have heard giggling coming from the upstairs playroom.
People have heard unseen presences moving around and talking amongst themselves.
Can't say for sure...
No other reports from more reliable sources have substantiated these accounts. No tell-tale cold spots or other stronger manifestations besides the auditory ones have been reported by anyone. Usually, entities seek attention from the living, while getting some chuckles at the same time.
These entities could be really benign and gentle, well behaved and just going about their business, or perhaps some people may have an active imagination. Of course, the home is closed to the living after 4:00 pm, giving the home to any entity who may be lingering about. During the evening hours, many entities become active.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
"The Complete Approach" Book Info Current
"The Complete Approach" is unlike any other paranormal guide out there as it combines the scientific study of the field along with a metaphysical understanding of what is being experienced. It has many pointers for new groups and amateur investigators, as well as advanced techniques for professionals; and it is very educational for those who are simply interested in the field and want to know more about the paranormal.
You can purchase this book buy going to Dustin Pari's website,
Friday, June 25, 2010
Local haunts - The Sherman House
This article comes from
June 25, 10:20 AM Central Wisconsin Paranormal Examiner Kathie Kessler
Blog Owner's Note: The Sherman House is also called The Cottage.
The year was 1982 and Tim and Louise Mulderdink purchased a beautiful 2 story 125 year old clapboard house in Plover, WI with the intentions fulfilling their dream and turning it into a restaurant.
Remodeling and renovations began as would be expected. New wiring, plumbing, roof, and Tim who had an extensive background in food management and catering set to turning the old garage into a new kitchen area.
They named the restaurant “The Sherman House” partly to honor one of it's most historical previous residents, Eugene A. Sherman who owned the home in 1891 and operated the local sawmill and general store. Now over a century later, the restaurant was opening, in his name.
About a month after opening strange things started to happen. Wine glasses would explode for no reason. Sometimes it was one glass in the middle of a row of glasses, sometimes it would be just as the bartender sat the drink on the bar to serve a patron, other times it would happen in the kitchen while they were in the cleaning racks. It happened so often the Mulderdinks called the glass manufacturer who came to check the glasses for defects, and could find none.
The heavy front door seemed to have a mind of it's own and would open of it's own accord, even when locked. It got to the point where Tim would hear it and call out “Come on in Mr. Sherman I'll buy you a drink”. But no one was ever there.
The mantle clock behind the bar would strike 13 at midnight. The cleaning lady was so terrified of the place she carried a bible with her, claiming pots and pans rattled in the kitchen and she saw shadows. She eventually quit.
The Mulderdinks were still skeptical and assumed there was a reasonable explanation for the events, until one night when Louise was closing up. She took the days receipts and cash to her upstairs and began to finish her paperwork, leaving the office door open. It closed. She walked over to reopen it, and noticed the banquet room door which was always closed, was open. Then came the heavy footsteps down the hall.
Louise quickly finished up, locked the safe, turned out all the lights and closed the doors and made a hasty retreat from the building. She went around back to where her car was parked and heard a distinct tapping from the upstairs window, and the office light was back ON. Not wanting to return to the building she went home, the next morning, the light was off again.
This event sent them to do some research on the property, so they contacted the local historian and found the only death recorded in the house was a 2 day old infant. However, ALL the previous owners were strict Methodists teetotalers, and staunchly against the use of alcohol, especially the Pierce family who owned the house from 1903-1945. James Pierce was the local grocer who regularly had deacons meet at his home. No wonder Mr. Pierce was unhappy and breaking wine glasses, it seems the Mulderdinks had unwittingly turned his former bedroom into a bar!
The previous owners of the house admitted to experiencing strange phenomenon as well. The heavy footsteps and feelings of being watched, especially in the bedroom.
The Sherman house is closed now, in fact the building is for sale if you have a mind to open a restaurant and don't mind a few of the past owners hanging around!
You can view the listing HERE
Related Posts: Sherman House Post 2
More related posts coming soon.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How to Handle Psychic Children
By Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Copyright Visionary Living, Inc.
Posted on June 4th, 2010 by rosemary in Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Article from Fate Magazine
The following article can be reposted provided my byline and copyright notice are included. Thank you for your courtesy.
I am frequently asked by parents how to deal with psychic experiences reported by their children. Many times children are disturbed by their experiences, and parents want to know the best response. How should psychic experiences be evaluated, and dealt with in family life?
I believe that many children have genuine psychic experiences. Sometimes these experiences diminish over time, and sometimes they increase and start to dominate a child’s attention and development.
Not all experiences reported are genuinely psychic or paranormal, however. Sometimes children are influenced to mimic what they see on television and in films. Sometimes their seemingly paranormal experiences are related to other issues going on.
The impact of psychic and paranormal experiences on a child’s stability is a delicate matter for parents, and sometimes there are no easy, universal solutions. I am not a licensed therapist, and I usually advise parents to seek professional counsel to rule out natural explanations before considering psychic ones.
Above all, children should never be pushed to be psychic. The paranormal can be traumatizing to adults, and children can be far more sensitive in their reactions.
For some advice and answers on these matters, I consulted an expert, Dr. Sueli S. Petry, PhD, a licensed psychologist and marriage and family therapist. She is on the faculty of The Multicultural Family Institute in Highland Park, New Jersey, and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-University Behavioral Health Care in Newark, New Jersey.
In her clinical practice, Dr. Petry works with children, adolescents and families. She has published on bereavement, spirituality, and cultural issues for families in treatment. She is a co-author of the newly revised Genograms: Assessment and Interventions (3rd edition), available at bookstores and online. Dr. Petry’s contact information is given at the end of this article.
I asked Dr. Petry the questions I am asked most often by parents of children of all ages. Here are her answers:
REG: How do we know if a child is having genuine psychic experiences?
Dr. Petry: Genuine psychic experiences are difficult to assess. Observe your child, ask questions and look for natural explanations first. Consider the possibility of a psychic experience only after all natural explanations have been ruled out. Do not rush to judgment – true psychic experiences are revealed over time.
REG: What are typical psychic experiences reported by children?
Dr. Petry: Children who are grieving the loss of a parent or grandparent have told me they see or hear their loved one. One child told me she saw her grandmother sitting in a chair near her bed, and she felt her grandmother was watching over her. Another told me she heard her father’s voice calling her name. In these cases, the child felt comforted by the presence.
Sometimes children will report upsetting events. For example, a 9-year old boy told me that he heard noises when he tried to sleep and he saw drawers opening and closing. A 7-year old girl was afraid to sleep alone because she heard a ghost crying in the middle of the night.
REG: What are natural explanations that should be considered? Especially if they are disturbing?
Dr. Petry: When children tell me these things I ask questions to rule out trauma, anxiety or depression. Children and adults suffering severe psychological distress often report auditory and visual hallucinations, more commonly auditory. This is a typical reaction for children under stress, and the diagnosis is “psychotic feature” or “psychotic episode.”
This is a natural explanation, and would require treatment. In my experience, when children report disturbing phenomena, there are stressful situations occurring in their lives.
In instances of bereavement, when the child is comforted by the experience, it may be a psychological mechanism to help the child cope with the loss. Thus, it may be considered a natural explanation.
REG: Do psychic experiences “go away” on their own as a child gets older?
Dr. Petry: Yes, older children are less likely to report psychic experiences. Younger children are more vulnerable to psychic experiences because their psychological defenses are not as well developed. As children mature they develop coping mechanisms to deal with life’s stressors and seem to “shut off” psychic experiences.
REG: Should experiences or the reporting of them be discouraged?
Dr. Petry: If the child is disturbed by the experience, I would encourage the parents to explore if the child is under stress, and to seek professional help if it continues. If the child is not disturbed by the experience, I recommend that the parents simply listen and accept what the child says. It is good to ask a few questions to show your support, but don’t overdo it. Children enjoy attention, as we all do. If the event is given too much emphasis, the child may feel pressured to create more phenomena.
REG: How should teens be handled as opposed to children?
Dr. Petry: Teens may be approached in the same way as children. In addition, I would explore the possibility of substance abuse causing stress or hallucinations.
