Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Demonology 101 Part III

This article is from TAPS.Com

Article by: Carl Johnson

In Parts I and II we touched on a few explanations offered for the existence of those spirit entities categorized as demons, as well as outlined the characteristics they manifest, and some basic methods of dealing with the inconvenience of their presence. I would like to continue with further speculation on their origins and nature, in an effort to establish a working theorem regarding this area of study.

What factors initially spawned them, we cannot for certain say, and it follows our rigid concept of lineal time, with absolute beginning and endings, does not wholly govern the less substantial realm of spirit. Perhaps a demon could be described as an energy displacement, a sort of poltergeist in which a consciousness has evolved. It exists (yet doesn't in a purely physical sense), it knows there are other entities like unto itself, and it senses the living beings (us) moving in a dimensional plane apart from their own. But why, then, should they resent us? Well, maybe not all are resentful, and we just notice the ones that are.

It is conceivable that a demon, never having been embodied, might envy the humanity, which it can never experience: the physical sensations, the interaction, the companionship, the hopes and aspirations.

Opportunities for a demon to enter our world and wreak its havoc - that is, in overt, obvious ways - must be limited. Evidence would seem to support the notion that it must first be invited in, though even a subtle invitation can suffice. Once the demon has an "in," it will feed upon the energies expelled by negative emotions such as anxiety, fear and anger, especially those directed at itself.

The state of mind conducive to expelling a demonic presence is a resolute dedication to purpose and a sense of unity on the part of those who confront this nightmarish force.

Related Posts: Demonology Part 1

Demonology Part 2

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