Monday, June 14, 2010

Pets and the paranormal

This article comes from

June 14, 5:12 PM Central Wisconsin Paranormal Examiner Kathie Kessler

Have you ever seen your pet stare at something that wasn't there? Maybe growl or become afraid for no particular reason? Maybe your dog or cat refuses to go into a certain room or into the basement, no matter how much you try coaxing them?

If we go by the generally accepted hypothesis that spirits are energy and seem exist in a light and sound spectrum that is beyond our human capabilities, it would stand to reason that animals can see and hear things that we can not.

Cats for example, have extremely heightened senses compared to humans. Cats have 200 million odor sensitive cells in their nose compared to roughly 5 million in humans and need only 1/5th of the amount of light to see things in the dark. They are also able to detect ultrasonic frequencies such as the sounds made by rodents.

Dogs as well have far more acute senses than we do. Dogs can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations per second, compared with 20,000 for most humans. They can also shut off their inner ear to filter out distracting sounds. Most Evp's or electronic voice phenomenon, which are spirit voices caught on tape, not heard at the time of the recording, fall below the level of human hearing.

So if ghosts exist in the realms of sight and sound that we are not able to perceive, it only stands to reason that our pets might be able to pick up on paranormal activity that we can't.

Pets also seem to have a sensitivity or psychic connection with their owners. We've all heard the stories of pets who were lost hundreds of miles from home, but somehow found their way back. Or stories of pets sensing when their owner is ill or about to have a seizure or heart attack and begin to exhibit odd behavior as a warning.

Wild animals seem to have premonitions of things like storms, earthquakes or other natural disasters. Earthquakes and other earth events cause electromagnetic changes in the atmosphere which animals seem to pick up on. This is one reason you will see herds of animals fleeing an area before a tsunami or other impending disaster strikes.

It is thought that spirits also cause changes or fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, which is why we use Emf meters to gauge these changes during paranormal investigations. So if this is true, it would only be a reasonable assumption that your pets can sense these changes as well, quite possibly even see ghosts!

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