REG: When is it advisable to seek professional counsel? What type of professionals should be consulted?
Dr. Petry: Professional help is required if there is a disruption of daily functioning that does not improve within a short period of time. Signs are disruptions in sleep, appetite, mood, or unusual behavior.
REG: Should children and teens be encouraged to use and develop their psychic abilities?
Dr. Petry: This is a cultural and personal choice, and impossible to answer definitively. If the family wishes to encourage it, and if the child is functioning well in school, has friends and is generally happy, I see no harm. I would caution against encouraging psychic abilities, to the detriment of developing relationships with friends, and devoting time to enjoyable activities and to studies.
In the end, the child has to learn to live and function in a largely “non-psychic” world. This is the most important and valuable work a parent can do. A good rule of thumb for parents facing this dilemma is to ask themselves: “Am I being helpful to my child, or am I seeking attention for myself?”
REG: Are there cultural differences in how we view and report these experiences?
Dr. Petry: Absolutely. I find that Latino and African American families often report psychic experiences. Sometimes it is labeled as a “spiritual experience. ” It is accepted as part of the culture and is not encouraged or discouraged. It is simply accepted. European Americans are less likely to report psychic experiences, and more likely to see it as a psychological problem.
REG: What effects do TV and the media have on creating or intensifying problems with psychic experiences?
Dr. Petry: I always ask about the TV shows or movies the child is watching. Often, a disturbing experience is related to the child watching scary movies. In addition, the increasing popularity of shows about psychics and psychic phenomena have generated an increase in reporting psychic experiences. This is not necessarily problematic. Children and parents feel freer to report a psychic experience because there are fewer stigmas attached due to exposure in the media.
Phone consultations with Dr. Sueli Petry, PhD, are available by appointment. Contact her by clicking here
Save the Haunted Walker House
Posted on June 22nd, 2010 by dvdgodwin in News
Article from Fate Magazine
In the southwest corner of Wisconsin, amidst the rolling hills of the “driftless” country side that the glaciers forgot sits the quaint town of Mineral Point. This charming community, just fifty miles southwest of Madison is cited by many historians as “Where Wisconsin began.” Once you know a bit of its history, you’ll agree that Mineral Point might very well lay rightful claim to that title.
In the 1830s, Mineral Point received its name as it played host to the first ever “mineral rush” in the United States when various surface deposits were discovered in the area. Immigrants flocked to the region in hopes of getting their piece of the American dream. At one point, the population of this bustling boom town was greater than that of Chicago and Milwaukee combined.
A teamster by the name of William Walker moved his family to the area in 1847 and built a two story home on Waterstreet. His home also served as the local teamsters’ hall. In 1857, he learned the railroad would soon be coming through town and the depot would be located just a few short steps away from his home. Walker recognized and seized on this business opportunity to provide lodging for travelers, and immediately began construction to expand his home into Mineral Point’s premier hotel, The Walker House.
Indeed Walker’s vision paid off, and his hotel proved to be quite lucrative for his family. As the decades passed, the Walker House ownership changed hands several times over the years. Eventually Mineral Point’s mining operations folded as the mineral deposits were depleted, and the population began to diminish along with the ore. The train tracks which had once represented a source of income for many local proprietors became exempt and were eventually removed.
The Walker House suffered from this downturn in the local economy, as well. It functioned as the home for a number of different businesses as the town’s economy declined, but often sat vacant and neglected for years at a stretch. It sat empty for the majority of the 1990s and into the 21st century, until it finally caught the eye of Joe Dickinson and his wife in 2005. The two of them instantly fell in love with the old building and dedicated themselves to painstakingly restoring it.
Dickinson initially outlined an ambitious sixty day timeline to open the doors of the hotel and tavern. Unfortunately as is the case with many old buildings, the devil is in the details. Soon after taking possession of the property, Joe discovered many neglected elements of the old structure that were severely in need of major repair or replacement to bring them up to code, including replacing the roof and entire sections of the floor. What started as a two month timeline to open the doors turned into a three year massive rehabilitation endeavor.
Joe estimates he put over $750,000 into the building. When his initial investment and venture capital ran out, he turned to his personal retirement savings to find the money he required to finish the job – eventually exhausting those funds as well.
Then another setback – just as the Walker House was finally ready to reopen its doors, the current economic recession hit. Anyone who works in the hospitality or service industries will tell you that when a recession happens, vacations are among the very first “unnecessary expenses” that most people cut from their budget. Mineral Point’s economy is driven primarily by tourism during the summer months, so the Walker House suffered along with other businesses in the area.
Over the next several years, the Walker House was dealt a series of more setbacks. A faulty valve in the plumbing system caused a water leak that went unnoticed for the entire winter of 2008 – 2009. By the time it was discovered, it was too late – Joe received a water bill in early 2009 for over $10,000. Not having the cash on hand to pay the city’s utilities, the tavern’s liquor license was suspended. Obviously a tavern without alcohol is going to be about as popular as a restaurant without food. But Joe and his staff persevered; trying desperately to sustain the business in the face of one misfortune after another.
In the spring of 2010, the Dickinson’s found themselves at the end of their financial rope. Their lending bank begun foreclosure proceedings and the courts have given the Dickinsons until August to find a financial backer or find a new home.
All things considered, it would seem that the Dickinson’s efforts have been futile from day one. They are obviously devastated by the prospect of losing the property, but Joe says he finds somewhat of a silver lining knowing his efforts saved the building.
I’m calling on the paranormal community to help out the Dickinsons. It breaks my heart to know that these people have put every dime of their life savings into preserving this historic and allegedly haunted building, only to have the bank ready to kick them out on the street. Of course the bank will turn around and sell the property to someone else – after all the expenses of restoring it have already been absorbed by the Dickinsons. This seems horribly unfair to me.
I am organizing a fund raiser for the Walker House to take place the weekend of Friday, July 9th through Sunday, the 11th. One hundred percent of all monies generated by ticket sales will go directly to the Walker House. We’re donating our time to bring attention to this historic landmark of Wisconsin and to help insure that the Dickinsons – who are single handedly responsible for restoring and saving the property, remain its rightful owners.
We’re planning lectures during the day and plenty of investigation and ghost hunting at night. Details on the fund raising event can be found at
If you are interested in helping out in any capacity with the event, either as a presenter or helping out behind the scenes, please feel free to email me – by clicking here
Be a part of helping us save an essential icon of Wisconsin’s haunted history.
Patrick Burns is the paranormal investigator for TruTV’s “Haunting Evidence.” He was introduced to the Walker House by a friend this past year and made aware of the financial plight of its owners. The numerous ghost stories from the Walker House would fill several articles alone. However, this article is a call for the paranormal community to come to the aid of a historic (and haunted) building.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Interview With Justin Libigs
They have their own online Paranormal Television Show, Relatively Haunted which can be seen Monday nights at 7:00pm (Central) at
Q: How did you become interested in the Paranormal?
A: I became interested in the paranormal when I was about 5 years old. (back then it was called the supernatural) I was visited by my great great grandfather and he died a few years before I was born. In the 3rd grade It lead me to start reading every book I could get my hands on. When I was 12 armed with a big old Radio Shack tape recorder and a hand me down polaroid camera I went on my first investigation.
Q: How did you come to form your paranormal team?
A: Me and my mother Judy started investigating together and then my uncle joined us follow by my Aunt, daughter, cousin, and step father over time and so the team was born.
Q: Have you and or your team ever had any experiences with non human entities on a case?
A: Yes we have but do to confidentiality I can't discuss them.
Q: What was your favorite case to work on?
A: OOoooo favorite investigation...hummmm...that's a really tough one...I think I'd have to say the Walker House. Not because of the activity or anything like that but because it's an investigation we did to bring people in the paranormal community together and try and save it.
Blog Owner's Note: To help save the Walker House, please go to Walker House and make a donation.
Q: What's the best piece of paranormal evidence you have gotten?
A: The best evidence hummm...once again tough question. I really like 3 pieces. I love the please come to me EVP we got at Waverly Hills, The disembodied laugh we got at Waverly on film, and the singing doll from Episode 2 I'll never forget that one.
Q: What's the best personal paranormal experience during an investigation you and or your team have gotten?
A:My favorite experience is when I got punched in the chest at Bartonville State Hospital. It would have freaked most people out but I loved it!
Many thanks to Justin for answering my questions.
To contact Justin and his team please visit their website at
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Chip Coffey
Chip Coffey just added some new events to his website! Check 'em out: Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :-)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Personal Experience
I was watching the live investigation in New Orleans on When I saw a full body, transparent shadow person, walk out of a room, using the doorway.
Question Answered by Mike Roberts
A:I've never had a scary EVP. But I did have a disturbing one. During an investigation in a residence, we got an EVP of some children. Another investigator said something and the EVP was of a child saying "Who said that? I can't see them."
This question and answer session was part of a chat on
Question Answered by Dustin Pari
A:At St. Augstine I saw a full body apperition. But at a lodge, during an investigation with Ghost Hunters International, I saw a Shadow Person, which is the first thing I saw growing up in Providence, Rhode Island.
This question and answer session was part of a chat Dustin did on
Coming Next Month
Summerwind Mansion Part 2
Photographic Analysis: Orbs Part 1
Paranormal Investigations Part 2
Grand Opera House Investigation Summary
Brumder Mansion Part 2
Get To Know Your Ghosts: Intelligent Haunt
Case Report Annie Of UW Marathon
Case Report Grand Theater
Case Report Shepherd & Schaller Sporting Goods
Case Report: House in Clark County Wisconsin
House in Clark County Wisconsin
Here’s a case report from WPRS. To read the case report, please click on the link.
Private Home Case Report
Case Report: Family Home East of Wausau
Family Home East of Wausau
Here’s a case report from WPRS. To read the case report, please click on the link.
Private Home Case Report
ParaNewbie (Class)
Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 11:00pm
End Time: Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 12:00am
Location: (8pm PST or 11pm EST)
Live Broadcast from Haunted Mortuary in New Orleans!
LIVE Broadcast of LIVE Investigation from Haunted Mortuary in New Orleans
Friday, June 18, 2010 at 8:00pm
End Time: Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 1:00am
Location: OR
Tweet From Ryan Buell (PRS)
New Event with CPD
Chicago Paranormal Detectives dinner event
Location: The Great Escape Restaurant. 9540 Irving Park Rd. Schiller Park
Time: 8:00PM Saturday, July 17th
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Case Report: Historic Office Building in Wausau
Historic Office Building in Wausau
Here’s a case report from WPRS. To read the case report, please click on the link.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Chat with Ron Fabiani
The following is a live Facebook chat that took place with Ron Fabiani from Paranormal Cops.
The chat was hosted by Xavier Paranormal Investigators - Fan Club
Below are just a few of the many questions asked and answered.
Question by Stephen ProsapioRon, I read an answer of yours in an interview that cops “appear emotionless or cold at times. It is a survival instinct and our protection. A shield we put up. We do the same thing with investigating the paranormal. Our instinct is to remain in the environment and perform our duties...freaking out is not an option.”
Could you tell us about a time when you witnessed something paranormal, stayed cool, but upon reflection, “kinda freaked out” later?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Stephen, yes. We did a case for TV in Lake Forest Il. an abandoned Womens College. I saw our skeptic Pete get freaked out which in turn freaked me out.
Question by Stephen Prosapio
What did Pete see?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Stephen, Pete saw a figure of a person who he later positively identified as William Orpett, a homicide suspect from a murder in 1916.
Stephen Prosapio
OMG! That's amazing.
Ron Fabiani
Pete is now a watered down skeptic...LMAO... No, it really unnerved him alot. The problem is this. When you convince yourself that you'll never see anything or that this is all BS, then you have no mental preparation for if or when you do. Therefore, there is no plan and your guard is down. Thats when things can really affect people.
Question by Michelle Ferguson
Ron what is the most extreme case you have ever been on and where was it?
Question by Stephen Prosapio
I read that one of your cases, one at a banquet all caused you to “re-think everything that I thought I knew.” -- I believed I watched that episode. Was it the one you used the police sketch artist who drew a picture of a diseased former police officer?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Stephen, working in this field overall has caused that. Yes Sir. Michelle, the banquest hall case that Stephen is refering to was pretty amazing to us. Its where we had a sketch artist and Moriah told him what to draw.
Question by Dawn Kyle
if u wernt a cop would u still being doing this?
Question by Stephen Prosapio
My last question. And here's going to be a tough one. The curveball....Apologies in advance, but having grown up in Chicago I both have to and hate to ask.....
Cubs or White Sox?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
LOL.. Dawn, Im confident I would. Gosh, I never thought about that Stephen, I obstain..LOL..
Ron Fabiani
Stephen, you asked what was the turning point for me. Well, the Chicago Paranormal Detectives was born due to a 911 call I responded to. That opened my eyes. Then as time went on and we kept working cases, we would record alot of common denominators and things that could not be denied.
Question asked by me (This blog's owner)
Whats the best paranormal case you've ever had?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Id say the one that caused me to form this group was pretty nuts. I mean, it was compelling enough for me to invest alot of time and money. But doing this work isnt about me at all. Its about the people who really need help.
In 2003 I responded to a 911 call where the complainant stated he was seeing "figures" in his business late at night. I assured him there was nothing to worry about. I returned off duty with a camcorder to show the guy there was nothing there. However, to my shock and amazement, I filmed a 3D figure for about a half an hour. Just like he ... See Morementioned. Then it vanished. I was with some other cops. We could not find where it went or the point of origin. I felt, if this was happening here, it must be happening elsewhere. So, I formed a group of off duty cops to go out and investigate paranormal claims throughout Chicagoland like crime scenes and real investigations.
Question by Robert White
Ron, if while on a ghost hunt you stumble upon criminal activity do you automatically go into police mode or do you continue the ghost hunt and makr reminders about the activity going on and call it in for other officers to attend to?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
As seen in the Casa Madrid episode. We had a security breach and went into cop mode looking for an explanation and/or intruder. If we come across criminal activity, it takes the priority. We are always armed. Cynthia no we never have. Again, the notoriously haunted spots dont meet the criteria of an immediate need for us.
Question by Shigemi Husotn
Ron, There are many says Any paranormal TV shows are Fraud and fake. Does it bother you or effect you in anyway? And I have to ask your show is not making up evidence is not? pls don't get offended.
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Shigemi, we are the Police. We have real jobs. We cannot, will not, do not compromise that for anything. We must maintain our good standing in the community etc. We dont have the luxury of being sloppy, unprofessional or fraudulent. To answer your question, no. There has never been anything manufactured etc in our show. That question doesnt offend me at all. Maybe offenders would be offended. Not me sweety.
We cant control what others do. If someone else is fraudulent or suspiciously sloppy, it does not help any of us in this field. But, we cant rush to judge everyone based on the actions of a few.
Question by Katie J Lester
Have you ever been so scared that you wouldnt want to keep investergating a place?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
I have never been so scared that I wanted to stop. On the contrary. I want the interaction. I pull up a chair and invite them to sit and chat. Other cops have brought some things to my attention at times yes. believe it or not, most other cops are believers. Of course, behind a closed door.
Question by Yvonne Murphy
Does your family, kids have the same interest in the paranormal? Would they want to join the team or an investigation at any point?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Our kids and family enjoy what we do but Im not so sure that they want to do it as well.
Question by Shigemi Husotn
If you could investigate any place in the world and states, what's top of your list?
Answer by Ron Fabiani
Im gonna stick to the White House answer. Of course, we have to interview the residents. Cool. In the U.S. I dont know of anywhere else that beats that building for real history.
SyFy's very own original Ghost Hunter's, Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes are coming to Milwaukee for a one night appearance at the haunted Pabst Theater. October 16th 2 shows 7pm & 10pm. Tickets are just $29.00. To buy your tickets today, go to
Chat live with GH Steve & Tango Tonight
Chat live tonight with Ghost Hunters Steve & Tango, during Ghost Hunters Academy @ @ 9pm Eastern 8pm Central.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Save The Walker House
The Walker House in Mineral Point, Wisconsin is in need of saving!
The bank is ready to foreclose!
Please help save this historic home.
Make donations at
Pets and the paranormal
This article comes from
June 14, 5:12 PM Central Wisconsin Paranormal Examiner Kathie Kessler
Have you ever seen your pet stare at something that wasn't there? Maybe growl or become afraid for no particular reason? Maybe your dog or cat refuses to go into a certain room or into the basement, no matter how much you try coaxing them?
If we go by the generally accepted hypothesis that spirits are energy and seem exist in a light and sound spectrum that is beyond our human capabilities, it would stand to reason that animals can see and hear things that we can not.
Cats for example, have extremely heightened senses compared to humans. Cats have 200 million odor sensitive cells in their nose compared to roughly 5 million in humans and need only 1/5th of the amount of light to see things in the dark. They are also able to detect ultrasonic frequencies such as the sounds made by rodents.
Dogs as well have far more acute senses than we do. Dogs can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations per second, compared with 20,000 for most humans. They can also shut off their inner ear to filter out distracting sounds. Most Evp's or electronic voice phenomenon, which are spirit voices caught on tape, not heard at the time of the recording, fall below the level of human hearing.
So if ghosts exist in the realms of sight and sound that we are not able to perceive, it only stands to reason that our pets might be able to pick up on paranormal activity that we can't.
Pets also seem to have a sensitivity or psychic connection with their owners. We've all heard the stories of pets who were lost hundreds of miles from home, but somehow found their way back. Or stories of pets sensing when their owner is ill or about to have a seizure or heart attack and begin to exhibit odd behavior as a warning.
Wild animals seem to have premonitions of things like storms, earthquakes or other natural disasters. Earthquakes and other earth events cause electromagnetic changes in the atmosphere which animals seem to pick up on. This is one reason you will see herds of animals fleeing an area before a tsunami or other impending disaster strikes.
It is thought that spirits also cause changes or fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, which is why we use Emf meters to gauge these changes during paranormal investigations. So if this is true, it would only be a reasonable assumption that your pets can sense these changes as well, quite possibly even see ghosts!
If you enjoy my articles, please subscribe. If you have a local ghost story you would like to share or are interested in a paranormal investigation, you can Email Kathie
Relativly Haunted Online TV Show
Catch the paranormal show Relativly Haunted on
Just click on PXV Live @ 7:00PM Central to watch.
Ghost Hunting Tip
Did you know...
Cold spots are commonly associated with the presence of a ghost or spirit.
Rapid loss of battery power in electronics may accompany spirit activity.
Nearly half of Americans say they believe in ghosts, or that the dead can return in certain places and situations. - CBS News
(This tip came from
Milwaukee Ghosts Blog
My Facebook Pal, Allison has a new post up on her blog,
Milwaukee Ghosts Blog
Go check out her newest post by clicking HERE
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It is official. The Chicago Paranormal Detectives will not be filming any new episodes of "Paranormal Cops" for the A&E Network. Although the show will continue to air overseas, we are aggresively exploring options with other networks for the future. We intend to return to television with new investigations from Chicagoland. We continue to conduct investigations applying crime scene techniques, interview skills, forensics, and many other unique approaches to this field.
We appreciate the overwhelming positive feedback we have received and thank everyone who helped bring "Paranormal Cops" to TV.
We will be back soon.
Thankk you,
Ron Fabiani
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Personal Experience
My first paranormal experience happened roughly about 10 - 15 years ago.
A friend of my grandma's passed away.
That night after the funeral, grandma was spending the night with me & mom (we had a small 2 bedroom house at the time) so grandma was sleeping in my room, and I was bunking with mom.
I was the only one awake, laying in bed watching tv. I turned and saw a woman go past the bedroom door. Naturally I assumed it was grandma and called out "What ya need grandma" after getting no answer I got up to check on her.
No Grandma. No one period. Grandma & mom were both sound to sleep.
LOL I litterally dove over my mom to get back into bed and pulled the covers up over my head.
It was then I heard a very calm, peacefull, man's voice say "it's just katherine, she's come to say goodbye". after hearing that I was like "okay, cool". I uncovered and went back to watching tv, no longer afraid.
Personal Experience
Last night my Mom had a personal experience.
She felt someone jiggling / shaking the sofa.
And it wasn't me.
MOON PHASE for last night
I have other personal experiences I will share.
Same Ghost Appeared In 20 Paranormal State Episodes
In a shocking claim, a ghost contacted during a routine EAPCC séance says it has appeared in 20 episodes of Paranormal State– each time playing a different spirit!
The ghost says it was an aspiring Hollywood actor before being hit by a car at the corner of Sunset & Vine. “Personally and professionally, my death happened at absolutely the worst possible time,” the ghost told the EAPCC team, “I was engaged to be married and was racing across the street to cash my first residual check for acting like I had indigestion in the background of a Pepto-Bismol commercial.
“Being on the Other Side was very frustrating until one day out of the blue I was contacted by a casting agent looking for a recently deceased actor to play an unsettled ghost in a Paranormal State episode.
“Of course, I jumped at the chance. I’ve always been a big Ryan Buell fan, and believe me, he’s even nicer in person. In fact the entire cast and crew made my cable TV debut a delightful experience. A mellow psychic medium was on the set at all times to help the director communicate with me.
“A&E and the producers were so impressed with my performance that they asked me to play other ghosts in subsequent episodes. Since then, I have portrayed an amazing variety of male and female spirits, and even some children.
“Thanks to Paranormal State, I’ve grown as an actor. My only regret is that the Emmy Awards don’t offer a statuette for ‘Best Performance by a Ghost.’”
posted by Ask Doc Paranormal
Friday, June 11, 2010
Club Forest, Plover, Wi
For a video click HERE
Posted: 10:00 PM Jun 10, 2010
Reporter: Mikel Lauber
Email Address:
As we've showed you all week, Your Town Plover has a rich history spanning decades. And of course that history wouldn't be complete without a good ghost story!
Notorious gangsters like Al Capone and John Dillenger considered the Club Forest Bar a favorite stop in the 1920's and 30's, and it's right in Your Town Plover. The bar is filled with stories and legends, but none of them have managed to live on quite like the story of Melvin.
Melvin was an original employee of the bar, and employees today are convinced his ghost is still there. The Club Forest Bar was used for a time by its original owners as a 'house of ill repute'. "Helen and Mac [McCabe] brought a man with them named Melvin, and they called him a coachman", said Pam Booth, who owns the bar today. "His job was to go to the train station pick up the girls bring them back and watch over them."
Legend has it Melvin served as a faithful guardian to the Club Forest girls. So much so, it would cost him his life. "He fell in love with one of the girls and one night she had a customer who didn’t treat her very well, and Melvin confronted him", Booth said. "The confrontation turned into an argument and then a fight and eventually his death."
When Booth's family bought the bar from the original owner decades ago, they were warned Melvin's ghost was still there. And over the years, employees say they've seen plenty of evidence. "Many times the machines would turn on and off, the jukebox would turn on and off, certain things would fall off of tables", said Karen Krings who has worked at the bar for 16 years. She and other employee say they've seen bar stools fly off of tables and into walls, seen things move, and heard footsteps right behind them when alone in the bar. The stories go on and on, and employees say Melvin makes himself known on a regular basis.
The bar's owners wanted more answers, so they got in touch with the River Cities Paranormal Society. "We searched for evidence of his existence, for proof that he still lingers about", said Jonathan Wood, who founded the RCPS. He and some other researchers spent a night at the Club Forest, researching and recording their every move.
It wasn't until they reviewed their footage that they started to notice strange things, like what appears to be a face appearing in the ceiling tiles for one second, before vanishing. They also discovered a couple of E.V.P.s, which stands for electronic voice phenomenon. "We also had that chunk of audio that happened down in the basement that we couldn’t for the life of us explain", Wood said. "And there was a voice of a person that was not in the building, that we didn’t know, that didn’t match any of the voice templates for any of the members that were investigating."
That was enough to peak the interest of the RCPS, who says they're planning to investigate the bar again. "We exhaustively try to find out a logical answer to what’s causing the phenomena, and some of that we couldnt figure out, so that’s why we feel this place would warrant another investigation", Wood said.
In the meanwhile, employees say it doesn't bother them. In fact, they believe Melvin is still carrying out his original job - looking out for the Club Forest girls. "Melvin's here and he’s still taking care of the girls, we've never employed more than two men at a time, its basically women who have worked here for 20 years", said Booth.
"If you believe, you believe, if you don't, you don't", said Krings. "I believe."
Investigation of Club Forest was done by RCPSWI
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Local ghost stories
June 10, 3:02 PM Central Wisconsin Paranormal Examiner Kathie Kessler
Many people live day to day with unexplained activity in their homes or businesses. Some are afraid to talk about it for fear that people will think they've taken leave of their sanity. Often, once someone gets the courage to share their experiences they find out they are not alone, and that many others have similar experiences.
Here is one reader's story in her own words....
Activity in Merrill area home
"We bought a home in the Merrill area in the late 90s. There was nothing unusual about the place. It was one and a half stories - plenty of room for us and our two kids. The downstairs has a living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. The upstairs has two bedrooms and a full bath.
One bedroom was nicer than the other - warmer and with southern exposure.
We let our son have that room. The other room faced east and although it appeared to have a register, it was actually blocked off by removing part of the wall between the living room and dining room.
Because my husband and I went our separate ways, and my daughter went on to college, my son and I were the only ones living in the house. He had two more years of high school to complete.
Strange things began to happen in the house, mostly having to do with my son and the room he occupied. One night I was at a friend's watching a video and a frantic call came through from him. He was calling from outside the house and wouldn't go back in. I came home to get the story.
It seems he was upstairs on the computer and listening to music. He heard
a knocking at the door downstairs and, when he went to look, no one was there. It happened again and he locked the storm door. When he was in his room again he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Then he heard knocks on the wall to his bedroom. But when he saw the door knob turn, that's when he closed his eyes, ran down the stairs and out the door. He stopped on the main floor only long enough to pick up the phone and run out the door. That's when I received his call.
Although we managed to survive there (it got nerve wracking at times) he preferred to stay with his friend next door. I knew what was happening there was not his imagination because I heard things, too, on the nights he was gone and I was alone in the house. All the sounds were upstairs. I heard thumping overhead (my bedroom was located directly below his) as well as a ball bouncing - like a child's hollow rubber ball bouncing and slowing down with each bounce.
At those times, I forced myself to ignore the activity and go back to sleep. In the light of day, however, I took my open Bible with me upstairs and rebuked whatever spirit(s) might be roaming around up there and command it or them to leave my home. It worked but after a few months or so I'd hear thumping again at night.
I think one of the worst things when this happens is that a person's senses are fine-tuned to pick up these unexplained noises. So, if I'd wake up at night to use the bathroom, once back in bed I'd have a sense of trepidation. For example, I'd be in bed and try to ignore my anxiety and then there would come a thump or two and I'd almost be sick to my stomach.
I consider myself to have spiritual discernment. It was my belief that whatever was there was very negative and the activity could have been demonic. It certainly caused untold misery. It was in that home that our family broke up (according to what I've seen from various accounts of haunting, the demonic realm's intent is to destroy relationships / families).
I no longer live in the house and as cute as it was from the outside, no one could possibly tell what unnerving moments my son and I endured at the mercy of who-knows-what. "
If you have a story to share or are interested in a paranormal investigation, please EMAIL ME
Notice from blog owner
Some of the posts that were on the blog have been removed.
I decided to remove them and sort things out. Next month I will repost some.
I have things sorted out now, so that I will have something to post every month, going all the way through Jan. 2012.
You’re Dead, and You’re Beautiful: Incredible Photos of Local Haunts
Article by Milwaukee Ghosts Blog
Seems these days you can’t throw a stone without hitting somebody who has an orb photo to show you. Or maybe that’s just me. But the point is, not many shutterbugs really bring out the true spirit of haunted places by applying some photographic skill. However, don’t despair! There are a few, and the forgotten beauty they’ve captured in cemeteries, abandoned buildings, and purported ghostly abodes is truly haunting.
One local notable husband-and-wife photography team emerged via a tip from our Steven’s Point correspondent Rusty Woehrle. (Thanks Rusty!) Schjoth Photography is based in Wausau, Wisconsin. However, Corey and Anna Schjoth have photographed some Milwaukee haunts including the Brumder Mansion, Forest Home Cemetery, and Lake Park for Phantasmagoria, their blog.
Corey is the primary force behind the artistic infrared photography of haunted locales. Corey’s creative vision combined with Anna’s editing skills make their darkly whimsical blog surprising and entertaining reading. Check it out and enjoy. I think you’ll agree many of Corey’s images are reminiscent of the famed supernatural photographer Simon Marsden’s work and would be suitable for a coffee table book.
Milwaukee’s Haunted History Tours
This article comes from Express Milwaukee
By Peggy Sue Dunigan
After three years of extensive research on Milwaukee’s history and folklore, Allison Jornlin founded Milwaukee Ghosts: Tours and Investigations. This, in turn, led to her “haunted history tours” in the Historic Third Ward. Jornlin, who began her third season of tours May 1, offers walking tours on most Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m. through November.
Q: Do you believe in the ghosts you discuss on your tours?
A: I wouldn’t say I’m a believer, but I’m an investigator. For sure there are things in this world we don’t understand. And I believe in people and their heartfelt stories. They have incredible stories. Ghost stories are one of the ways we honor, remember and represent people. So when you retell ghost stories, you want to make sure you’re representing people and your city in a respectful way. Words and stories are powerful. They are precious things and I take them seriously.
Q: How do you relate these ghost stories to Milwaukee history?
A: The Third Ward tour that I give goes back to the mid-1800s, so you’re discovering what they were saying about the city back then, and what people are experiencing now. It’s a popular way to promote your city, and I’d like to elevate Milwaukee to legendary status [by telling these stories]. History without the folklore is incomplete, and we’re here to celebrate that history and folklore like other cities. There are incredible stories out there that haven’t been heard.
Q: Could you mention one of these stories?
A: There’s an interesting one about the Broadway Theatre Center, the Cabot Theatre. Clair Richardson, founder of the Skylight Theatre, is buried under the stage in the trap room, and he requested that a spotlight always remain on his picture. There were times when the stage lights would start flickering during a performance and the staff was unable to fix this. Then they discovered this happened when the light was out on Clair’s picture.
This happened several times. Now the crew checks the light on Clair Richardson’s picture before every performance, to ensure it is on so the performance will go smoothly. Clair always told them any decisions they made [in the future] would be over his dead body.
Q: Do you have any plans for haunted history tours in other parts of the city?
A: Doing these tours has brought the city to life for me. When people take the tour they stop and tell me the tour changes their ideas about Milwaukee. It takes 10 to 15 stories to have a tour, so I’m working on this, doing more research. I’m working on tours in Bay View, on Brady Street and Walker’s Point. I’m always encouraging people to share their stories and I’m always willing to listen. The stories are the surprising but true side of history, with a spicy side of folklore.
If you have a story for Allison Jornlin to investigate, contact her at EMAIL ALLISON
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
New Events
Ron is the TV personality of A&E's hit show Paranormal Cops. He is a lead member of the investigative group Chicago Paranormal Detectives.
Location: Xavier Paranormal Investigators Fan Page
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Allison from Milwaukee Ghosts
Allison Jornlin - Milwaukee Ghosts Tours Investigations 6/20/2010 - Apparitions Radio
Theres more to Milwaukee than brats and beer. Milwaukee Ghosts is helping to resurrect Milwaukees fascinating past and bring it to life again in our memories. Allison Jornlin is the founder of Milwaukee Ghosts which focuses on walking tours that tell the stories of the people and events that created...
An Interview with Prof. Emeritus Daniel Kortenkamp, Ph.D.
May 3, 2010 by blog owner for Milwaukee Ghosts Blog
A Note from Allison Jornlin of Milwaukee Ghosts: The ghost investigators of today owe a debt of gratitude to those who have gone before. Among those pathfinders who have lead the way are parapsychologists, psychical researchers, and academics like Daniel Kortenkamp from UW-Steven’s Point.
At the risk of professional backlash, these brave men and women still stepped into the unknown. I believe these explorers are very relevant to modern ghost hunters, who can find valuable insights to inform their practice in the work of these important individuals. Thank you Rusty for bringing us this intriguing interview!
An Interview with Prof. Emeritus Daniel Kortenkamp, Ph.D.
Q: How have you explored the paranormal
Q: How have you explored the paranormal in your career and/or personal life?
A: I have only explored the paranormal by studying the research being done in parapsychology, and teaching a course titled “Parapsychology”.
Q: Were you involved in paranormal research?
A: I have not done paranormal research. But, I have discovered that the research in parapsychology is as good as the research in any area of psychology. I have discovered that there is good, controlled, statistical, laboratory evidence for ESP and PK. However, these research results are not incorporated into psychology or science because the results cannot be explained by any accepted scientific theory. And, parapsychologists do not have a clue how to explain their results. There will have to be a paradigm shift in science before these results can be incorporated into an accepted theory of reality.
Incidentally, there are many phenomena in quantum mechanics which are just as contradictory to common sense as ESP or PK. For example, the reality that light is both a particle (photon) and an electromagnetic field. Or, the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox. Or, the double-slit phenomena.
Q: Have you or someone you know ever had any personal paranormal experiences?
A: The most common “paranormal” experience is a pre-cognitive dream. I have had several dreams that predicted the future. However, everyone has around 6-7 dreams per night. That’s about 2,000 dreams per year, and about 150,000 in a lifetime. It is not hard to imagine that several of these dreams will be related to future events just by chance, even if there is no such thing as ESP. I don’t know if my pre-cognitive dreams were due to ESP or coincidence.
Q: Have you ever seen a ghost?
A: I have never experienced a ghost. People who have seen a ghost usually see the ghost wearing clothes. If the ghost is the spirit of a dead person, then do clothes also have spirits? Having said that, there is some very good research (done by Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler) comparing spirit mediums with control groups that produced significant results supporting a belief in ghosts.
A Note from Allison Jornlin of Milwaukee Ghosts: Many share Kortenkamp’s enthusiasm for Schmeidler’s work. According to Is there Life Beyond Death? by Hans J. Enysenck and Carl Sargent Schmeidler’s medium experiment has significant implications:
“An interesting recent advance, which promises greater progress in the experimental study of apparitions than hitherto, has been made by Gertrude Schmeidler and her colleagues. After investigating allegedly ‘haunted’ premises, they compiled lists of what ‘ghosts’ had been seen doing in the places in the house where they had been seen. Small groups of ‘psychics’ and sensitive’s were then asked to visit the houses and check off ‘correct’ actions and locations from a list which contained both true and false items randomly intermixed. Schmeidler found that some of the psychics were able to pinpoint, some to a highly significant extent, what the ‘ghosts’ had done and where they had been seen, claiming to have picked up this information from the ‘vibes’ in the building.
A control group of skeptics scored uniformly at chance on this task, a particularly interesting result for rather complex reasons. If we suppose that skeptics would tend to explain ‘ghosts’ in terms of hallucination and tricks of the light, and if we suppose that this really is the explanation for ghosts, then one might have expected the skeptics to score well, since they would naturally select precisely those shady corners, nooks or crannies which would favor optical illusion. But they did not. The psychics may, of course, have succeeded by ordinary ESP, but their claim that they directly picked up something from the buildings themselves cannot be discounted.”
Kortenkamp’s reading list
Burlington Haunted Woods Tour
This article is from the
April 23, 12:29 AM by Cheri Esperon
Burlington, Wisconsin is often called the Roswell of the Midwest, but by whom? A quick Google search of anything paranormal (UFOs, Ghosts, Psychics etc) all come back to one local enthusiast of all things paranormal, Mary Sutherland. Mary owns the Sci-Fi café, a kitschy hole in the wall bar converted into a sandwich shop and museum. The place is filled with funky and fun paranormal objects, and tourists and regulars. The atmosphere is extremely friendly and casual, and the sandwiches are to die for. You instantly feel right at home there and may end up bussing your own table, because you are that comfortable. If it isn’t busy, Mary will gladly entertain you with her tales of the paranormal.
Being a paranormal enthusiast myself, I was eager to hear her tales, and even take her “haunted woods tour.” Being a trained paranormal researcher, I have also learned that my reports should be void of personal bias or opinion; therefore I will report just the facts of our outing. Being skeptical by nature I prefer to draw my own conclusions, which is what I invite you to do.
I, along with another teammate, geared up with cameras, temp guns, EMF detectors and other portable gadgets and made the drive out to Burlington. We arrived just in time to meet up with 12 other paranormal hopefuls who had paid $20 to be thrilled and frightened. After a quick cup of coffee and directions to the haunted woods we were off!
When we arrived at the rendezvous site everyone gathered to hear the instructions and receive our bags of M&M candies. The candy, we learned, was to be left as an offering to the fairies. Immediately our EMF detectors went crazy, we were momentarily excited until we saw the high-tension power lines that ran directly above the trail into the woods. We were told that smoking would be allowed on the tour, however we should not leave cigarette butts behind and we should be careful not to start a fire.
We entered the woods, left our M&M offerings for the fairies and started walking. Several trees with split trunks were pointed out to us, and we were informed that these were passageways to other dimensions. Several twigs snapped and we were warned that we should be careful, the "Bigfoots" (or would it be “Bigfeet”) that lived in the woods may throw rocks at us.
We walked to a clearing and were instructed to sit in a circle for a demonstration of an “ovulus” a device that supposedly scanned radio airwaves to pick up ghost chatter. If you have ever spun a radio dial rapidly, this is what it sounds like. Several times a word would come through, and we were told this was an answer to a question. I personally did not hear any answers but did identify Dreamboat Annie by Heart and what I am pretty sure was Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer as the radio scanned. We sat there, listened, smoked cigarettes and took photos for about ½ and hour. During that time, something flew overhead. It had red flashing lights and looked remarkably like an airplane to me. We were informed that it was a UFO. When I questioned the fact that it looked like an airplane to me, I was told that “they are very good at cloaking themselves to look just like airplanes.” I could not argue, partially because I had no response to that and partially because my team mate was stepping on my foot to shush me. By time the tour was completed, both my feet were bruised.
We then went to another clearing for the “Shaman Dance.” I can’t tell you much about this other than it had to do with a Shaman entering you and helping you to astral project. Since I prefer to not be entered by strangers and like to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground, I did not participate and wandered off to experience the woods for myself.
Following the trail back out of the woods, we were informed that the woods had shifted- several bent branches that had to be held back as we passed through were no longer blocking the path was the proof of this fact. When on member of the tour stated that he had tucked the branches back, he was informed that he was mistaken, that the woods had in fact changed.
Returning to the café, we were treated to coffee and a slide show of photos taken during the tour. Several “orbs” were pointed out to us as well as numerous instances of “ectoplasm” and “paranormal snakes”. My suggestion that the ectoplasm might be cigarette smoke elicited not only another round of toe stepping from my team mate, but also the disdain of our hosts. When I questioned the fact that the paranormal snakes seemed to come out of flashlights or the LEDs on cameras, my team mate decided we should leave before we were escorted out. We left without our complimentary copy of photos of us time shifting on the tour, but I do have several of my own photos to share.
Paranormal studies tend to fall into one of two camps: faith-based or science-based. And many times the two camps butt heads, especially if there isn’t someone there to step on your toe to shush you. I offer up my experience not to poke fun at the tour, but simply to inform and enlighten those of you who are considering the tour. If feeding M&M’s to fairies and dodging rocks hurled by Bigfoot are your thing- then by all means you should take the tour. If you are looking for a scientific approach to the paranormal, perhaps your $20 would be better spent elsewhere. But if you just want a really good sandwich served by a colorful host- then you shouldn’t miss the Sci-Fi Café.
Ghosts of Wausau - The Rogers Theater
This article is from the
April 21, 9:23 AM by Kathie Kessler
A ghost nicknamed “Bob”, a funeral home and a brothel all are part of the story of the building that once was the Rogers Theater.
“Bob” has been known to turn off projectors while movies are showing, rock auditorium seats back and forth and flip lights on and off. It's unclear how long “Bob” has been hanging around the building, but he does like to make his presence known.
I have investigated this building twice. Once, after the Rogers closed and was being renovated and once after it became the Fillmor. During our first investigation, I captured an EVP of 2 women, that very clearly said “Go in the kitchen Dorothy, I'm there.” and the response “OK”. EVP stands for 'Electronic Voice Phenomenon", voices caught on tape that were not heard by the naked ear. We did not experience “Bob”, but heard he had scared workmen from the building while they were removing the old theater seats by making them all rock back and forth.
When the building became the Fillmor, we investigated it again. The main floor was completely redone into a beautiful music venue, but the upstairs and basement theaters had been left gutted. This time.. we captured this interesting orb in one of the photos and one of our meters went off several times when we asked “Bob” to set it off. I also got an evp that seemed to be mocking me! I was helping set up equipment and started looking for my camera. which ended up being around my neck. I laughed and mentioned it to another investigator.. and picked up a raspy voice on my recorder that said “Oh, Dear God”.
The owners of the Fillmor had kept one of the original theater chairs in one of the old upstairs projection rooms and they swear they've seen the ghost of a woman sitting in it. We did capture what sounded like a woman's voice near that chair.
The site of the Rogers Theater has a very interesting history. Until the 1920's the Rogers site was home to the Ammenthorp Tire Shop, with apartments above. There are unconfirmed stories of a murder taking place in one of these apartments during this time. During the renovation for the Fillmor the owners found an old knife hidden upstairs and kept it on display over the bar. Could this have been the murder weapon?
In 1926 Charles Helke, who ran a furniture store and funeral parlor across the street purchased the property, which then became Helke's Funeral Home until 1939.
From 1940 – 1944 the building was known to be a brothel. In 1945 the property changed hands again and started it's theatrical history as the Hollywood Theater. In 1960 the name changed to the New Wausau Theater and in 1979 the Rogers Theater.
So who is “Bob”? An old projectionist from the theaters past? Could it be Charles Helke who started Wausau's longest operating funeral home? Were the voices of the women one of the murder victims, or women from the brothel days? That's the problem with ghosts.. they don't often give you specific answers to these haunting questions.
To hear the Rogers Theater EVP go to Kathie's website's evp page and click “Haunted Theater”.
Related Posts: Coming next month
Paranormal Investigations - part 1
This article is from the
May 19, 9:10 AM by Kathie Kessler
So, you think you might have paranormal activity in your home either that or you're losing your grip on reality. You put something down in one place and when you come back, its gone. Everyone in the house swears they didn't move it. Several days go by, and there it is, either right where you left it (even though you looked there a thousand times) or it's found someplace totally bizarre. If this happens once, you blow it off. But, if it happens over and over again, you start to question your sanity. Most of the calls or inquiries I get, start out with “You might think I'm crazy but.....”
Maybe all the kitchen cupboard doors are standing open when you wake up, maybe you hear footsteps when you know that no one else home. Odd smells, catching shadows out of the corner of your eye and cold spots where there are no drafts or reason for them, are all possible signs of paranormal activity.
Not long ago, paranormal research was not something one talked about, it was a sort of fringe science. With the onset of shows like “Ghost Hunters” the paranormal has been brought out into the open. People now know that there are people they can turn to if things are going bump in the night. But these shows are still just that, TV shows. What can you expect when you call in a paranormal group?
First of all, investigations are done free of charge. If ANYONE tries to charge you to investigate or claims they can rid your house of the ghost for a fee, run the other way. Legitimate, reputable groups do not charge for their services. Most paranormal groups do not claim they can get rid of anything. They are there to find proof that activity is going on and hopefully find a reason for it, be it normal or paranormal. If they find something and you want the spirit or entity gone, they can usually give you some tips on cleansing your home, or suggest a house blessing depending on your spiritual beliefs.
Some groups work with psychics or mediums, others do not. This would a good thing to ask them. Other good questions to ask would be:
- How long the group has been “in business”
- How many cases a year do they do
- How many members are in the group and how many will be coming to your location
- What type of equipment will they be using
- How long will the investigation will last
You will probably be asked to sign some type of document giving the group permission to investigate, as well as whether or not you wish it to remain confidential. A permission to investigate form is especially necessary when investigating businesses. People tend to call the police if they see people poking around a business with flashlights after hours.
This way the group has a signed document with a contact number if such a situation arises. As for the confidentiality, groups like to share findings with other groups or on their websites, but they DO NOT have to give any information as to where the evidence or haunting was. They can just label it “Private Residence in Marathon County” or “Business in Portage County”. The reason we like to share information is to get feedback from others in the field as well as show potential clients what kind of evidence we've obtained.
In my next article I will go over what you can expect to happen during an investigation along with descriptions of the types of equipment used.
RELATED POSTS: Coming next month.
Join the SWPRG on a two and a half-hour walking tour of the History and Hauntings of the Courthouse Hill and Downtown Districts of the Very haunted, Janesville, WI.
Tour includes an inside tour of Janesville's MOST HAUNTED Mansion!
Afternoon Tour:
Sunday, June 13th, 2010 - Noon
Friday, June 18th, 2010 - 6 pm
Cost: $30.00
For more information or to register, visit us at: Janesville Haunted History
The ghosts of Brumder Mansion
This article is from the
April 20, 10:55 PM by Cheri Esperon
When we were first contacted by the owners of Brumder Mansion, I started researching the location and found breath-taking photos of rooms that looked more like a museum than a bed and breakfast. My 7 year-old daughter, the junior ghost hunter, saw the photos and said "Oh Mommy! That place is too lovely to be haunted!" She couldn't have been more right, or more wrong. When we first entered the Brumder, it was like stepping through a time warp. We left the noisy Milwaukee streets behind and entered into a gentler, Victorian era. It was difficult to focus on the task at hand, my eyes kept wandering to the detailed woodworking and the antiques that filled each room. Somehow, the idea of bringing computers and electronic equipment into this building seemed almost sacrilege. A séance of Houdini proportions, complete with silk table cloths, candlelight, and a colorful medium with a crystal ball to entice the spirits to rap once for no, twice for yes, seemed much more appropriate than our technical investigation. But I had to put nostalgia aside and focus on what we were brought in to do- find the ghosts of the Brumder.
The mansion was built in the early 1900's by German publishing tycoon, George Brumder for his family. It was later sold to Samuel Picks, a reported Chicago mobster who hosted prohibition parties in the basement speak-easy. Considering his ties to the Chicago mob, many wonder if Capone himself did not use the mansion as a retreat. After that the mansion served many purposes, it was a boarding house, then owned by a local Lutheran church who used the grounds for youth groups, home for the pastor, and offices. It was later purchased by Carol Hirschi who spent countless hours restoring the mansion and searching for the perfect antiques to fill it.
Present owners Tom & Julie Carr invited Northern Alliance of Paranormal Investigators and experience the building. The mansion is warm and inviting. At every turn elegant woodworking delighted us and carefully chosen antiques filled every space. The space was filled with furniture, photos, dolls, and clothing, many elegant and most likely cherished by previous owners. Because nothing in the building's history suggested any reason for a haunting, we immediately wondered if the activity could be tied to the treasures within.
Claims of activity tend to be more friendly and playful. While unnerving because they are unexpected, they are not threatening. Most were harmless and included items being moved, sounds of footsteps, talking etc. One member of the cleaning crew has had the vacuum unplugged on several occasions, once right before his eyes. One closet, in the George room, does give Julie a sense of unease, but overall, it is a charming building.
The basement, home of Pick's speakeasy, the former Catacombs coffee house and future home to some exciting entertainment plans courtesy of Tom & Julie, does tend to give you the “heebie jeebies"- especially the tunnel areas that just scream out bootleg booze storage. An antique wheelchair sits at the end of one tunnel, and it was easy to imagine, that at any moment, it would roll silently towards us.
During the preliminary investigation, two EVPs were recorded. While Julie was relaying a tale of a missing belt that mysteriously reappeared, a voice loudly said, “It was us” and later a strange whistle was recorded. Several more EVPs were recorded during the actual investigation, including a whisper that sounded like, “Don’t leave, help me” and the sounds of a cello.
Julie assisted with the manning of the monitors, and several times throughout the evening, we felt an extreme chill. When we checked the temperature with a non-contact thermometer, we noticed something odd- the cold spot was between us & the monitors. Could some curious spirit have been joining us to watch the investigation? Also during the investigation, one investigator felt a gentle hand on his arm while he was sitting in a chair in the Blue Room.
The Brumder does appear to have paranormal activity. It is a perfect haunted get-away for those who enjoy elegance and are looking for a friendly encounter with the paranormal. Bring a camera, but don’t expect to sleep much, it is said the ghosts like to stay up late talking.
For more info: Visit Brumder Mansion or Naparanormal
RELATE POST: Coming next month
The Three, Basic Types of Hauntings
Written by Carl Johnson
(The following text was composed for the two classes presented by Carl L. Johnson and Keith E. Johnson during the Paranormal Conference held at Penn. State University on October 25th & 26th, 2003, which they attended representing, and accompanied by fellow members of, 'The Atlantic Paranormal Society.')
Para-normal: As defined for our purposes, repeatedly witnessed and documented phenomena which is apart from the natural order of cause and effect, action and reaction, as is presently understood or speculated upon by standardized, scientific observation of the properties of physical matter and energy.
Paranormal research and investigation has revealed there to be three, basic categories of hauntings, or non-corporeal infestations. The first of these we may descriptively refer to as an "intelligent" or a "human" type of haunting. In these manifestations, the entity or entities encountered seem to possess human personalities and emotions, albeit in a limited scope. They may at times appear visually in human forms, and are responsive to changes in external conditions such as the activities of the occupants of a household, the presence of investigators, or the rearranging of furnishings in a setting, all of which suggest their formerly having existed as living, cognitive beings. These are what we call, presently lacking more applicable, scientific terminology, spirits or ghosts. Invariably they seem to be attached to particular sites, vicinities or dwelling places, usually though not exclusively houses.
Disembodied voices from these spirit beings are sometimes registered on audio recording devices: spool or cassette tape recorders or digital recorders. This is known as 'Electronic Voice Phenomenon' and is abbreviated to 'E.V.P.' We sometimes find unexplained distortions imprinted on photographic film exposed at the site of a suspected haunting, which were initially not perceived by the photographer. The most frequent of these photographic anomalies is the appearance of "orbs"/"globules." These are spherical forms that are seen either singularly or in multiple images. They can be picked up by both still photographs and by videotape, the latter displaying them in motion.
They're generally translucent and whitish, although they can appear in faint hues of red, orange, blue and green. Naturally, a responsible investigator must consider all possible explanations prior to ruling any irregularities to be genuine, paranormal phenomena.
The second category is referred to as a "residual" type of haunting. In such a case, a scene from the past (recent or remote; it could proceed from any previous time frame) seems to be replayed and is witnessed by a living person or persons. Apparently this is an actual form of time-displacement from a former scenario which transpired at that site, and the entites contained within it rarely display any awareness of their present day observers. However, there have been instances reported when these specters from the past DO seem to briefly notice those who perceive a glimpse of their separated reality, as was the case with an abandoned, 19th century school house on Hornbine Road in the town of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. {'Ghost File #45' from, 'The New England Ghost Files' by Charles Turek Robinson.} Claimed "residual" apparitions have also included the historical personages of Ann Bolyne and Katherine Howard, both Queens of Tudor England by the (mis-) fortune of having been wed to King Henry the Eighth and duly beheaded upon his orders, reported to have been sighted numerous times in the famous Tower of London where they'd been imprisoned pending their executions, Marie Antoinette, Queen of late 18th century France (also beheaded) who one hundred years ago was seen sketching on the lawn of her former Paris estate and later recognized from her portrait mounted within, plus fleeting moments from an American Civil War battle, beheld while illuminated by lightening flashes in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania! Consider, have there ever been displaced scenes from our future, observed by fully awake subjects? We could speculate that at least some unexplained aerial phenomena - 'U.F.O.'s - may constitute examples of this. It may even be that this is the operative principle involved in what is termed clairvoyance and precognition.
The third category unquestionably is the most debated, as well as the most dreaded. This falls into the realm of a "demonic" or an "inhuman" type of haunting. It is perhaps of other-dimensional origin, and is often possessed (no pun intended) of a quite hostile nature. Anyone who has up close and personally encountered a demonic entity in action never wants the experience repeated; no one I've spoken to, anyway! It often evinces a form of intelligence (initially similar to a "human" type of haunting) in that it may insidiously seem to anticipate the approaches of the person(s) it menaces, including any paranormal investigators who are endeavoring to rid a home of its presence. Endemic to this most unwelcome infestation is a pronounced psychological instability, distress or unresolved conflict on the part of a resident or residents of the household subjected to the demonic assault. Additionally, experience has supported the observation that someone originally had to have invited in the demon, perhaps inadvertently, either through scrying implements such as a Ouija Board, conducting séances, undisciplined psychic experimentation, performing magic ceremonies or by habitually conversing with unseen presences (imaginary friends?). It should be mentioned here that while some of these devices may at first appear to be utterly harmless and regarded as tools to aid in tapping into one's sub consciousness, the results can be likened to leaving open one's back door in a country setting. Now, you may only have some little squirrels and chipmunks wander into your kitchen, but odds are that eventually you'll find yourself facing down a bear, maybe a small cub, IF YOU'RE LUCKY. And keep in mind, where there's one "bear," others are lurking somewhere close by!
A sub-category of the "inhuman" type of haunting, reported at least since the dark ages of recorded history, which really isn't a spirit or a demon in the true sense and seems more mischievous in nature than outright malevolent, is the manifestation of a Poltergeist: German for "rattling ghost." As far as has been determined, there is almost always an adolescent girl or boy at the center of this kind of paranormal disturbance. Perhaps the young person is unwittingly generating a flow of chaotic, psychic energies during a phase of their formative period.
Whatever the cause, Poltergeist activity commences suddenly and inexplicably. The episodes are brief, often involving the floating or flinging of kitchen utensils, thunderous poundings reverberating in walls and ceilings, heavy furniture moved about or tossed by an unseen force, and (though rarely in these cases) even disembodied voices. These occurrences then rapidly subside. The Poltergeist phenomena can persist, recurring at unpredictable intervals, for several months - which is the usual duration - or sometimes two or three years, then these symptoms vanish for good just as mysteriously as they the immeasurable relief of those inflicted with its presence! The Poltergeist has even been known to follow a family to a new residence, so relocating hasn't always solved the problem (as it most often does with the other types of hauntings). Perhaps the Poltergeist collective phenomenon differs sufficiently in its "modus operandi" to merit a distinct classification; would you agree?
Suggested Topics For Discussion:
1) Can these types of hauntings we've described over-lap in some instances?
2) How does an experienced paranormal investigator recommend confronting and dealing with each type of haunting?
3) How can a paranormal investigator prevent a spirit entity from somehow attaching itself, and possibly following him or her home? Have you ever heard of this happening?
4) Could a "human" type of haunting, if produced by particularly tragic circumstances and apparently involving strong feelings of resentment, eventually degenerate into a classic "demonic" infestation?
5) Does a "demon" come from Hell/Hades and serve a literal Devil?
6) Do you believe a spirit or soul is fully immortal and indestructible, existing forever, perhaps removed from our earthly experience of linear time?
7) Are there any differences between "paranormal" and "Para psychological" studies?
8) Can someone who is overtly skeptical of paranormal phenomena experience such?
NOTE: The preceding text is the property of 'The Atlantic Paranormal Society' founded by Jason Hawes, and copies are available for private research only. To request a copy and for further information on paranormal research and investigation, please contact either Mr. Hawes, co-founder Grant Wilson or the author, Carl L. Johnson, through 'T.A.P.S.'
Thank you for your interest.